Top 25 Porn Stars of the Millennium

Following on from the massive success of the Top 25 Active Porn Stars as voted for by true porn addicts, expertly complied by sexistpigpornadict ( it has been decided that we will now expand the criteria to find out who makes the top 25 porn stars of the millennium.






The concept is simple, too many of these so called 'top porn stars in the world' are voted for by people who couldnt even name 5 porn stars if asked. These are the people who watch porn for just 5 minutes to get a quick release. They do not take notice of who they are wanking to, what other scenes the girl has done, who the director of the scene is etc. These are the kind of people whose porn knowledge extends to Lisa Ann and Jenna Jameson and that is about it. As a result there is a self perpetuating list of pornstars who appear again and again on these lists because they are the only girls that some people know, then because they top these lists they get more attention from the same like minded non porn fanatics and the cycle continues.

But no more! Now is the time for the real porn connoisseurs to have their say. The ones who know their Jenna Jameson's from their Jenna Haze's, the ones who know that ATM does not mean a cash machine, the ones who study porn, love porn, live for porn, the guys who will spend hours at a time watching scene after scene and could list 50 porn stars of the top of their head without even thinking. This is YOUR list!

So now to the voting. Those who wish to take part need to submit to me their list of their top 25 porn stars of the last 15 years. The only criteria is that they must have been active at some point between 2000 and the present day to qualify. I will be using IAFD database to confirm the years that each girl was in active service so if it says that they stopped shooting in 1999, then im afraid they will not be counted.

So now go and think long and hard (pun intended) about who makes your list, and submit them to me by PM by no later than 5th September, any message received after this date will not be included in the final tally.

Once i have all the lists i will collect and rank all the girls and bring the results to you in a series of blogs to invite comment and debate.

Porn addicts, this is your moment.
发布者 dp-lover
9 年 前
jbparise 6 年 前
Just a comment about my favorite picture in this blog. Jenna Haze is lovely 
korko23 8 年 前
que des putes;;;mmmm
Paulo324 9 年 前
This is gonna be just as popular as Top 25 Active Porn Whores list. Cocks will be stroked, and cunts will be wet. Many loads will be blown as the list is unveiled. Gotta love the world of porn and how dedicated us pervs are. Can't wait for the list!
filthywanker 9 年 前
"the ones who know that ATM does not mean a cash machine"
Ooo, I like that.
jackoffxxx 9 年 前
Well done dp-lover and Sexistpigpornadict for getting this going. My list is already being prepared. In some respects this is a harder list to compile than the 'active' star list. Of course, in simple terms, there are more girls to consider. But on top of that, the year 2000 was a long time ago and tastes change over the years (in my case getting into much more hard core porn). So for example, there is one particular girl that did her best work for Wicked (can't believe I am saying that!!). I LOVED her at the time. She ticked all the boxes for an aspiring porn fan like me - body type (fake tits), blond, bubble butt, hot shaved cunt, pretty face. She only did anal once or twice later in her career (and badly). But she reflects a moment in my porn journey. So although the porn she made would not even register with me now, she may well make it onto the list simply as a result of the contribution she has made to my porn education (and she was hot). But then again my perverted tastes may get the better of me and only dp, gang bang, cum swapping sluts make it onto the list :wink:
dp-lover 出版商 9 年 前
Just to clarify, as my esteemed colleague Mr Sexistpigpornadict points out, you must submit your list with your 25 clearly ranked with your #1 pick first all the way down to your 25th pick.

Points will be allocated on the basis of 1st place gets 25 points, 2nd 24 etc with #25 on your list scoring 1 point.

No revealing of your selections on this blog, just send them to me by PM to be counted. At the time of writing i have had three entries, along with my own and the list is starting to take shape, but anything can happen, so if you want your porn queen to get recognition, then make sure you get your list over to me by the 5th September
maternus1 9 年 前
the ones who know that ATM does not mean a cash machine, lol, ATM automatically tells me butt to head, never thought of cash, that tells me how we differ from the lower rest of the world,
There should be an immediate answer survey worldwide, "what means ATM ?" Then we can split mankind in lower and upper class, losers and rock around the clock wankers.
This will GREAT fun, just like the recent Top 25 Active Porn Whores exercise was.
Just to be PERFECTLY CLEAR, RANK your lists from No.1 - THE Top Porn Star of the Millenium - to No. 25 - the 25th Top Porn Star of the Millenium. DO NOT send dp-lover UNRANKED lists.
An send him your lists PRIVATELY via message - DO NOT reveal your choices here on this blog, or speculate who will win. Let's save that for after dp-lover tallies the lists and blogs them.
Finally, while dp-lover is the point person for this, I blogged something similar earlier today. It's the SAME drill - we're working together. Just so you're not confused.