Sexual stamina secrets

If it helps you or your relationship: Perfect!!! I have done my good deed to man kind forever

Below is what I take daily/weekly:
Nu-Tek * Pro -MRP (vanilla) 1 scoop per day

Univera * Xtra Concentrate - Advanced cell renewal ( 1. 16ounce glass) ( purchased thru an independent rep. Contact me I will see if I can get the order in for you)

Herbals * 4 drops of Pausinystalia (Yohimbe) for daily maintenance and 6 to 8 drops in a glass of water the morning of a planned sex filled night. You should be able to find this at a local health food store. I use a natural path doctor to pick up my pure Pausingystalia.

4everfit * Trib 750 * ( this stuff kicks azz for the sex drive/energy) 2 pills per day during the week, 3 to 4 starting Thursday thru saturday mornings to keep the sex drive off the charts this is one of the main things I live by. If you do not buy anything else from my list, get this and you will be a stud for a longtime. For those of you who know me and seen me play. This is why I honestly perform so well.

Super X * This is purely used for those night when you know its going to be a long and fun night. Plus this is good to take 1 to 2 pills daily for maintenance as well :)

 I also suggest Libido – Max (geared for men) for athletic performance and to increase the libido, stamina and endurance. Take 2 a day for maintenance and up to 4 fast results 30 min’s before playing with two Trib 750 pills and you are good to go for a night of fun. The thing I like about finding this combination is I am able to bounce back within 30 min’s and ready to go again. Just remember, it’s up to you relax and not drink alcohol before taking these pills to have the best effect.

I suggest the Sumacazon as an adrenal and energy booster and has some libido-enhancement as well. This is very much like the Libido-Max above.

They also have a newer product called Amazon Power Shake, which is like taking the Sumacazon in a powdered drink mix.
发布者 Johnnytames69
13 年 前