I am sold
My tension about this weekend had been building ever since Plaything agreed to the project to investigate humiliation and whenever I spoke to her about it she simply said in a very firm tone, "You do not ask questions, you will know about it when it happens."
Work on Friday night seemed to drone on for ages and the second it was over Plaything, who had been sitting beside me, grabbed my arm.
"Right come with me."
Remember Plaything is a drama queen so she knows how to play a role to the hilt and she had become a hard, cold bitch who would not take any arguments. My captor refused to tolerate any conversation as she steered me along the corridors and down the stairs to the basement where the walls and ceilings are a mass of pipes and cables. We went into the boiler room where nobody has a legitimate reason to be and, in the pale yellow light I saw three males did not know. Plaything kissed me on the cheek and then spoke to the men.
"Captive delivered. You need to sign for her."
The significance of the kiss did not escape me, Betrayed with a kiss. Plaything took a sheet of paper from her pocket and one of the men signed it then Plaything took my bag from me and spoke to me.
"These guys are your jailors. They have the power of life and death. You do what they say and if you give them any trouble at all they will make you one sad bitch. Do you understand?"
She was playing her part so well that I was genuinely intimidated and I said yes. Then suddenly Plaything was gone taking my bag with her and leaving me alone with three strangers.
The first command came immediately.
Looking at the floor and almost trembling I dragged my sweater over my head and felt very cold as the air touched my bare skin now that I only had my bra above the waist. I knew there was no point in pausing so I continued to disrobe as they stood in a sort of curved formation in front of me. My bare feet felt freezing on the concrete floor as the men made obscene comments about my shaven pussy then one of them took a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and briskly cuffed my hands behind me. Now I was naked and helpless and hardly anyone knew where I was. These men seemed to have very powerful sex drives; there was a real risk of this getting out of hand.
One of them scooped up my clothes from the floor and put them into a bag then picked up a beige raincoat from the floor and arranged it around me. My shoulder was grabbed very firmly.
"You come with us. You do not look left or right. You do not open your stupid fucking mouth."
And with that we left the boiler room. The raincoat was buttoned but, of course, my cuffed hands were not in the sleeves. The three men were all big and they were crowded around me as we climbed the stairs and walked through the corridors of the building. I was wearing very high heels, handcuffed and practically naked with people all around us including several co workers hurrying off to their weekend.
They steered me out of the front door and along the street in the light drizzle. I was at the same time feeling the chilly air and also very hot due to my blood pressure which must have been up to sky high. My feet were splashing in puddles and I could not see where I was going due to the 6ft tall black guy in front of me. We went into an open air parking which was quite crowded and they took me to a Land Rover with a canvas cover on the back. Two of them heaved me up into the back and I felt a hot hand on my bare bottom. Some sort of rag was forced into my mouth and a black hood came down over my head so now my world was filled with the sound of my tense breathing as the vehicle started up and began to move with me rocking about inside. During the trip my tits were groped and a rough hand found its way inside my raincoat to squeeze between my legs.
Eventually we stopped and the hood was pulled off my head and the rag dragged from my aching mouth.
"We are taking you into your house . You move fast. You do not want to be seen."
My house? What did they have in mind? Two of them lifted me down from the Land Rover and again I was crowded as we moved to the door of the houses which was open. I guessed Plaything must have used my keys from my bag. It took seconds to move through the hallway and into my front door where I saw Plaything standing in my small hallway. While I was looking at her one of the guys who was crowded against me in the narrow hallway stripped off the raincoat from me so I was now once again stark naked and handcuffed. Plaything seemed very much in charge and she gave an order to the guys before she headed down the hall to my bedroom.
"Bring her."
I was propelled to my neat bedroom where Plaything was stripping the bed and dumping everything on the floor. She told the guys to find my underwear drawer which one of them did quite quickly and then its contents were emptied out onto my bed. My vibrator and handcuffs were lying amongst all my bras and panties. The men enjoyed pointing this out and holding the vibrator in front of me in a very threatening way. Plaything told one of the guys to empty my closet and he began to pull out all of my clothes and just dump them on the bed and on the floor. Then she placed herself about an inch from my face.
"You got any trash bags Chicken?"
I very hesitantly told her where they were and she went to fetch one. When she brought it back she had one of the guys push all my underwear into the bag. I could tell they were all enjoying my discomfort at the guys handling my most intimate private possessions. One of the guys wanted to trash the house and Plaything was talking about going through my bank statements and confis**ting my diary so they could pass it around at the office. But the black guy seemed nervous.
"We stay here much longer and someone's gonna remember seeing the Land Rover outside. We gotta go now."
It seemed to me that they were playing this uncomfortably real but I had an even more pressing concern and I appealed to Plaything.
"I need to pee. Please can I?"
Plaything grinned and told two of the guys to take me to the bathroom. They did not free my hands and they both stood in the open doorway of the bathroom while I awkwardly lowered myself onto the seat having managed to raise the lid using my hands which were shackled behind me. I sat there feeling very embarrassed as they watched me and was slightly afraid that I would not be able to do what I needed to do while they were there. But my muscles did let go and I sat miserably under their eyes as the fluid ran out of me. As soon as I was finished Plaything gave the order to get me back into the vehicle.
"If she misbehaves slap her around a bit."
The raincoat was again buttoned around me and I was hustled out to the vehicle by the three guys who loaded me into the back and hooded me for the drive. It seemed a long drive with lots of corners which caused me to lurch about and fall into my guards. When we stopped I was carried down to the pavement and steered along while still hooded. We went over a threshold and there was some more walking along a passageway. I was pushed down so that I was sitting on the floor and I heard chain jingling then cold steel was fastened around my ankles and it was obviously attached to something because I had to sit with my knees folded and my ankles a few inches from some hard surface which I could feel was cold against my feet.
Then my hood was dragged off and I found I was blinking and looking around at a narrow, windowless utility room with a washing machine and a tall freezer. My ankles were shackled and the chain ran around one of the wheels of the washing machine. I was sitting on a dingy rug and I saw with fear that one of the guys was kneeling in front of me and bringing a rag towards my mouth. It was probably a scarf and he tied it very tightly behind my head so that I was gagged and my face was pulled out of shape. Then he stood up and looked down at me with a very pleased look on his face. Next the hood was again pulled over my head and I heard them leave. I was very aware that I had taken neither food nor drink since a light snack at lunchtime.
It was impossible to find a comfortable position. If I leaned back against the wall I had to twist awkwardly because of where my feet were anchored but if I moved towards the washing machine my back was away from the wall so I had to either sit up straight or lie on the hard floor. If I listened very hard I could hear murmured conversation in another room and I knew that I was dribbling around the edges of my gag which was too tight and was hurting me.
I seemed to be there for a very long time wishing that I could have a drink then I heard a door opened and a light switch snapped on. My hood was pulled off and I found I was looking up at the tall black guy. To my horror I saw that he was completely naked and his penis was very erect. It was pointing skywards and seemed to be about a foot long with its base in a very thick black bush. He was grinning broadly.
"It's your lucky day Sugar. Are you ready to make us both very happy?"
I looked up in horror and shook my head. He moved theatrically slowly and squatted down in front of me then he very gently began to caress my boobs as I sat there helplessly. Then he held his arms wide apart as if he were preparing to make a grab for me. I tensed and he brought his face to mine with his tongue out. He touched his tongue to the tip of my nose then sat back on his haunches laughing very loudly.
"Honey getting ****d is the least of your worries. This is about the perfect crime. We are going to get away with murder. Nobody knows you is here and think about it. You think we would let you see our faces and then just let you walk away? Your pal Plaything is an accomplice so she ain't gonna say nothing and anyways this is all her idea. Can you think what a thrill it would be to do this and then just go back to work on Monday with no-one knowing we ever met you?"
Still laughing he replaced my hood and left me alone. Could it be true? This had started out as a prank but they were playing it very real and my chains were certainly real. Plaything's guyfriend was a psychology student. Could this be some psychology experiment to find out what it feels like to commit murder? Plaything was my friend but everyone knew she was wild. Would she really go this far? How could I know? I began to struggle in my chains but it was useless so I just lay there trying to convince myself that the man had only been trying to scare me.
I don't think I actually dozed there on the hard floor but I was sort of half asleep when someone began to fumble with my hood. I heard Plaything telling me that I was to be given a drink but if I did anything at all stupid the drink would be taken away. The hood was lifted clear of my mouth but still kept over my eyes and the gag was removed. It had bitten into the corners of my mouth and it hurt when it was pulled away then a glass was put to my mouth and I drank greedily. It was cold water and I had soon gulped down the full contents of the glass then I felt her begin to gag me again. I tried to beg her not to do that but it had no effect and then I was alone again.
Of course I had completely lost track of time as I lay there with every muscle and bone aching but sometime later I heard them come back and the shackle was removed from my left ankle. I guess they had bought the shackles from a sex shop which had also sold the handcuffs. I was now no longer chained to the washing machine and it hurt to move my leg which had become stiff. I felt the chain between the shackles wound around my ankles and the shackle was again locked onto me so that now my ankles were chained together. There was lots of banter between my captors and I found my naked body being lifted onto someone's shoulder and carried in a sort of fireman's lift.
I shivered as the cold night air hit me. They were carrying me outside but I was only outside for seconds before being dumped onto the dirty hard metal floor of a van. I felt those metal ribs which a van has on the floor so that boxes can be more easily slid along. I heard the door slam and then the van was moving. I think I had company in the back of the van because I thought I felt a tennis shoe touch my body.
I felt the van stop and then reverse and then the door was opened and hands grabbed me without being too fussy about where they grabbed me. I was manhandled into a sitting position with my feet over the back of the van and they unchained my ankles then hands gripped my forearms and steered me as I walked on cold concrete then over a metal threshold and onto carpet. Along a passageway and over a threshold onto more concrete where we stopped and my hood was taken off. I was standing on a brick floor at the top of brick steps down into a cellar lit by one naked yellow bulb set into the wall. The three guys were still with me and I was told to walk downstairs which I did. I was very worried as sound does not travel outside a basement. Were they actually going to kill me here?
Along one side of the cellar was wooden shelving with some boxes stored thereon and a gold colored sleeping bag lay on the floor. As I was looking around Plaything gracefully came down the steps as if she were at the Broadmoor. She was holding her mobile phone.
"The Russian says $5,000 if she's in good condition." She was grinning.
The black guy asked what about the original plan to kill me and one of the others told him that nearly $1,250 each was a lot better than having to hide a body and get nothing at all. They looked at Plaything who was ice cool and very much in control.
"Ivan says he will come over tomorrow to check her over and if he's satisfied we hand her over then and get the money on the spot."
There was not a flicker of a giggle. They were serious. Then Plaything spoke to me.
"You're not worth anything if you die of pneumonia down here so you get a sleeping bag bitch. Tomorrow we part company."
Then she gave the guys some orders and they removed my handcuffs and immediately refastened them with my hands in front. I had to climb into the sleeping bag then they clipped one end of the leg shackles to the chain of my handcuffs and the other end to the shelving. Plaything told them to take away my gag.
"You could shout as loud as you like down here and tomorrow you probably will but if you do make any noise we will hear you and it will annoy us so please keep quiet or we will have to gag you again."
When the gag came off I began to plead and to seek assurance that all this talk of Ivan the Russian was really just a joke. Plaything yelled at me.
"I warned you. One more word and the gag goes on and you get a kicking."
This cowed me into silence and I watched them walk up the steps. They placed a c***d's night light on the top step and lit it then they snapped off the light and shut the door on me. The light did nothing to illuminate my prison but I did keep looking at it as I lay there in fear, discomfort and confusion for a very long night alone. My stomach was rumbling.
It must have been some time on Saturday morning when they came back. They were carrying a plastic bucket and a tray with some items on it. One of the guys dragged my sleeping bag from me and released the shackle from the centre of my handcuffs. Then my hands were again locked behind me and a glass of water was put to my lips. After that they all stood around watching as I relieved myself into the bucket. One of the guys took the bucket away and brought it back empty.
As bucket guy climbed the steps with his steaming cargo Plaything said that it was exercise time and my leg irons were again put in place then I was ordered to walk in a circle while they jeered and made comments about my body and what the Russian would think of me. They made me increase my pace and I was doing a sort of shuffling quick march while they watched my boobs and butt jiggling. When they tired of that game a bowl from the tray was placed on the floor and I was made to lie on my belly and crawl over the stone floor to the bowl which proved to contain cold baked beans. I had to lie full length and lap up the beans while, of course, my hair kept falling into the bowl. They stood around making comments until I had cleared the bowl. Some of them thought they should try to negotiate an increase in what the Russian would pay but others said he was not the sort of person who negotiated. I tried to reason with Plaything but that only got me a series of wicked slaps on my bare butt and a stream of abuse.
Then Plaything reminded me that this whole thing had started when I wanted to explore the question of humiliation so she ordered me to kneel with my knees wide apart. She had one of the guys cuff my hands in front then she told me to start masturbating and not to stop until I was told.
I tried not to look at the guys who were standing around me watching and my hands went to my pussy which I had not been able to wipe after using the bucket. I could feel tears running down my cheek as I worked away at myself while they cheered me on to greater effort. I did not orgasm but I was scared to stop what I was doing. Plaything took a jar of jam from the tray and went behind me then I felt her rubbing great handfuls of jam into my hair and around my face while I kept masturbating.
They seemed to enjoy this game for quite a long time then I was dragged to my feet and made to stand with my back to the shelving. A second pair of handcuffs was produced and my hands were each secured to the shelving then the leg irons were woven around the shelving and locked on to me so that I was standing with my arms at my sides and my legs apart.
One of the guys took a glass jar from the tray and approached me with a wicked look in his eye. He began to vigorously rub the thick grease into my boobs and between my legs. It burned almost at once; it was a sort of liniment used by football players to rub into injuries. I could not help moaning and twisting my body about in a vain effort to ease my discomfort.
When they had enjoyed this game they said it was time to go for a beer and the hood was dragged down over my head and I was left shackled and standing against the shelves. They were doing all they could to make me as uncomfortable as possible; the way that my ankles were shackled meant that I could hardly move my feet at all and my arms were also held in an unnatural position handcuffed to beams of wood at just above waist height. The time passed very slowly and my mind went into a sort of neutral state. I found I was thinking of everything I could to to avoid thinking about my meeting with the Russian.
I thought I heard a small sound but could not be certain. I was straining my senses to determine if someone had come into my prison when I suddenly felt a hand on my belly and I gave a little cry. I could hear the other person breathing and the hand crept towards my pussy where it began to stroke me. I was trying to decide if it was a female or a male hand but I could not be sure.
I asked "Who are you?" but received no reply. Fingers were now intruding into me in a very personal way. I know I was talking but the other person said nothing and then a hand reached up inside my hood and rammed some cloth into my mouth. The hand continued to work with increasing vigor and I could feel myself building to arousal. My breathing was becoming unsteady and I knew to my horror that I was going to orgasm. My legs were trying to jerk about and the chains were rattling and pulling me back against the timber shelving as I made increasingly loud moans and shouts into the wadding which was filling my mouth.
Was I being masturbated by one of the guys or by Plaything? I had no way of knowing. Whoever it was brought me to several climaxes and then the hand was gone leaving me panting and feeling like a rag which has been wrung out. The gag was not tied in my mouth and for a moment I wondered if spitting it out would earn me a punishment but I did work my mouth and push with my tongue so in the end the gag came out and once more I was just standing there quiet and alone after enduring one more humiliation.
9 年 前