The Buddy System
Hey Hey Hey!
I've actually got some free time, so why not another little glimpse into my past?
So if you've been keeping up
(and if you haven't, WHY NOT? Do it now:
I've been *mostly* keeping things chronological with a few jump-offs here and there...and much of this stuff kinda over-laps, like my on-going oral/foot fetish friendship with Domino Hooter. My story about him jumped to Simon the African college boy I did, because I wanted to tell you about the 2nd black dick to actually fuck me. But I did mention that in the meantime before Simon I was not only sucking Dom regularly, but also other random black dudes? This is some of those stories...
I mentioned in Simon's story ("From Africa with Love" that I had met a friend with "shared interests". We worked together when I first started there, she a college student working part-time. We actually only knew each other in passing back then; it wasn't until after she left and we ran into each other that our friendship sparked up.
OK, her deets: her name isn't Katie, but that's what we'll call her. That was always my code name for her anyway, given that she resembles a more exotic/nerdy Katie Holmes (imagine if Katie Holmes had an Asian grandparent)...she attended the prestigious private college here in town. And I had heard the rumour when she worked for us that she only dated black guys. LOL, I remember a co-worker saying to a small group of us that Katie wouldn't be interested in him because he wasn't (lowers voice to a whisper): black
And yeah I felt a twinge of guilt at that. Given what I was doing on the sneaky, I felt like a hypocrite for judging her for THAT! And as you may expect that was the first thing that came to mind when I ran into her after she'd been gone from work for awhile. We were just shooting the breeze & catching up, actually chatting more than we ever did at work.
Now here's where I mention that Katie was a psych major (and both her parents are in the field as well) and one thing I later learned about her is that she has the ability to read people freakishly well. I mean, I think I'm pretty good at it myself, but Katie was on a Hannibal Lechter level. And while we were chatting, I noticed her studying me to the point where it was like she was looking inside me.
She had a slight bemused expression on her face when she said that the 2 of us should hang out some...and that she knew of a party coming up that weekend that she 'had a feeling' I would really like!
Crap! I know it sounds crazy, but SHE KNEW! And I knew she knew!
Maybe not specifically that I was now into black dicks on the sly or whether I was just curious, but she clearly sensed SOMETHING.
And my suspicions were confirmed when I saw the type of party she took me to!
See, while Katie attended the snooty private college with all the trust fund k**s, she hung out more at the historically black college in town. And this particular event was chock full of young black college males! Now, what did she mean when she said this would be the kind of party I would really like! See? She just somehow read it on me!
So I got to experience my first evening of partying with Katie. I would've normally been mortified to be at a party like this, I knew there was virtually zer0 chance of running into any co-workers or friends here. Katie bounded right up to a black guy with an enthusiastic HEY!" followed by a quick but intense kiss. Pretty sure my jaw dropped open. But no more so than when Katie introduced him to me, and he immediately leaned down for a kiss from me too! And I surprised myself by giving it to him with no hesitation! LOL, that was kinda fun!
We went around the party, kissing every single black guy we talked to! I had been to plenty of parties in college and had never seen anything like this! So many wet wonderful big purple lips, so many wonderfully musky smelling young black guys leaning down to me for kisses! So many black guys looking at me with pure lust in their eyes, it was making me light-headed...
I wondered where all this was going to lead, but to my surprise Katie grabbed me after only about an hour or so and announced we were leaving. And just the 2 of us, alone. I was actually trying to imagine and speculate (fantasize?) which guys we were going to be leaving with.
Once we were in the car, Katie said she needed to stop by a friend's house for a little while...and would that be OK with me? I shrugged my shoulders and said it was fine. This whole evening was every bit of the whirlwind I expected it to be (but in a different way, if that makes sense)...
We went up to an apartment just off campus and a black guy opened the door with a smile and (of course) a nice kiss for Katie and myself as well. There were also introductions to his roommate, a guy slouched down deep on the couch watching a game. No kisses from him, in fact he barely grunted to acknowledge our presence...
Katie and her friend both had "cat-that-ate-the-canary" smiles on their faces and I had a pretty good idea why she stopped by here. And to confirm this, she quickly said to me that the 2 of them needed to go "take care of something" (LOL!), and would I mind just chilling out here with the roommate in the meantime, maybe half-hour or so? I mean, what could I say except "OK"...?
So I plopped down on the couch next to Mr Personality while Katie and her buddy hurried back to what I assume was his bedroom. Mr Personality was staring at the game on TV with half-lidded eyes and I realized with the faint exotic smoky smell in the air that he was probably high as a kite. He wasn't saying really anything to me and to be honest I'm not much of a small talk girl either. I seriously doubt if I could have said anything that wouldn't have sounded like a terribly white person. I did notice his eyes shift over to me when I crossed my legs towards him causing my skirt to fall open and reveal a nice flash of thigh...hmmm, so he WAS alive ;)
Like I said, I actually found myself getting pretty worked up at the party what with all the smooching and being mentally undressed by all the black guys in the room. (In fairness, I was mentally undressing them as well). I had assumed there was going to be some sort of hook-up involved and not just for Katie...and yeah, there was also the thought that she was back in that room starting to get busy herself, and...
Oh my.
I was horny.
I mean, I'm always a *little* horny...but I was past that, now at the point where I could feel that dull throb in the middle of my body and all my extremities were tingling a bit. I had begun bouncing my crossed leg up and down rhythmically, causing that wonderful indirect stimulation to my clit...Mr Personality was indeed sneaking peeks over at my legs, which I thought to be a great compliment, as he seemed REALLY into that game...
I studied Mr Personality: just sort of an average looking black guy, very dark (which I like)...maybe a little on the thin side and looked like he would've been tall if he'd been standing. Wearing a sweatshirt of his college and some sweat-pant shorts, and of course the ever-present ankle socks with Addias slides (why do black guys like wearing that so much?) He was slightly on the slobbish side, but really just a standard black college guy...
And he was literally within arm's reach while my body was tingling with lustfulness. And I knew I had a certain window of time...did Katie say a half-hour? Hmmm...only about 5 minutes of that had passed so far...
So I took a deep breath and...reached over and put my hand on Mr Personality's leg. Yep, just like that...all casual-like, right above the knee, right at the leg opening of his shorts. I cut my eyes over to him and saw that he had a smirk on his face. And it only got smirk-ier when I lightly caressed his leg and let my hand begin drifting upward. It was when my hand made its way up to the lump in the front of his shorts did he finally respond:
" THAT's how it is..."
Wasn't sure if that was a question or a statement, but I simply responded with an agreement that "yep...that's how it is."
I was now massaging his lump, which felt to be growing under my hand...
"This is OK, right...?" I asked him, just to be sure.
"Oh, hell yeah..." he murmured, that smirk how seemingly permanently etched on his face...
"Just checking..." I replied with a smirk of my own as I shifted closer and began tugging at the draw-string of his shorts.
I stretched his shorts open just enough to allow me to fish his black dick was nice and thick, not 100% hard yet but full and meaty like a big fat worm in my hand...I admired it for a bit, pulling on it to see just how big it was going to get!
Now keep in mind: at this point of the time line, I had sucked exactly 2 black dicks in my life. This was after I made Domino a regular but well before Simon and others came into the picture.That wonderful uneasy feeling going thru my mind, like "am I REALLY about to do this?", equal part shock/disgust and pure arousal swirling thru my body and making my head swim...
Oh wait, did I say 2 black dicks? Well, go ahead and make it 3 as I lowered my head and wrapped my lips around Mr Personality's slowly inflating chocolate manhood. I couldn't help but moan at the roast beef flavor that immediately filled my mouth, so similar to Courtney and Domino's, but subtly different.
By this point I'd had plenty of practice with Dom, so I felt as though my head-giving skills were pretty darn good. I was really into what I was doing at that moment, just exploring all the flavors of this guy's black dick as it got hard in my mouth. Letting things build up gradually and naturally, picking up intensity as things progressed.
After awhile I felt his hand on my butt, squeezing it...I glanced up at him and actually expected him to still be staring lazily at the game (he wasn't; his eyes were closed but his head was turned towards me)...LOL, I wondered if that would've offended me or aroused me?
I took my time giving him a nice slow blow-job...after about 15 minutes or so his hand had moved from my backside to the back of my head and slow suction was giving way to faster strokes, my head beginning to bob up and down while he bucked his hips up in time to fuck my mouth.
Finally I felt him clench up and I braced myself for the load he squirted in my mouth. Wow, it was alot, felt like twice as much as Dom's loads (of course he was probably about half Dom's age)...I struggled a bit to swallow it all down, but in the end my craving for black come over-rode my gag reflex. After I drained him dry to that point where he got all squirmy, I sat up and he was a perfect gentleman by offering me a fast food napkin and the last swallow of his orange soda. I figured the "soda' was nearly all back-wash at this point, which seems a little nasty...well, until you consider that I'd just had his dick and about 40 cc of his come in my mouth...
And about 5 minutes after that, Katie and her fellow came bouncing out of his room, clearly 'after-glowing' and her hair messed-up. Mr Personality and I hadn't said a word to each other after I finished him off...and yeah, I keep calling him "Mr Personality" because I in no way remember what his name was. Yes, the 3rd black dick I'd ever sucked and I have no idea what his name was. Wow, I'm a slut ;)
In the car, Katie apologized for keeping me waiting...and then slyly asked if I'd had a good time. I couldn't help a smile spreading across my face before saying that as a matter of fact, I ..and she laughed and handed me a napkin, informing me that I'd "missed a spot" on my chin...and of course that "spot" was dried Negro sperm. Finally Kaite asked me:
"So, I just want to know and forgive me for prying..." she said carefully. "But...was that your first?"
And then quickly added: "It wasn't, was it...?"
Of course I knew she didn't mean first dick I'd ever, she obviously meant BLACK dick, and like the blow-job itself, she didn't really have to reference it, we both knew what she was getting at...
I shook my head and held up 3 fingers, causing her to smile and nod her head.
"We need to do this again sometime, right?" she said as she dropped me home and I nodded my head enthusiastically and said "DEFINITELY!"
And we did. And did. And did. And did. Lots of parties near the black college's campus, lots of kisses with black men I just met and a fair number of casual blow jobs in bedrooms, on couches, in the backseats of cars, kneeling behind a tree in a back yard, total of 3 soon doubled and then doubled again. After awhile giving a blowjob felt as natural and casual as those quick but intense kisses we would share whenever we met the guys.
For example one activity Katie engaged in was "recruiting" for that black college's football team.
Now, let me make this perfectly clear: SHE DID THIS ON HER OWN.
The university nor the coaches nor the administration weren't aware (to the best of my knowledge) of what she (and later, I) was doing.
But whenever a potential football player would visit town to tour campus, Katie would track them down whenever she could and show him a good time. She got no gain out of it for herself (other than a belly full of black semen); she was purely doing it for the adventure and fantasy of it all. The idea of some black high school senior getting to party with a pretty slightly older white girl...kissing on him and treating him like a rock star, and maybe even giving him a quick handjob or blowjob if things work out...
And yes of course she began involving me in these adventures!
Oh, that first time she introduced me to a potential signee: his eyes lighting up when he saw me, then me fawning all over him, rubbing my boobs against him while telling him how awesome the school is and how much fun we have here in this town...leaning in to whisper to him how I thought black football players were *so* sexy (which is true!)
Then leading him to a back room where I sat him on the edge of a love-seat and then got down on my knees before him so i could suck his black dick. Looking him right in the eye as I sucked him, getting my tits out and rubbing them for him to watch...asking him if he liked what he saw, telling him he tasted so good...letting him know that I swallowed, and then having the opportunity to prove that to him a few minutes later...
Another adventure from that time period that really stood out was a running back, very highly rated and would've been a big deal if he'd committed to the college (he didn't LOL, he wound up at a bigger school) He was in town for a game with one of his coaches, who I later found out was his uncle. We went back to their hotel room, which was a suite.
Now, don't get me wrong, Katie is very pretty in an exotic and hip kind of way...but I tended to get more attention from guys than she did. You know: the whole blonde hair/blue eyes/curvy/bigger boobs thing...there was a sense that I was more of the "prize" of the 2 of us, which worked for us just fine. The player was clearly smitten with me, while Katie was hanging all over coach...and we immediately coupled up like this and went to our separate rooms.
We began making out on the bed and I began undressing him. My jaw dropped when I got him naked; he was built like a Greek god, easily the most perfect muscular body I'd ever seen in person.
"Oh my gosh!" I couldn't help but exclaim as I looked him up and down, dragging my nails (in addition to my eyes) all over his body.
"I'm going to lick you from head to toe..." I whispered in his ear, and then proceeded to do just that, S L O W L Y licking/nibbling/tasting every square inch of him beginning with his ears and neck. Down across those broad shoulders, wide thick chest, strong arms, washboard abs, etc.
And I was even true to my word as I licked down his legs all the way down to his feet. He actually had very nice feet for a guy, almost feminine really and I found myself drawn to them as I massaged them before putting his toes in my mouth to suck them. OK, now THIS was another first for me! Of course I was aware of my own foot fetish for my own feet...but I'd never thought of guy's feet in this way. But sucking his toes and running my tongue up and down his salty soles was surprisingly quite a turn-on for me.
Of course I worked my way back up his legs to his taint and butt crack, balls and eventually dick. I had been wearing a little black dress, but had stripped myself down to black bra + panties and black thigh high stockings and I was giving serious consideration to crawling up on him and breaking my "oral-only" rule I was following at the time and riding his big beautiful dick.
Unfortunately, I guess my lick-down had been a little too much for him and he didn't last all that long during the blow job. He grabbed a handful of my blonde hair and began shooting off down my throat and on my face. I went to the shared bathroom between the rooms to clean up, and Katie and coach quickly joined me there...which was kinda awkward because they were both totally naked!
"Are we switching up?" Katie asked enthusiastically, then bounded out the door and into the player's room before I could even answer. Which left me in the bathroom with the very naked Uncle Coach. He stepped towards me, reaching around me to squeeze my butt cheeks and raise me to my tip-toes...
"Dam, you fine..." he grumbled and pulled me against him, leaning down as if to kiss me.
"Probably don't want to do that..." I said perkily, offering him my cheek and ear instead. What I didn't say was: I just had your nephew's dick, balls, taint, butthole, and toes in my mouth, you might not want to taste all that.
He moved my hand to his rather impressive dick and requested to "put yo mouth on it" as he gently but firmly directed me down to my knees. I did what I was told and wrapped my lips around Uncle Coach's fat slug of a black dick, and I immediately tasted that Katie had done a little more than just blow him! I now had intimate knowledge of what Katie's pussy tasted like, as Uncle Coach's dick was sticky with with her flavors.
So I let UncCo fuck my mouth until he had a weird sort of spasmy half-orgasm and dribbled some of his seed in my mouth.I went back to the player's room to get dressed, and he and Katie were sprawled out naked and sweaty on top of the sheets.
And there were plenty other adventures with Katie, too...including one of our 'recruiting' events that yielded one of my longest-running regulars.
But that's enough for now.
I've actually got some free time, so why not another little glimpse into my past?
So if you've been keeping up
(and if you haven't, WHY NOT? Do it now:
I've been *mostly* keeping things chronological with a few jump-offs here and there...and much of this stuff kinda over-laps, like my on-going oral/foot fetish friendship with Domino Hooter. My story about him jumped to Simon the African college boy I did, because I wanted to tell you about the 2nd black dick to actually fuck me. But I did mention that in the meantime before Simon I was not only sucking Dom regularly, but also other random black dudes? This is some of those stories...
I mentioned in Simon's story ("From Africa with Love" that I had met a friend with "shared interests". We worked together when I first started there, she a college student working part-time. We actually only knew each other in passing back then; it wasn't until after she left and we ran into each other that our friendship sparked up.
OK, her deets: her name isn't Katie, but that's what we'll call her. That was always my code name for her anyway, given that she resembles a more exotic/nerdy Katie Holmes (imagine if Katie Holmes had an Asian grandparent)...she attended the prestigious private college here in town. And I had heard the rumour when she worked for us that she only dated black guys. LOL, I remember a co-worker saying to a small group of us that Katie wouldn't be interested in him because he wasn't (lowers voice to a whisper): black
And yeah I felt a twinge of guilt at that. Given what I was doing on the sneaky, I felt like a hypocrite for judging her for THAT! And as you may expect that was the first thing that came to mind when I ran into her after she'd been gone from work for awhile. We were just shooting the breeze & catching up, actually chatting more than we ever did at work.
Now here's where I mention that Katie was a psych major (and both her parents are in the field as well) and one thing I later learned about her is that she has the ability to read people freakishly well. I mean, I think I'm pretty good at it myself, but Katie was on a Hannibal Lechter level. And while we were chatting, I noticed her studying me to the point where it was like she was looking inside me.
She had a slight bemused expression on her face when she said that the 2 of us should hang out some...and that she knew of a party coming up that weekend that she 'had a feeling' I would really like!
Crap! I know it sounds crazy, but SHE KNEW! And I knew she knew!
Maybe not specifically that I was now into black dicks on the sly or whether I was just curious, but she clearly sensed SOMETHING.
And my suspicions were confirmed when I saw the type of party she took me to!
See, while Katie attended the snooty private college with all the trust fund k**s, she hung out more at the historically black college in town. And this particular event was chock full of young black college males! Now, what did she mean when she said this would be the kind of party I would really like! See? She just somehow read it on me!
So I got to experience my first evening of partying with Katie. I would've normally been mortified to be at a party like this, I knew there was virtually zer0 chance of running into any co-workers or friends here. Katie bounded right up to a black guy with an enthusiastic HEY!" followed by a quick but intense kiss. Pretty sure my jaw dropped open. But no more so than when Katie introduced him to me, and he immediately leaned down for a kiss from me too! And I surprised myself by giving it to him with no hesitation! LOL, that was kinda fun!
We went around the party, kissing every single black guy we talked to! I had been to plenty of parties in college and had never seen anything like this! So many wet wonderful big purple lips, so many wonderfully musky smelling young black guys leaning down to me for kisses! So many black guys looking at me with pure lust in their eyes, it was making me light-headed...
I wondered where all this was going to lead, but to my surprise Katie grabbed me after only about an hour or so and announced we were leaving. And just the 2 of us, alone. I was actually trying to imagine and speculate (fantasize?) which guys we were going to be leaving with.
Once we were in the car, Katie said she needed to stop by a friend's house for a little while...and would that be OK with me? I shrugged my shoulders and said it was fine. This whole evening was every bit of the whirlwind I expected it to be (but in a different way, if that makes sense)...
We went up to an apartment just off campus and a black guy opened the door with a smile and (of course) a nice kiss for Katie and myself as well. There were also introductions to his roommate, a guy slouched down deep on the couch watching a game. No kisses from him, in fact he barely grunted to acknowledge our presence...
Katie and her friend both had "cat-that-ate-the-canary" smiles on their faces and I had a pretty good idea why she stopped by here. And to confirm this, she quickly said to me that the 2 of them needed to go "take care of something" (LOL!), and would I mind just chilling out here with the roommate in the meantime, maybe half-hour or so? I mean, what could I say except "OK"...?
So I plopped down on the couch next to Mr Personality while Katie and her buddy hurried back to what I assume was his bedroom. Mr Personality was staring at the game on TV with half-lidded eyes and I realized with the faint exotic smoky smell in the air that he was probably high as a kite. He wasn't saying really anything to me and to be honest I'm not much of a small talk girl either. I seriously doubt if I could have said anything that wouldn't have sounded like a terribly white person. I did notice his eyes shift over to me when I crossed my legs towards him causing my skirt to fall open and reveal a nice flash of thigh...hmmm, so he WAS alive ;)
Like I said, I actually found myself getting pretty worked up at the party what with all the smooching and being mentally undressed by all the black guys in the room. (In fairness, I was mentally undressing them as well). I had assumed there was going to be some sort of hook-up involved and not just for Katie...and yeah, there was also the thought that she was back in that room starting to get busy herself, and...
Oh my.
I was horny.
I mean, I'm always a *little* horny...but I was past that, now at the point where I could feel that dull throb in the middle of my body and all my extremities were tingling a bit. I had begun bouncing my crossed leg up and down rhythmically, causing that wonderful indirect stimulation to my clit...Mr Personality was indeed sneaking peeks over at my legs, which I thought to be a great compliment, as he seemed REALLY into that game...
I studied Mr Personality: just sort of an average looking black guy, very dark (which I like)...maybe a little on the thin side and looked like he would've been tall if he'd been standing. Wearing a sweatshirt of his college and some sweat-pant shorts, and of course the ever-present ankle socks with Addias slides (why do black guys like wearing that so much?) He was slightly on the slobbish side, but really just a standard black college guy...
And he was literally within arm's reach while my body was tingling with lustfulness. And I knew I had a certain window of time...did Katie say a half-hour? Hmmm...only about 5 minutes of that had passed so far...
So I took a deep breath and...reached over and put my hand on Mr Personality's leg. Yep, just like that...all casual-like, right above the knee, right at the leg opening of his shorts. I cut my eyes over to him and saw that he had a smirk on his face. And it only got smirk-ier when I lightly caressed his leg and let my hand begin drifting upward. It was when my hand made its way up to the lump in the front of his shorts did he finally respond:
" THAT's how it is..."
Wasn't sure if that was a question or a statement, but I simply responded with an agreement that "yep...that's how it is."
I was now massaging his lump, which felt to be growing under my hand...
"This is OK, right...?" I asked him, just to be sure.
"Oh, hell yeah..." he murmured, that smirk how seemingly permanently etched on his face...
"Just checking..." I replied with a smirk of my own as I shifted closer and began tugging at the draw-string of his shorts.
I stretched his shorts open just enough to allow me to fish his black dick was nice and thick, not 100% hard yet but full and meaty like a big fat worm in my hand...I admired it for a bit, pulling on it to see just how big it was going to get!
Now keep in mind: at this point of the time line, I had sucked exactly 2 black dicks in my life. This was after I made Domino a regular but well before Simon and others came into the picture.That wonderful uneasy feeling going thru my mind, like "am I REALLY about to do this?", equal part shock/disgust and pure arousal swirling thru my body and making my head swim...
Oh wait, did I say 2 black dicks? Well, go ahead and make it 3 as I lowered my head and wrapped my lips around Mr Personality's slowly inflating chocolate manhood. I couldn't help but moan at the roast beef flavor that immediately filled my mouth, so similar to Courtney and Domino's, but subtly different.
By this point I'd had plenty of practice with Dom, so I felt as though my head-giving skills were pretty darn good. I was really into what I was doing at that moment, just exploring all the flavors of this guy's black dick as it got hard in my mouth. Letting things build up gradually and naturally, picking up intensity as things progressed.
After awhile I felt his hand on my butt, squeezing it...I glanced up at him and actually expected him to still be staring lazily at the game (he wasn't; his eyes were closed but his head was turned towards me)...LOL, I wondered if that would've offended me or aroused me?
I took my time giving him a nice slow blow-job...after about 15 minutes or so his hand had moved from my backside to the back of my head and slow suction was giving way to faster strokes, my head beginning to bob up and down while he bucked his hips up in time to fuck my mouth.
Finally I felt him clench up and I braced myself for the load he squirted in my mouth. Wow, it was alot, felt like twice as much as Dom's loads (of course he was probably about half Dom's age)...I struggled a bit to swallow it all down, but in the end my craving for black come over-rode my gag reflex. After I drained him dry to that point where he got all squirmy, I sat up and he was a perfect gentleman by offering me a fast food napkin and the last swallow of his orange soda. I figured the "soda' was nearly all back-wash at this point, which seems a little nasty...well, until you consider that I'd just had his dick and about 40 cc of his come in my mouth...
And about 5 minutes after that, Katie and her fellow came bouncing out of his room, clearly 'after-glowing' and her hair messed-up. Mr Personality and I hadn't said a word to each other after I finished him off...and yeah, I keep calling him "Mr Personality" because I in no way remember what his name was. Yes, the 3rd black dick I'd ever sucked and I have no idea what his name was. Wow, I'm a slut ;)
In the car, Katie apologized for keeping me waiting...and then slyly asked if I'd had a good time. I couldn't help a smile spreading across my face before saying that as a matter of fact, I ..and she laughed and handed me a napkin, informing me that I'd "missed a spot" on my chin...and of course that "spot" was dried Negro sperm. Finally Kaite asked me:
"So, I just want to know and forgive me for prying..." she said carefully. "But...was that your first?"
And then quickly added: "It wasn't, was it...?"
Of course I knew she didn't mean first dick I'd ever, she obviously meant BLACK dick, and like the blow-job itself, she didn't really have to reference it, we both knew what she was getting at...
I shook my head and held up 3 fingers, causing her to smile and nod her head.
"We need to do this again sometime, right?" she said as she dropped me home and I nodded my head enthusiastically and said "DEFINITELY!"
And we did. And did. And did. And did. Lots of parties near the black college's campus, lots of kisses with black men I just met and a fair number of casual blow jobs in bedrooms, on couches, in the backseats of cars, kneeling behind a tree in a back yard, total of 3 soon doubled and then doubled again. After awhile giving a blowjob felt as natural and casual as those quick but intense kisses we would share whenever we met the guys.
For example one activity Katie engaged in was "recruiting" for that black college's football team.
Now, let me make this perfectly clear: SHE DID THIS ON HER OWN.
The university nor the coaches nor the administration weren't aware (to the best of my knowledge) of what she (and later, I) was doing.
But whenever a potential football player would visit town to tour campus, Katie would track them down whenever she could and show him a good time. She got no gain out of it for herself (other than a belly full of black semen); she was purely doing it for the adventure and fantasy of it all. The idea of some black high school senior getting to party with a pretty slightly older white girl...kissing on him and treating him like a rock star, and maybe even giving him a quick handjob or blowjob if things work out...
And yes of course she began involving me in these adventures!
Oh, that first time she introduced me to a potential signee: his eyes lighting up when he saw me, then me fawning all over him, rubbing my boobs against him while telling him how awesome the school is and how much fun we have here in this town...leaning in to whisper to him how I thought black football players were *so* sexy (which is true!)
Then leading him to a back room where I sat him on the edge of a love-seat and then got down on my knees before him so i could suck his black dick. Looking him right in the eye as I sucked him, getting my tits out and rubbing them for him to watch...asking him if he liked what he saw, telling him he tasted so good...letting him know that I swallowed, and then having the opportunity to prove that to him a few minutes later...
Another adventure from that time period that really stood out was a running back, very highly rated and would've been a big deal if he'd committed to the college (he didn't LOL, he wound up at a bigger school) He was in town for a game with one of his coaches, who I later found out was his uncle. We went back to their hotel room, which was a suite.
Now, don't get me wrong, Katie is very pretty in an exotic and hip kind of way...but I tended to get more attention from guys than she did. You know: the whole blonde hair/blue eyes/curvy/bigger boobs thing...there was a sense that I was more of the "prize" of the 2 of us, which worked for us just fine. The player was clearly smitten with me, while Katie was hanging all over coach...and we immediately coupled up like this and went to our separate rooms.
We began making out on the bed and I began undressing him. My jaw dropped when I got him naked; he was built like a Greek god, easily the most perfect muscular body I'd ever seen in person.
"Oh my gosh!" I couldn't help but exclaim as I looked him up and down, dragging my nails (in addition to my eyes) all over his body.
"I'm going to lick you from head to toe..." I whispered in his ear, and then proceeded to do just that, S L O W L Y licking/nibbling/tasting every square inch of him beginning with his ears and neck. Down across those broad shoulders, wide thick chest, strong arms, washboard abs, etc.
And I was even true to my word as I licked down his legs all the way down to his feet. He actually had very nice feet for a guy, almost feminine really and I found myself drawn to them as I massaged them before putting his toes in my mouth to suck them. OK, now THIS was another first for me! Of course I was aware of my own foot fetish for my own feet...but I'd never thought of guy's feet in this way. But sucking his toes and running my tongue up and down his salty soles was surprisingly quite a turn-on for me.
Of course I worked my way back up his legs to his taint and butt crack, balls and eventually dick. I had been wearing a little black dress, but had stripped myself down to black bra + panties and black thigh high stockings and I was giving serious consideration to crawling up on him and breaking my "oral-only" rule I was following at the time and riding his big beautiful dick.
Unfortunately, I guess my lick-down had been a little too much for him and he didn't last all that long during the blow job. He grabbed a handful of my blonde hair and began shooting off down my throat and on my face. I went to the shared bathroom between the rooms to clean up, and Katie and coach quickly joined me there...which was kinda awkward because they were both totally naked!
"Are we switching up?" Katie asked enthusiastically, then bounded out the door and into the player's room before I could even answer. Which left me in the bathroom with the very naked Uncle Coach. He stepped towards me, reaching around me to squeeze my butt cheeks and raise me to my tip-toes...
"Dam, you fine..." he grumbled and pulled me against him, leaning down as if to kiss me.
"Probably don't want to do that..." I said perkily, offering him my cheek and ear instead. What I didn't say was: I just had your nephew's dick, balls, taint, butthole, and toes in my mouth, you might not want to taste all that.
He moved my hand to his rather impressive dick and requested to "put yo mouth on it" as he gently but firmly directed me down to my knees. I did what I was told and wrapped my lips around Uncle Coach's fat slug of a black dick, and I immediately tasted that Katie had done a little more than just blow him! I now had intimate knowledge of what Katie's pussy tasted like, as Uncle Coach's dick was sticky with with her flavors.
So I let UncCo fuck my mouth until he had a weird sort of spasmy half-orgasm and dribbled some of his seed in my mouth.I went back to the player's room to get dressed, and he and Katie were sprawled out naked and sweaty on top of the sheets.
And there were plenty other adventures with Katie, too...including one of our 'recruiting' events that yielded one of my longest-running regulars.
But that's enough for now.
9 年 前