My girl doing her community service
ever since i,d been wiv my girl she,s had this taste for older men, not sure what it is but she reckons they make gr8 lovers. as i,m a dirty fucker i was intrigued to find out if she was ever tempted wud she take the chance wiv an older man. so a few years ago i introduced her to an old family friend on a night out, i,d told my girl to dress to kill as i was horny for her that night. she replied by wering the sexiest one piece black dress u cud think of. i knew this wud pls my old pal who i know of to be a real rogue and according to legend,very well endowed, telling him to flirt heavily wiv my missus whilst i wasn,t there, they seemed to get on well as he made a beeline 4 her straight away and cud tell she was happy egging him on. to my surprise my loyal sexy girlfriend took the bait and suggested a meet later in the week on her day off at a local hotel where my old pal wud have a chance to show off his skills. after a chat wiv him the day b4 the meet i told him that he cud have his own way wiv her as i wanted to see just how mucky she was as our sex life had always been ok but summat had beeen missing recently.i also asked him to film the action if old pal was still unsure of my motives but i informed him that whatever the outcome he wud b in the clear. a day or 2 went by after the meet and my old friend contacted me and to my surprise not only had he filmed it but my girlfriend had agreed to it.he said she had confessed that she had a thing for older men and that it had all stemmed from a steamy threesome when she was eighteen where two of her dads friends fucked her brains out on a pool table, this was news to me as she had never revelaed this side to me at all. the footage was excellent and i cudn,t believe the action. she was a totally different girl, she cud hardly contain herself,as soon as she entered the room she oozed sexiness, and it felt so so dirty watching my 26yo girlfriend get ready to please a man twice her age. i watched as she performed a sexy strip and believe me my girl has a gr8 body, 36f tits, killer ass and a lovely shaved honeypot. when she was down to her undies she decided to unzip his pants and the look on her face was priceless. the sight of his cock made her gasp and smile all in one go , 11 inches and thick even had me wondering whether it was gonna go inside her. i watched as she nervously began to suck and play wiv this big cock. the oral sex they exchanged was very dirty and and i noticed that she was in ecstasy as he went down on her juicy mound and lick his tongue around her ass. she had completely succumbed to this guy and by the time he came to slip that huge cock in her she was so wet a train wud have gone up her.i cud only watch (wiv my cock in my hand) as this older guy entered her tight soon to be battered snatch. she took that cock wiv the biggest smile on her face i,ve ever seen, asking him how to fuck her, she needn,t av bothered, she was cumming off one or two strokes and i cud see he was thourghly enjoying porking this dirty young slut.the talk between them was pure filth as she told him he was the best fuck ever and that she wanted to b gang banged by him and a couple of his friends. i watched for over half anhour as he fucked her in several positons, changing rhythem and stretching that beautiful pussy to it,s absolute. she was being dominated and both were loving it, then as he began to grunt she pulled out his cock and did summat she,s never dun 4 me, swallowed all that hot sticky cum, every last drop.soon after that the camera switched off. i spoke to my old pal after the viewing and he was a bit nervous in speaking to me, but i told him it was wiv my consent so no hard feelings. he then told me that she was the best fuck he,d ever had and that my girl had begged to b fucked again later that day, saying that she wud even fuck another girl whilst he watched. i showed the tape to my girl and asked her about the dirty day she,d had.after the initial shock i explained to her what i,d dun and although initially very annoyed she changed her tone and began to realise that she had been well and truly stitched up. she then told me that after being fucked so gud she cud hardly walk for the rest of the day. since then weve experienced all manner of sexy games,3somes, 4 somes, outdoor sex, random meet blow jobs and of course payback 4 me was that i got to fuck her friend who,d fancied me for years on our couch at home, whilst my girl looked on,and of course our old friend ,who for helping me out, was invited round for a roast of a different kind.
13 年 前