Wife's dominating control HJ (Story I found o

My wife uses a technique that gives a feeling similar to have my cock head massaged after coming but not as intense, although it still has to be done with me fully restrained.

She ties me to tthe edge of the bed with my feet on the flloor chained to the bed, my knees are spread out and secured wide apart, she sits me up slghtly using pillows/duvet, she then chains my neck and secures that behind me , the same with my wrists.

She then sits in front of me on a chair and uses a lube, something not to slippery for maximum discomfort, she then masturbates me slowly with both hands, just playing around with my cock, as i get to a fairly high state of arousle she uses her thumbs to rub the very tip of my cock, the feeling is unbelievable, she then uses other techniques to massage my very sensitive cock head until the effect wears off, she them masturbates me again till im ready to come and starts the torture again, as long as she is careful i would never come like this although she likes to take me to the very edge of orgasm so relies on me telling her when to stop waNKINK AND STARt torturing, if she does this it is tottaly unbearable and i scraem out in pain so the tends to gag me at this point, the punishment for me coming is for her to do it afetr i come, FUCKING HELL!!!! , i never come during this game of hers anymore.

She also whips me for coming while she plays with my cock, normally 10 lashes, so beleive me i dont come without permission.
发布者 notmainstream
9 年 前
pussylover707 9 年 前
God damn that's hot