Um Really?
Over answering same questions from various kinksters. NO i was not monogamous with any of my cubs.No i don't want true love, marriage , or live in BF.No i do not want to change my whole life for a guy. So repeated question i am getting is Y am i upset? Because I have not been treated with respect i deserve as a casual playmate, fwb , whatever. My partners do not cease to exist accept when i am horny, i check in with them see how thier life is. Having 3 regular partners for better part of a year who all basically fell off at same time annoying! the fact that none of them showed any interest in my well being when thiers is on my mind pisses me off. The fact that they all started treating me more like a bootie call, verses a fwb, playmate was disrespectfull. If u just wanna get your dick wet i am not your gal.Let me be clear I can go out and have guys at end of the night clearly in pissing contest to see who will take me home. I don't want that at all!! I want passion, pleasure,comfortable partners , mutual needs met, friendship.Even vanilla guys know the value of a fun, relaxed, horny, fwb!! You can not ignore any kind of partner for lengths of time just expect them to fall on thier knees when u want a quick cum! So i started thinking maybe focus on one playmate would be more fullfilling. No it doesnt mean i want someone else's leftovers..AKA MARRIED CHEATERS!! i know it's a thing but its not my thing, a new set of equally unappreciatve partners or a quick fuck, disgusting VULTURES! Just cause i had a kink break up doesnt mean i will lower my standards,accept convienece over quality.I want what anyone wants to be wanted and want ME not just any wet whole!!
9 年 前