This is slave bonni's Owner, Master G.
I could go into great detail but BRIEFLY,
A trusted friend informed me W/we, all of us have been compromised.
Several years ago, my cunt, slave bonni and I were here with a different x-hamster screen name, registered e-mail address AND on another website which required this same basic information W/we all need to sign up at x-hamster.
Well, W/we were compromised and hacked at this other site. W/we had a couple computer hacks calling U/us by phone to the point I had to change my land line phone numbers. You can imagine the work that involved just notifying O/our family, friends and associates. It came to a climax when one of these guys knocked on the door with wine and flowers wanting to know if he could fuck slave bonni. I learned from this guy, he got my email address and googled for my personal information from this other site, I counseled this individual and some of my friends assisting him out of town with his assurance he nor his friend would ever call or return again.
After months of scrubbing the 'other' site, I agreed in a settlement not to divulge their company name but let's just say when you were a little k**, you might have said this word when you played Cowboy's and Indian's or perhaps when roping cattle on a cattle drive.
Except for a few of slave bonni's photo's still being out there, W/we know of one still being used as an avatar. After while, all appeared to be okay and still secure on x-hamster. As this (x-hamster) site is slave bonni's fun and joy, W/we rebuilt a new page to what Y/you see here now.
Enter my trusted friend who shared with me these internet links found doing a "slave_bonni" search.

May I suggest Y/you copy & paste and then type in your x-hamster screen name where Y/you see "slave_bonni". Y/you are no longer secure and private with Y/your x-hamster friends here on x-hamster either. I don't know, I'm not computer tech savvy enough to know if this can be compromised (hacked) but know Y/you're out there on the internet. All the security and privacy Y/you expected just isn't there.
Although the "jury is still out" on where this will end, it remains a strong possibility it will end to the termination of slave bonni's page. I will not go through the bullshit I did several years ago.
Y/you are invited to share this blog with Y/your other friends for their information.
slave bonni's Owner,
Master G
发布者 MommaBiscuit
9 年 前
Hello Mistress MammaB, Sorry to hear about all that chit that happened to you and your slave. And I believe All of it. Unfortunately I can relate too much to it.I had a similar situation happen about 8 month or so ago to me. After approximately me taking a 17 year hiatus from people (basically women) but pretty much the human race, just went to work then back to rot in my Cave (bedroom)with the least amount of contact with everyone including my family. About a year ago I was finally finished punishing myself for things that happen That I didn't do, although blinded to it at the time I did play an important roll...anyway didn't take me long to get on a dating site or three and after spending a couple K on them and realizing that for the most part only escorts go out while I'm getting screwed but not So ok I decided to get a date with one and yeah  sincerely was asked to register and enter my credit card number into her site she has faith with like they all do (at no charge to me )and only to help her feel safe for this conforms its really me (bull) (still it didnt like vanish the knife in my ( I don't have one but ya get my meaning) and BAM before I knew it my account was drained of almost 2k and to make it even worse these dating sites (many of them)share your info with there sister sites and now they also  enjoy charging me 40-50 each,and every month, I lost around 5k and never caught up to them all so I gave up my card so no more money from me they will ever get. So very glad you two were not hurt especially phyically and I can replace the money they stole but what a way to learn a lesson I almost said to hell with ppl again but hell no I'm here to stay and who knows maybe  just maybe I'll still get that date and laid ...LOL,...Have a very  Merry Christmas and an Outstanding New Years to you and all of yours ... :smile:
Sextoy5150 9 年 前
SHIIIT! Thas a wild story. Can't believe the nerve of some of these info hunters! And showing up at your door!!? FUCK!
markpabear 9 年 前
Awesome repost I wish this would be reposted on every one's page; then maybe xhamster would finally take control of their site with better admins that cuddle the trolls/fakes/thieves/spammers and just plain idiots on here ten thumbsup milady :smile:)