Diane at the nightclub.

There was a time when I was very much in love and lust, with my first serious girlfriend Diane. And the thought of her having sex with another guy, was probably the worst thing I could ever imagine... Well, that is how I felt back then, but to be totally honest... It is now the ultimate turn on.

The first time I had ever seen Diane making out with another guy, it was in the parking lot of a nightclub and it was about 2 years after she had first broken up with me. I had went to the night club with a couple of friends and didn`t have any idea, that Diane would even be there. My friend was actually the one who spotted her first. She was standing at the bar and was wearing a tight, red dress, that was sleeveless and really showed off her big ass and all her Latina curves. She was wearing a pair of what my friend described as " Come fuck me " heels and her hair and make up looked extra sexy. I have to admit, it was like Diane looked hotter and sexier now, that she wasn`t my girlfriend. My friend even jokingly said, that it looked like Diane was all " Dressed up and ready to get some Dick "

After about 20 minutes, I finally got up my courage and did go approach Diane. I bought her a drink and actually got to dance with her, but it was only for a few minutes. You see Diane made it perfectly clear that she was there to have " Fun " and then made sure to remind me, that we were just friends. I will be honest... After that, I really didn`t enjoy the rest of my night and had to keep going outside to smoke a cigarette, in order to calm my nerves. Diane on the other hand seemed to be having the time of her life. It looked like there were at least 4 guys that bought her drinks and got to dance with her that night.

When the club was about to close, I went over to where Diane had been sitting, to tell her good night. She was there sitting with her girlfriend and then got up and gave me a kind of half ass hug and said it was good seeing me. Once in the parking lot, my friend said that I should go over and ask Diane and her friend to join us for breakfast. I told him that, I thought it was a bad idea, but then figured, that she might say yes. As I walked over to her car, that`s when I saw her making out, with this tall, good looking guy, that she had just met that night. She was looking up at him as he kissed her and he had one of his hands on her ass. At first, I couldn`t believe what I was seeing... I mean, he was actually feeling her up right there in the parking lot, for everyone to see. And guys were even walking by and saying things like : " Save some for me " and " Get some of that big, sexy ass ". They carried on like that for about 5 more minutes, before he walked over to his car and they both left. I would find out later, that Diane not only gave Paul her number, but that he actually followed her home that night and actually stayed the night with her.

I actually called her a couple days later and invited her to have lunch with me. She said that she would love to have lunch with me as friends, but that she was kind of embarrassed to see me. She would then explain how Paul had left some marks on her and that she just didn`t feel right, about me seeing her like that. I then asked Diane, what she meant by " Some marks " ? She paused for a few seconds before saying in a kind of weird tone " Paul, really marked me up good... I don`t even want to go to work looking like this. " I should also mention that Diane always said, that she didn`t like hicky`s and thought they looked cheap and tacky. And in the two years we dated, I had never put a single mark, on Diane`s neck or anywhere on her body, for that matter. I also have to admit, that the idea of this guy getting to mark her up, only a couple hours after meeting her, did cause me to feel very jealous and also kind of excited, for some weird reason. As we continued to talk, she would tell me how, Paul and her did more than just make out. She would eventually confess to me, that she did have sex with him that night and would tell me how they practically fucked all night.

Back then, I didn`t think of it as something that would turn me on... But as we continued talking, I felt my penis get hard as Diane shared all the details of her night with Paul. She explained that good friends like us, shouldn`t have any secrets and that she wanted me to know all about her night. She tried to make me feel better by saying, what she had with Paul, was just hot, dirty sex and that what she had with me was special and more meaningful, than just some physical attraction. I actually thought there was something seriously wrong with me... I mean how could hearing about my beautiful, sexy ex girlfriend Diane, getting fucked by a guy she just met at a nightclub turn me on... But I guess it did.

发布者 leglicker11
9 年 前
cruzin 3 年 前
When I first met my wife she had hicky's around her neck, thought it was the sexiest thing ever ?
hornyfocker 3 年 前
You should tell her how much this turns you on
Oh yeah, I think we’ve all been in a similar situation like this at one point in our lives. You handled it like a real champ. 
shortstroker 5 年 前
I think what made your penis aroused was you were picturing the sex in your mind like watching a porn. Also I think the idea of a woman fucking for fucking sake makes most guys excited too.
This brought back memories I too was in a similar situation with a gal I had a major crush since Grade Five during high school her breast were growing more rapidly then the other girls and we all know boys will be boys, she literally had the boys by their balls, eventually I did have sex with her on the same night her and her BF broke up -
billy69boy 9 年 前
I agree with jojo and ggguy below. You might as well accept your fate and make it official between you and Diane. I'll bet she'd be more than willing to accommodate your obvious cuckold desires. You could come in handy for her, I'm sure. And everyone knows how much she enjoys teasing you with her stories of her dirty slutty sexual escapades.
ggguy 9 年 前
Did you close your eyes and think about Diane getting tossed around like the cum slut she wants to be? How she was not really embarrassed about being used and fucked like a rag doll? I bet you could even hear her voice telling the stranger to grab her throat and fuck her harder. She probably thought of you when she caught a glimpse of the ankle bracelet that you bought her as it rested on her umteenth lover's shoulder...as he left his load deep inside her experienced cunt.
jojosmallone 9 年 前
i love the wayt Diane treats you, seems to me you love it to. No matter how bad she treats you, no matter how much she humiliates and embarrasses you you keep going back for more. I think it is time for you to admit to Diane that you want to be her submissive cuckold boyfriend or husband. You and her both seem to enjoy the teasing, the denial and her being with others so why not make it official. Just make sure she know you will never cheat on her but that you understand her "needs" and you want to have a wife led marrige.
billy69boy 9 年 前
Anyone who has been following your many accounts of Diane's exploits can tell that she is indeed giving you exactly what you want. She knows you are her cuckold, and she is more than willing to feed your addiction. At the same time, she obviously gets off by sharing her adventures with you. It looks like a win-win situation to me.

In the meantime, you have all of Diane's fans lusting after her, such is her talent for teasing.
JerichoX 9 年 前
Maybe rick is right... Maybe she is wondering if you will ever man up. But if she's just using you, then I agree with BigE - but then, so what, right? Because you like it!
bustnut 9 年 前
Like I said buddy, she's a stone hard cunt, you must like her treating you like shit. Myself; I would have taken her as soon as lunch was over and fucked her out in broad daylight in the back seat of your car! I'm taliking about hitting her hard and fast, nutting in her cunt then tell her to get the fuck out of the car, then just drive away. Trust me, she would be begging you to cum for her some more. Cunts love to play the game and think that men aren't going to get back at them, but you have to be strong when you do it!
rick_4363 9 年 前
I'm telling you buddy there's a reason she's telling you about her exploits and it's not because you 2 are great friends or because you 2 use to be a couple. It's because she wants you. Diane strikes me as a lady that wants to take chances and she likes being a little submissive. Next she tells you about 1 of her nights out and you start to get turned on, take her someplace and wear her out, she might like it.
1shedawg 9 年 前
She should have at least given you a bj for old times sake
BigE1993 9 年 前
What a cunt.