Thumbs Down Twats
To all you Twats that give Celeb galleries the thumbs down out of pure spite,
Xhamster has a CELEBRITY category and a NON-PORN Category, so...
Xhamster has a CELEBRITY category and a NON-PORN Category, so...
9 年 前
Sorry to hi-jack this wonderful share ...
Pinterest canned their "like" button. Humans won't move their mouse hand slightly to the side and up, and tap once on a button to acknowledge someone else's efforts. Yet they WILL stop browsing and type out some trolly sneer. And that's on a vanilla site.
On a porn site - particularly the greatest of them all - Xhamster - why the HELL are they here if their hands are not elsewhere on - or in - their laps'doing Un-PC things?
*Boorish accusatory yelling*
"Yes, yes. Simmer down petulant Troll-Crabs - simmer down ... the answer to Your chorus of "Hippo Clit!!!" is: It's 'hypocrite'. But that's wrong too. >>WHYYYY!!??<< You gripe? Because I'm staring at all my GF's, and her family's devices. So 65 screens of OP's pics [her Mum lived in shoe] and only my laptop on a blog. This one."
"Hush T-rolls, back under the bridge with You, I've not finished helping you learn and grow yet. To finish: I'm typing this and hitting "Favorite" as I always do on Xhamster ... with my nose.