Men: Increasing your semen quantity cheaply &
To achieve it, simple things are needed to begin with. Refrain from ejaculating regularly, for example 3-4 times a week or more. Taking supplements such as Lecithin, Maca root, L-Arginine with drinking a lot of water can help enormously. Other supplements can help also such as Zinc for example. Some people believe consuming large amounts of celery can boost semen levels. As for taking supplements, do read the instructions on how much to take, but they are not strictly to be adhered to. The cheapest supplement has got to be Lecithin. Usually available in health food stores in Soya form. Drinking vast amounts of water cannot be stressed enough as to creating a bigger volume of semen.
I have deliberately not described all methods of increasing your semen volume as there are many. Not only that, what would work successfully for one man would not necessarily work for another and vice versa. Experimentation never hurts. Certain supplements are not that easy to obtain in your health food/d**g store and have to be sourced on-line for example.
Non-supplement route to increasing your semen volume includes "edging". Masturbating until you reach the point where you think you're going to ejaculate and then don't! You lay off the sensation and let it subside if you can manage that. Do that many times as possible without actually ejaculating and that should bare results- and then some!
I have deliberately not described all methods of increasing your semen volume as there are many. Not only that, what would work successfully for one man would not necessarily work for another and vice versa. Experimentation never hurts. Certain supplements are not that easy to obtain in your health food/d**g store and have to be sourced on-line for example.
Non-supplement route to increasing your semen volume includes "edging". Masturbating until you reach the point where you think you're going to ejaculate and then don't! You lay off the sensation and let it subside if you can manage that. Do that many times as possible without actually ejaculating and that should bare results- and then some!
9 年 前
Compare with my blog entry on the subject here: