The BF's Surprise Birthday Party (Ch. 1)

First some quick background...The boyfriend and I have been traveling around Ireland & Scotland with Lolly and her daughter Zoe. Both mom and daughter are pregnant – Lolly has just entered her 9th month and Zoe is finishing up her 7th month. Lolly is 33 years old and Zoe is too young to say. And the same boy knocked both of them up – that would be Brandon, who is Zoe's new husband. He is Zoe's age. And now Brandon has joined us too.

Perhaps the best way to let you know what sex acts we've performed on each other is to list what we have not done because that is a much shorter list. Up until my boyfriend's surprise birthday party (1) there was no sex between Zoe and her mom Lolly, (2) there was no sex between Brandon and Lolly after he knocked her up, (3) Brandon had not fucked any of us girls in our butts yet and (4) there was no sexual contact between Brandon and the boyfriend. Everything else that you can imagine, we had done.

The boyfriend's birthday is February 27th. On that date in 2016 he turned 29 years old. For the past month I've been wanting to give him a surprise birthday party. Maybe having our beloved Jillian - the girl who fucked with us for a week in Galway, Ireland - and perhaps one of her slut girlfriends around for the big day. But we're a long way from Ireland now. The days leading up to the boyfriend's birthday found us in Oban, Scotland, (pictured above) where we were holed up for three days at the Regent Hotel planning the direction of our next excursion.

Oban is not a big city. But it is a popular destination in western Scotland for tourists who depart from there on the Caledonian MacBrayne ferry line for the far-flung islands to the west. There also Argyll College University of the Highlands in town, much culture and the streets are filled with pubs that make for a lively night life.

Kay – A Refined Woman

On our first day in Oban I went off on my own and was leisurely enjoying a cup of tea at the Bossards Patisserie Cafe. Sitting the next table over was a very refined woman named Kay. She is in her late 40s with a very attractive face, figure and a striking cut of short blond hair. Kay was dressed very classy in a cotton jumper dress paired with knee-high white boots. Nowadays it is rare to find anybody attired so nicely when out for a cup of tea.

But what really intrigued me about Kay was the forlorn look on her face. I was curious to know what was behind that. So I went over to Kay and asked if I could join her. She graciously accepted and we started to chat about everything from the Gaelic culture to the history of local castles. Kay brightened up a bit but she still had that air of sadness about her.

Finally, I just came right out and told Kay that she looked kind of sad and asked why that was. Her eyes watered up and she told me in a choked up voice, “My husband of 27 years left me for a younger woman after I gave him my best years. It's been 4 months now and I am starting to get over it but it has that way of beating me down.” I assured Kay that there are more men than all the grains of sand in the world that would be there for her. We left it at that except that I invited her to join the boyfriend and me for dinner that night at the classy Hawthorn Restaurant.

Kay accepted and over dinner that night we had a rollicking fine time. The boyfriend was mesmerized by Kay's mature beauty and I could tell that she loved the avid attention from him - even if the boyfriend is young enough to be her son. After dinner Kay and I set up a time for lunch back at the cafe the next day to continue our friendship.

On the way back to our hotel room the boyfriend raved about Kay and how she lit some spark in him and how special she must be in bed. So, that comment planted in my head the seeds for this surprise birthday party.

When Kay and I met the next day we ended up spending the entire afternoon and early evening together going shopping, attending galleries and confiding about the ebbs and flows of our lives over tea and pastries. Kay told me I was so lucky to have the boyfriend and she'd give anything to turn back the hands of time so that she may be attractive for somebody like him.

I just kind of smiled and shook my head and told her, “Kay, my boyfriend is absolutely captivated by you. You should have heard the way he carried on about you last night after dinner. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he left me for you.” And I meant that too. I've never seen the boyfriend so smitten with a woman.

Hearing that, Kay exclaimed, “Really? Seriously? I think you just made me twenty years younger. Anna, if he wasn't your boyfriend then the things me and him could do together. You know, I was once young and crazy like you are. Reckless and always throwing caution to the wind. I so miss that part of me.”

Sizing up the prospects I told Kay, “Well, this is your lucky day – our lucky day – my dear friend. Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday and I want to give him a big surprise. May I dare say a sexual surprise. If you are free and open to whatever may come your way then I'd love to have you over at the Regent Hotel, Saturday evening, Room 207, at 18:00.”

Kay blushed with excitement, “Oh my God, I'm so ready to fancy that. Ready to move on with my life. Ready to feel free again. What shall I wear? What will I need to do to please your boyfriend.”

I assured Kay, “Whatever you choose to wear will work out just fine. You have wonderful taste. But may I ask you, what won't you do to please my boyfriend because it is kind of his night.”

Kay pondered that for a few moments and said, “Hun, at this stage in my life there isn't much I wouldn't do. I don't like pain but I would say that is about all I won't indulge in.”

I then sealed the deal and told Kay, “Sounds like a plan to me. See you tomorrow night at the Regent Hotel. Thank you soooooo much!” Then we kissed on our cheeks and we said our sweet good-byes.

Kim & Tracy – Two University Sluts

That night, on the eve of the boyfriend's birthday, I was feeling quite good. How pleased and surprised he would be to see Kay and have fun with her.

As we were all fast asl_eep in the early morning hours, there came shrieks of laughter and screaming from the main street outside of our 2nd story room. The boyfriend drew the curtain and looked down. I untangled myself from Zoe and joined him at the window sill.

There were two girls out on the otherwise vacant street. I guessed they had just come from some pub because they were totally plastered. The boyfriend opened the window and yelled down at them, “Time for you two whores to go home and fuck your boyfriends or something. Can't you see it's fuckin' 2:30 in the morning? We're trying to sl_eep. Beat it!”

One of the girls (Kim) looked up at the boyfriend and cupped one of her hands and started to move it up and down, mimicking how she strokes a cock. This provoked my boyfriend and he pulled down his underpants and started stroking his cock for her and he ranted out the window, “This is how you stroke it, bitch!”

Then the other girl (Tracy) squatted down and pulled her panties to the side and urinated into the gutter. This wasn't the first time we had seen this strange behavior. About a month ago in Ballina, Ireland, some other girl did the very same thing. I suppose that's how some of the girls roll in these parts.

This was truly a blessing from Providence. I pushed the boyfriend away and yelled out to the girls, “Don't you two go away, I'll be right down.” Then I scurried out of our room and met them outside.

It turns out that Kim and Tracy are school girls at that college in town. Kim is of Chinese descent but a native of Scotland. About 5 ft. 2 inches tall. Smallish figure. Long black hair. Dressed in tight jeans and knee high black boots. In a tight top and a furry unbuttoned overcoat. Tracy is a blond with curly long hair. Quite a tall girl at around 5 ft. 10 inches. Slender but with big tits. And dressed like a slut with very high strapless black hooker heals. Short mini-dress, A flimsy top and I could see all of her ample cleavage. Both girls were plenty hot!

I asked Kim and Tracy, “Did you girls have a good time tonight? Looks like you did...Did you two get any cock?”

Tracy stammered back, “No friggin' cock tonight. The blokes are all fuckin' afraid of us.”

Kim joined in, “Chicken shits, every one of them. Scared of girls like us.” Then she started flapping her arms like a chicken. Then Kim asked me,”Hey, where are you from?”

I told her that I was from the United States and my boyfriend, who they saw through the window, is a red-bl_oded American male who would fuck them silly if that is what they want. Tracy shot back, making the sounds of a sheep, “baaaa, baaaa, baaaa, he's probably as weepy as all the bl_oody sheep out here.”

These girls were perfect to top off my surprise party. I asked Kim and Tracy if they had a piece of paper and a pen in their purses so I could write down something. Kim did and I wrote down on that piece of paper, “Regent Hotel, Saturday evening, Room 207, at 18:00. Be there if you're brave enough.”

Tracy and Kim read the note and asked what was going on up in that room if they went. I told Kim and Tracy that I was giving my boyfiend a surprise birthday party and that if they really did want a good rough fuck then they should be there because my boyfriend treats sluts like them very harshly.

Tracy and Kim walked a little ways down the walk-way to discuss the proposition. Then they returned to me. Then Tracy said, “Sure, sure, we'll show up but we doubt he'll be any different from the other guys around here.”

Then I got Tracy and Kim's mobile numbers and told them I would call them in the morning to make sure they weren't the ones chickening out once they sobered up. After that I went back to our room and told the boyfriend that I had gotten those unruly girls to move along.

To be continued...Anna
发布者 cubbcoug
9 年 前
Magister011 9 年 前
My birthday is April 22.
vcurios 9 年 前
you´re doing great again, can´t wait for chapter 2
mmm yrs
markusooi 9 年 前
Very Hot
jolley 9 年 前
Anxiously waiting for part 2... this is like my dream birthday (or any other day for that matters)
tonguespoton 9 年 前
Oh Anna, I need you planning my next birthday come July! That would be an ALL-DAY hard-on for me for sure. Your boyfriend is lucky to have a gal like you...(more pics comming soon)...xoxox, ur' dedicated grain of Michigan sand(me!).
down4toolong 9 年 前
Ohhhh what a party this is going to be!!!
lycralatex 9 年 前
Wowow, looking forward to the next installment... :wink:
Stripe17 9 年 前
You've got me captivated again, Anna.
SallyCD 9 年 前
ah damn I gotta wait to see what happened :frowning: sooooo horny
dawgsfan68 9 年 前
epic3min4 9 年 前
Oddly enough I'm having a birthday this year too Anna. Think you could through me together a party you amazing woman ?
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