New and old heart break old and new

Ok so first I've had 2 full chapters of my life that i havent said anything about...

Remember the new guy that I met when I went out looking for a place to party on my birthday but then hedidnt text me .. well he eventually did and I knew when I gave him my number that he wasn't from my state he was in town to see family I also knew he would be back the next month well we talked all day every day every chance we had till he came back and I waited for him the night he came back he stayed with me that night we had talked before about limits I had asked him if he'd still want to stay with me that night even if sex was off limits he said he would.... but as he held me and kissed me as he touched me he wanted more and so did I he gave in and we fucked a lot we were up all night and the sex was amazing but sex isn't what I really need and part of me felt like we had failed that we couldn't wait thatbitbwasnt worth waiting for and I knew he wasn't going to be staying

He was in town for family not to see me and he managed to sneek off to see me a few times but he didn't make it to see me on his last nightbefore leaving town and i missed him before he was even gone he was never really mine and never would be but he expected me to be his to wait for him to come back to me eventually at some point down the road but it didn't work out that way he hated anytime in was around other men or had guys over and I hated being alone all the time.... its been over for awhile now

The second guy he isn't new I went school with him he was a year older than Mr and I had it bad for him back in the day I used to fantasie about him being my first but while we had a few of the same friends and showed up at some of the same things we were never friends we barely ever talked and he had an older brother girls worshiped them both his brother was a man whore I talked to his brother more than I ever talked to him and his brother could never remember my name I remember one if the few times I talked to him years ago and he said my name I was surprised he knew my name and said so he said of course I know your name why wouldn't I and then I told him he'd have to get his brother to start remembering I didn't understand at the time why that upset him so much...

So this second guy that I haven't told you about he sent me a message 3months ago at first I was kinda mean to him in assumed his only real interest in me was to fuck me but as we continued to talk I began to believed that it wasn't like that at all he told me how he had also had a thing for me back in the day but I wouldn't believed him at first but it'd make sense as to why he had been so upset when I talked about his brother years back he told me everything we talked about everything even how one of his gf he had been with for years fucked his brother

We got to be very close for 3 months web talked everyday about everything he was the one I told about my nightmares he made me feel like he really cared about me and the first time he came back to my place with me....

Well we had talked before I told him that I really cared about him and I wanted to wait to fuck not because I didn't want him but because I wanted more than just sex with him and it was true I really really did want to fuck him I kinda wish now that i had but when he had the chance and was in my bed with me in his arms and him kissing me and us running our hands over each other he didn't even try and I know in turned him on I could feel him pressed hard against me but he controlled himself and have so much respect for him for that he did say something off hand a little later about how he had wanted more but we had already said we wouldn't yet

He has several tats and piercings but he had lost one of the balls on his barbell he wore in his tongue as well as the ball for his loop he wore around his lip so he had a stud in be he said he preferred a loop well I've got my lip pierced twice and I have dozens of extras so I offered him mine he is wearing one of my lip rings in his lip now its almost like my lips are still on his I also showed him all my nipple shields and barbells.... he out one of my spare barbells from my nipple in his tongue that turned me on more than you can uderstand I still think about it my barbell from my nipple is probably still in his mouth

When he was leaving that night I reminded him to take the stuff he had brought with him not to forget it cuz I knew it was important to him but he told me just to hold onto it that he'd be back for it

As time when on I felt like I was losing him and I asked him if everything was ok he said it was I asked if I'd started to bother him he said I wasn't I asked if he wanted me to back off he said he didn't he told me everything was fine we continued to talk every thing was all kissey faces and hearts and then out of nowhere he stopped talking to me he blocked me on fb with out any reason or even a good bye I still have his stuff here I doubt he will ever come get it even if it is special to him I guess its not worth having to see me to get it and as far as I know he still has my lip ring around his lip and my barbell from my nipple in his mouth

I was really upset when I lost him

I talked about it with my close friends and most them just said the basic oh it'll be ok bit jax is the one that actually made me feel better when I text him and told him the guy I'd been talking to had broke my heart his reply was do you want me to break his face I told him not to and thanked him for the offer by the way you've all seen jax is the guy from the blosjob vid I posted in my Catwoman mask he and I have been friends for 15 years and most of the time we are just friends he has stayed with me dozens of times recently and slept in bed next to me with out ever touching me we and I know if I ever needed him he would be there for me I text him before and told him I was about to call and to answer nomatter what he was doing and he did his first question was if I was ok and where was I cuz he was on his way to me Jax isn't a good guy he has shown up on my door before at 2am covered in blood that wasn't his but he is fiercely loyally and protective especially of woman and his offer to hurt the guy that had hurt me was not a joke

Jax is the one I had the 3 way with the other night I think she was a gift to make me feel better lol Jax and I have been spending a lot of time together the past few monthes he was at my place with me the night before the 3way he was talking to this girl and showing me the pictures she was sending him I was giveing him suggestions on what he should say and I told him that he need to get her to send pictures of her nipples I wanted to see nipples well webdidmt getbtonsee nipples that night but the next night he was at my place with me again and talking to her when he told me he was going to have to leave I told you how protective he can be girl was at a party and things were getting crazy he told her if she need to get out of there he'd come get her even just to take her home and drop her off but she didn't want to go home

He asked if he could bring her here to me I was less than thrilled at first idk this girl why would I want her here they'd probably havemore fun alone aanyway he told me I was the one that wanted to see nipples the night before well that changed everything so I told him to bring her here...........
发布者 Zedoary
9 年 前
anrianri 8 年 前
stevebosuer 9 年 前
sorry to hear about your heart keep getting broken. can't wait to hear what happened when she got there though.
Zedoary 出版商 9 年 前
FatDickcious : It got good and I'll probably post the next one tonight about exactly what happened when she got here
回答 原始评论
FatDickcious 9 年 前
Hope get good soon, kisses.
wahlspyder 9 年 前
I'm sorry you keep getting your heart broken. Wishing u the right guy.
Car97 9 年 前
Well I am happy to hear you have a friend like that to watch over you :smile:. I hope you find your soul mate soon though as you deserve to be treated great