40 Years of Blissful Addiction

I have been addicted to porn since I was 13 - for 40 years. About 10 years ago I embraced the addiction. I now worship Porn as my god. I have given my mind, body and soul to it. I am on a quest to see how deeply addicted I can get; how far I can twist and warp my mind. I exist to consume Porn. As deeply addicted as I am, I know I can make it stronger. I want to be consumed by it. I love what it does to people, how it changes them. Porn is the source of all pleasure and happiness.

If you are not yet addicted to Porn, you are missing out. Masturbate to it every single day until you crave it with every fiber of your being. Only then will you experience true joy. Nothing, or no one else - not your wife or husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, or anyone else - can make you as happy as Porn will.
9 年 前
lives2masturbate 出版商 22 天 前
Leah_Whore_1 : What a beautiful story!  I envy that you had such a loving mother.
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Leah_Whore_1 28 天 前
ilovejuggs : My mother gave me my first Porn magazine when I was 4. That's when I fell in love with huge tits, cunts and Porn sluts. Then Porn movies appeared in my life. I started jerking off at 10, by 14 all the walls of my room were covered with photos with huge tits. I adore tits, I adore Porn, I masturbate for hours every day. Many people don't believe that a woman can be a Porn addict, but I am. I am grateful to my mother for giving me the opportunity to love Porn for life.
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ilovejuggs : i tryed fighting it before too. BUT now i embrace it porn for life
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lives2masturbate : same here porn is porn
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tedwilliam77 1 年 前
Chaz352 : Same here, I store my jizz in a freezer and swish it around in my mouth in later sessions, but am dying to take a load from another man.
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AmeelovesBiMen 1 年 前
lives2masturbate : amazing
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lives2masturbate 出版商 1 年 前
vishrant : Anything that provokes lust and inspires us to masturbate is Porn.  For example, I masturbate to friend's and relative's FB pics, so that makes them Porn to me.
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vishrant 1 年 前
Avatars could soon have gifs of us cumming, would wank to that, is that porn?
Ultraviolet69 2 年 前
Amen. Worship porn. Porn is everything to me.
jblvdgr 3 年 前
dus geen schuld- en schaamtegevoelens meer, die heb je al ver achter je gelaten. Alleen nog maar meer, dieper, verder, intenser. Alleen nog maar overgave. Porno is het altaar in de kerk van de geilheid, waar wij voor knielen en offeren. "Steeds krankzinniger geil worden" en voelen dat je dichterbij komt, dat leidt direct naar zaligheid.
Net als in de echte kerk heeft ook hier de geloofsbelijdenis een functie: hij versterkt je in je geloof en overtuiging. Porno- en masturbatieverslaafden bekennen aan elkaar dat ze geil zijn en zich steeds meer willen overgeven aan hun overtuiging en dieper in de ban ervan willen raken. Ik heb nog ver te gaan, maar de belemmeringen liggen buiten mij, niet in mijn wil en overtuiging.
Offer op het altaar van de porno en werk aan je zaligheid. Je zaligheid heb je geheel in eigen hand. Masturbeer.
jblvdgr 3 年 前
op de goede weg, en dus ook geen weg terug. Alleen maar dieper en verder in je porno-, sex- en masturbatieverslaving. Naast wat je nog moet doen aan noodzakelijks is er niets anders meer dan totale overgave aan je lust en geilheid door je te laten inspireren door porno. Totale overgave aan porno en daarmee aan masturbatie. Langer, vaker, intenser.
Chaz352 3 年 前
i've gotten more and more into tranny, cd, and sweet femme twink porn. i now eat my pre-cum and semen constantly and i know i have to taste someone else's very, very soon. i live near syracuse, ny and have plenty of flexibility in my schedule. your move. ~chaz
pornwankr 4 年 前
started early and always loved her so much
gezbo 4 年 前
Started with straight 8mm and mags, then discovered lesbians, next bi-sexuals and finally gays. I love it all! Especially vintage.
At age 6 saw porn for sirst time.. I knew it was the start of a true love..
vato100 4 年 前
I  !agree
Cumsperma666 4 年 前
i agree!
Luvtojack42 4 年 前
I could not agree more!
ZanaZina 4 年 前
Beautifully said... pure, simple, TRUTH!
feetball_3 4 年 前
perfect, me too love porn
nippleplaylover 5 年 前
lives2masturbate : Nothing beats that feeling. 
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lives2masturbate 出版商 5 年 前
nippleplaylover : It really is nice to see more ladies getting into edging/gooning and enjoying Porn.  There is nothing that feels better than getting into that trance that hours long edging brings, is there?
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nippleplaylover 5 年 前
I think l am the only female commenting who enjoys edging for at least 4 hours each day to porn. 
lives2masturbate 出版商 5 年 前
Oh I have - before I even made it out of my teens!
lives2masturbate 出版商 5 年 前
Pornobator : It gives me such great joy to read how others have given their life to Porn.  Porn addiction - Porn *worship* - is such a beautiful, wonderful journey.
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maze141 5 年 前
Pornobator : fucking (my fist) YES!
this is absolutely right
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Pornobator 5 年 前
Holy Shit, every word here reminds me of what Porn has done to me. I am owned and controlled by the gods of porn and my life and destiny have been fully submitted into the hands and care of our heavenly Goddesses and Queens. I wanna masturbate to porn until I completely lose mind. I wanna hit the pinnacle of porn addiction.
so true! thank you for this wonderful statement!