How to identify - Real Amateur Home Made Porn
Here are the top ten ways for you to identify real from fake home made porn.
(1) Does the idiot boyfriend have the TV tuned to a football game with volume so loud you can barely hear his wife/ girlfriend whimpering for --- If so ? This is defiantly real life porn.
(2) If it's a naked Black guy with dirty socks and a baseball cap turned backwards on his nappy head, Rap music playing in the background and a semi soft dick - You can bet It's real life porn. Especially if his cum shot looks like a slow leaking faucet.
(3) If the video is sideways, upside down, shaking so bad you can't tell if he is fucking a woman or a shaggy dog - It's real life porn
(4) If he wants to do anal and she is all for a cock shoved up her ass. - It is manufactured factory porn.
(5) However - If she has wide eyes, trembling lips or is whimpering - Then it is real life porn.
Remember girls like romance kissing & tenderness ---- a dick shoved up a dry ass hole does not fit that description. Anal sex is a guy thing - girls hate it. Gay guys are a whole different subject. Go figure !
(6) A guy giving the Thumbs up and Smiling with his dick stuck in any hole in a girls body is real porn.
(7) A Jewish girl being fucked by an Arab in a hotel in Bangladesh is probably fake.
(8) If the fam*ly dog walks in the room and starts licking the cum off her face as she stares vacantly trying to grasp what the hell was just done to her by someone she trusted --- you are almost 100% guaranteed this is real Amateur porn.
(9) A guy spending endless minutes jerking off , desperately trying to cum is a difficult call. Could go either way.
Black guys do this all the time in real life as do a few white guys intimidated by the camera. It's just damn hard to tell.
Note: Many times the girl has exhausted herself sucking this clown's limp dick for the last 20 min and we are left subjected to watching Mr. Machismo franticly flaying away hand on dick trying to cum.
(10) Finally a word about repulsive carb loading white fat girls. Time was in America when fat bitches where laughed at and a guy had to get falling down dru*k to even consider fucking it. Not any more. It's a new day in Wall Mart land.
Now, men's standards have fallen to the point many men will fuck anything. Hamster is full of this kind of moral male degradation.
Sad to say - if she is fat & ugly and a guy still wants to fuck her -- it is probably real life porn.
(1) Does the idiot boyfriend have the TV tuned to a football game with volume so loud you can barely hear his wife/ girlfriend whimpering for --- If so ? This is defiantly real life porn.
(2) If it's a naked Black guy with dirty socks and a baseball cap turned backwards on his nappy head, Rap music playing in the background and a semi soft dick - You can bet It's real life porn. Especially if his cum shot looks like a slow leaking faucet.
(3) If the video is sideways, upside down, shaking so bad you can't tell if he is fucking a woman or a shaggy dog - It's real life porn
(4) If he wants to do anal and she is all for a cock shoved up her ass. - It is manufactured factory porn.
(5) However - If she has wide eyes, trembling lips or is whimpering - Then it is real life porn.
Remember girls like romance kissing & tenderness ---- a dick shoved up a dry ass hole does not fit that description. Anal sex is a guy thing - girls hate it. Gay guys are a whole different subject. Go figure !
(6) A guy giving the Thumbs up and Smiling with his dick stuck in any hole in a girls body is real porn.
(7) A Jewish girl being fucked by an Arab in a hotel in Bangladesh is probably fake.
(8) If the fam*ly dog walks in the room and starts licking the cum off her face as she stares vacantly trying to grasp what the hell was just done to her by someone she trusted --- you are almost 100% guaranteed this is real Amateur porn.
(9) A guy spending endless minutes jerking off , desperately trying to cum is a difficult call. Could go either way.
Black guys do this all the time in real life as do a few white guys intimidated by the camera. It's just damn hard to tell.
Note: Many times the girl has exhausted herself sucking this clown's limp dick for the last 20 min and we are left subjected to watching Mr. Machismo franticly flaying away hand on dick trying to cum.
(10) Finally a word about repulsive carb loading white fat girls. Time was in America when fat bitches where laughed at and a guy had to get falling down dru*k to even consider fucking it. Not any more. It's a new day in Wall Mart land.
Now, men's standards have fallen to the point many men will fuck anything. Hamster is full of this kind of moral male degradation.
Sad to say - if she is fat & ugly and a guy still wants to fuck her -- it is probably real life porn.
9 年 前