An innoccent teen girls slutty sexual hunger awake
Ok, sometime in a near future date we decide on, you show up at a hotel room in a destination we agree upon. You play the role of a sorority girl who for her initiation has to secretly pick from a list of erotic dares, you will be the only one who knows what you choose. You being a good little christian girl who's only sexual experiences so far have been limited to a few awkwardly exciting, hardly fulfilling, hurried occassions, at camp over the summer after graduation, with your closest guy friend growing up, who was almost like a brother to you. You being the initiator, due to a growing curiosity that began its hungry growing pulse the night you accidently caught your friends older brother stroking his cock to porn on a night of a study session sleepover she had with you, to study for your upcoming finals. him not knowing you where there and coming in late, stoned and drunk from a college party, didn't quite close the door to the game room/ den in the cellar all the way and being frustrated that he didn't get laid again, went to the tv and decided to watch a gangbang vid his friend loaned him. Not being able to sleep with finals on your mind, and hearing someone awake, you thought maybe you could watch some tv to help zone out enough to get some rest. Not wanting to wake anybody you tiptoed downstairs and seeing light coming from the cellar, hurried over, the closer you got you began to become aware of a slight moaning sound, piquing your curiosity and giving you a bit more of a stealth to your movement, you snuck down the stares. He being deep into his drunk and stoned horny 21 year old mans fantasy world, was lying on the couch with his pants around his ankles, slowly stroking on his cock trying to give himself the pleasure only a frustrated masturbating young buck new how to do for himself. Being at an angle that made it hard for him to see you but perfect for you to not only look down upon his hand sliding up and down an increasingly larger cock but also allows you to see the gangbang that he is watching on the tv. Being your first time seeing lusty human sexuality, but smelling, hearing and feeling it begin its glorious warmth begin to envelop you and feeling that squishy, juicy, wonderfull feeling spread throughout your insides, you found your hands caressing your slick silky s*******n year old slit and your so far infrequently touched breasts. You watched as the girl on the screen was fucked endlessly by one cock after the next, and each guy moving over to her mouth and spewing gooey loads of ejaculate into her seemingly voracious mouth. She was greedily swallowing all that landed on her tongue and licking what made it to her lips, her face glisstening in all the slimey white cream that missed its mark, the thought of swallowing semen had up until this moment been the grossest, ickiest thing you heard of a girl doing with her boyfriend, vowing you would never, ever allow any guy to get you to do for him. But for some reason, being caught up in the moment you couldn't stop imagining that you were the moaning, quivering, jezzebelle, on the screen, being filled and stretched by a roomfull of guys, saying nasty things to you as you begged them to give you more cum, that you loved being a slut and would be willing to be their sexual object to use anytime they needed as long as they kept it secret from your friends. Hearing your friends brothers stroking rythms pace increase and seeing his breathing speed up, and the sound of his hand smacking his big ball sack and sweaty thighs, you focused intently on what you never thought you'd see. Your breath caught, your heart and tight pink teenaged pussy pulsed in perfect union, then, with a sound of serene satisfaction you saw his musky man scented body clench and jet after jet of thick semen fly through the room, splashing his chest, stomach, face and the wall behind him, he leaned over and grabbed a rag and began to clean himself up, he never noticed the thick globs, slowly sliding down the wall, but you did, but not wanting to get caught you hburriedly hid in the pantry as you heard him make his way upstairs, grab a drink, stumble to the bathroom, take what seemed to be the longest piss in the world, and finally to his room where he crashed on his bed. You kept playing the scene over and over in your head and were amazed with how soaked your panties had become, feeling around on your young leaking tulip, you felt your own sweet, vaginal syrup pool into your palm, instantly in a moment of pure sexual emotion you brought it to your mouth and began to sucking it up into your mouth, fantasizing a cock leaking its load of joy lovingly filling your core with a strange kind of silvery, purple to pinkish light like a soul of a succulent succubi siren of old satisfying a void you never had known existed within your being. You wanted to just run to your house and find a phallic shaped anything to explore yourquivering quim with, but remembering having your computer upstairs, and it being top of the line it had dvd burning capabilities. you returned to your friends room, packed your things, whispered to her that you were going home, cause you couldn't fall asleep, she in a sleepy haze bid you adeiu. So making sure no one else was awake, you made your way into the sexual womb of a cellar, you quickly inserted the disk and created a hidden, password protected folder marked math equations and statistic charts for every college bound honor student. Hoping that would sound boring enough for any prying eye. As you waited for the dvd to download, you were inthralled by the lingering smell of male sexuality in the air, the smell of cock, balls, sweat and cum, a smell you were begining to grow a fondness for, looking around you noticed a glob of jizz, still on the wall. You quickly, went to it, with a weird curiosity, mixed with a kinky kind of dirty shame, that was a swirling of excitement, the human love of tasting the proverbial forbidden fruit, and it being your own secret. it felt so good to feel so bad. you scooped it up and even though it had become cold, you needed to experience your first taste of semen, knowing that you regardless of the moment being so strange and the feel you were already anticipating you would experience in your mouth, like congealed gravy or post nasal drip, you whorishly lick up the load of sperm, fully taking in the bleachy tasting, slimey textured, life creating puddle of spunk, swirling it around your mouth and quickly like a k** taking his medicine, force your self to swallow it. The seed was now and forever planted. It wasn't as horrible as you had thought until today, but wasn't as amazing as you were hoping while you were caught up in the lusty haze of erotica from earlier. You now had to taste and feel a real cock inside your mouth, and feel and taste the moment of orgasmic energetic explosion of the water from the tap, still warm and in its natural state before seperation begins to happen as cool down begins. You cleaned up whatever drop was noticible to you, ejected the disk and entered not only the light of the moon in the open night air as you beelined to your home, and your bedroom, and your bed, to imerse yourmind into this new found sexual body you now were in possession of, you shed your c***d like skin of the past and entered a new world of passion and perversion and pleasure excited for the new and deeply cavernous world of sexual exploration that you wanted, no, needed to fill every nook and cranny with an endless new reality of fantasy fulfillment. No Holes barred.
13 年 前