Talking Porn Vids #6 -- Oodles of O's

Today's entry is focused on the ladies again, and their wonderful ability to communicate pleasure during orgasm. Most of us who have been with a few women (or have watched a lot of porn, or both) know that while a woman's orgasm can be... well, complicated, it's certainly arousing and rewarding when you get to see one up close and personal.

With men, there's no doubt, most of the time. The changes to the penis and of course ejaculation are unambiguous signs of of a male's climax, even though with us, all orgasms are not created equally and vary in potency and duration. But in the end, there's usually not much ambiguity about when (or whether) the "magic moment" happens.

But that's grade-school stuff compared to the complexity of and myriad forms taken by the female orgasm. Sometimes they might be quiet, wholly unremarkable to view, sometimes they are loud, screaming affairs, sometimes they seem to be faked, but conversely sometimes the ladies in question seem to be helpless to stop doing it. Some come only from stimulation of the clitoris, some from vaginal penetration, some from oral, some from.. whatever else. Seems just about every woman has a slightly different combination that opens the safe, so to speak, and while that's distinct from the male orgasm experience (usually just steady friction and either great scenery or a little imagination is all that is required), the diversity in both methods and manifestation of a woman's orgasm adds an element of mystery, surprise, and yes, even challenge to sexual experiences with them.

Now might be a good time for a disclaimer, however: Note that focusing primarily on orgasm as the yardstick for sexual pleasure or satisfaction is a fool's game. Talking with many people about this has convinced me that satisfying sex (and not just intercourse, but other kinds of erotic play) is certainly possible without either partner's reaching orgasm. Some folks can't attain a peak at all, ever, and many of them can still have quality intimacy with their partner(s) or even alone, because sexual activity feels good even without "cumming", and because stimulation of the mind, with erotic thoughts and images and sounds, leads to its own brand of satisfaction that often exists in parallel with orgasm, but isn't dependent on it. So lest you ruin a good encounter or relationship by "keeping score", remember that intimacy, sharing yourselves and your desires with one another, that intensely pleasant mutual trust and banishment of shame or judgment, those are the real goals of sex, the real reason we keep doing it over and over. If you're just counting the fireworks, then you may be doing it wrong, is what I am saying.

So let's go to the visual aids, shall we? First up is a great primer on the fundamental physical aspects of the female orgasm, really the only infallible indicator that it is happening. Orgasm manifests in women as a series of contractions in the Kegel floor and perineal muscle groups that correspond with intense feelings of pleasure or joy, and while many times those effects show up in other parts of their body as well, in the sounds or movements they make, those rapid, characteristic contractions often visible at the vulva and anus are the indisputable hallmarks of this happy moment. Below we find a very clear depiction of these contractions demonstrated by a lovely young lady:


Note how her sounds and movements change once the contractions start. She seems to "hit" right before they begin, and it's interesting to see how her contractions' frequency changes once the orgasm gets going; it's not as consistently "rhythmic" as one might believe. It's also very arousing, for me personally, to get such a clear and intimate view of this wonderful moment. I think it's notable, however, how subdued her reaction is-- she's obviously feeling pleasure, of course, but having seen this performer in other situations where she seemed to be reaching orgasm I find that she's not as animated or expressive with her sounds and body in this clip. I suspect it's due to the quiet, still nature of the way she's stimulated-- this isn't sweaty, primal fucking; it's gentle and focused, and I think the orgasm that results is characterized by the type of stimulation that prompts it. This may largely be true for women overall, but more research is required for that assertion (can I get some volunteers? ;)

Next up we have a couple of Wonders from Down Under to simultaneously demonstrate for us two slightly different approaches to orgasm through masturbation. No toys are used, this is purely au natural but they obviously don't need them. It's not clear whether or not they are fully into lesbian sex, but it is clear they find one another attractive, particularly as they both start really getting into it.


Hot, right? So we can see a little shyness between them, and it continues through the first part of the clip, as they giggle to one another in mutual awkwardness when their eyes meet from time to time as they play. But soon we see their techniques and signals of arousal diverging, as the girl on the left (we'll call her Lefty) becomes increasingly animated, demonstrative, and lost in whatever fantasy she's working with, while Righty is more businesslike, focused, more interested in what her friend is doing than in a fantasy in her head.

While Righty stays focused on steady, comprehensive stimulation of her clitoris, taking care to spread herself with the other hand to ensure maximum access for a single finger, Lefty enjoys the feeling of penetration and digs in herself with two fingers, positioning them to reach the spot inside her vaginal canal that roughly corresponds to the clit on the outside, where some women have a bundle of nerves that can be stimulated from within the canal, likely the source of the semi-mythical "G-spot". She really works herself well like that, and her movements become more wild and frenzied as her climax approaches. When she does finally "lose it" (starting about 3:30) we can see one of the more common secondary characterizations in female orgasm as her legs try to close together and she starts wanting to curl up into the fetal position (3:45). In my personal experience, that kind of reaction is usually tied to stronger orgasms, as in the hotter they are, the longer the buildup, the more likely they are to want to draw up like that, which is why one of my favorite things in the world is to see my partner curled into a little ball, whimpering softly after a particularly intense experience. But Lefty comes with her whole body, everything from her movements to her sounds to her facial expressions all say ORGASM in big block letters, and it's an inspiring and arousing sight, both for us and for her friend on the right.

Righty just busily stimulates herself without much ado; her attention is almost entirely focused on her sexy couch-mate. In fact, she masturbates more like a man in that regard. But we see her back periodically arch, which I suspect are in response to small pre-orgasmic contractions of the Kegel floor, and she offers sounds of appreciation and encouragement to her friend as she reaches her peak, underscoring the external focus of her attention and the fact that while Lefty is just wanking, enjoying being watched but living some kind of fantasy in her head, Righty is masturbating to HER, and her alone. Her pleasure is 100% pegged to Lefty's here.

So Lefty never really stops playing, even immediately after her climax, instead putting on a little "show" to help her friend along, no doubt aware by then that Righty's arousal is focused on her, but somewhere along the way it seems to become real pleasure again fairly quickly as Righty's buzzer finally sounds (5:25). We see a different orgasmic response from her, as her back arches steeply and keeps rising with her tension, tension we can plainly see mounting in her torso and limbs, her head pulled back by it. Her orgasm is both shorter in duration and less overtly dramatic than Lefty's, in fact all 3 of her climaxes in this video are, but that doesn't mean it didn't feel just as good or better-- we are just seeing two different styles, but there is no way to compare their intensity without feeling them for ourselves.

Both girls go on to have 2 more orgasms each in the clip, but we don't really see much new from either one of them, but it sure is inspiring to see 6 peaks in about 11 and a half minutes, right? And who wouldn't give an arm or a leg to sit on THAT couch with all that going on?

OK for the last clip I wanted to include a depiction of a female orgasm during intercourse, but that proved more difficult than I anticipated. There's no shortage of apparent female climaxes in regular man-woman porn, but it's difficult to find one that is both credible (as in not just the actress "performing" for the benefit of her partner and viewers) as well as illustrative of the things I am talking about in this post. But I am rescued in this effort by my personal hero RNailder, who uploads some great clips from his pay sites (including Glass Mannequin and Real Colorado Girls). Richard is an older guy who gets to fuck some AMAZING young amateurs, and he apparently knows what it's all about because he has the tools and the talent to help these lovely ladies get to the top of the mountain. Watch him work his magic with some beautiful partners:

There are lots of climaxes in this one, and it's interesting to note that many of them don't look like the "orgasms" we see in mainstream porn. Some are in fact quite difficult to distinguish from the pleasure of just getting fucked well. There are no exaggerated, screaming histrionics, no forcing out urine (oh, I'm sorry, I meant "squirting"). We just see lovely girls having "normal" orgasms at the hands (and cock and mouth) of an experienced, patient lover.

There are a few things these different girls have in common, some more of those secondary indicators of their peaks. Some announce it to him, which is awesome in the right setting but is often over-depicted in commercial porn, to the extent that it sometimes becomes actually misleading. Most exhibit a characteristic loss of fine limb control in key moments, kind of flailing their arms and/or legs as things get hectic. One of the most interesting scenes (that is unfortunately interrupted by the annoyingly frequent logo card he persists in including-- sorry Richard I know you wanna make money but DAMN) happens at about 8:25; it features a girl whose climax is marked by not only flailing hand movements and a blissful, agonized facial expression, but also a pronounced quivering in her legs, which is a characteristic we haven't seen in the other videos but another fairly reliable indicator of a "real" orgasm because it is difficult to fake credibly. Shuddering in the limbs and hips is a wonderful sign of a powerful climax, as the tension in the muscles becomes so strong that they start to spasm. I've personally seen that become full-on muscle cramps, though, so beware, those of you seeking this pinnacle-- don't hold it too long or you'll be riding a Charlie-horse instead of a cock.

So we've looked at some reliable indicators of real pleasure in women, and celebrated the things that get them feeling that way. For my tastes, there is nothing in the world more hot, more alluring, more likely to get me feeling "ready to go" myself than seeing a woman reach her peak. It's not only erotic in and of itself, but the ego stroking that comes from knowing that I did this thing to them, that I gave them this gift, is simply one of the best things in life. That's all for now. Happy fucking, everybody-- now get out there and find your own "O".

As always, I encourage and welcome any input or discussion in the comments below. Thanks!

发布者 bigfella1313
8 年 前
bigfella1313 出版商 8 年 前
TheCatzzMeeow : Thanks man. It's mainly that I'm just super-preoccupied with sex and sexuality and like writing about it I guess. When you aren't "getting any" it seems sex starts to take on an unnatural prominence, becomes a bigger and bigger deal than it is when one is regularly getting one's dick wet, and so by now I'd characterize my interest in sexuality as an "obsession" I suppose. I appreciate your taking the time to read it. Cheers! :wink:
回答 原始评论
TheCatzzMeeow 8 年 前
Very well done. You give some really great insight to those that want to know.
bigfella1313 出版商 8 年 前
sandycpl02 : Right? Doesn't get much better, does it?
回答 原始评论
sandycpl02 8 年 前
love watching women hot
bigfella1313 出版商 8 年 前
Thanks bud for the insight. I hadn't thought about the overall effect of the first girl's face being only partially visible but I definitely think you're right.
And my personal theory about the second vid is that "Righty" is just straight-up gay, comfortable getting her arousal from another woman, and sweet little Lefty, who is absolutely adorable, I agree there too, she's kind of a newbie to this stuff but so horny and orgasmic that she just takes to it naturally. I bet Lefty there would be DYNAMITE in bed for a man or a woman, if it were someone she were sufficiently attracted to.
Sorry the last one didn't work, it was good. I'll try to figure something out.
Thanks again!