Cassie got well satisfied
Cassie looked up into the camera, with a flushed look on her face.
There were beads of perspiration on her upper lip, and her eyes were
having a hard time focusing.
"My God," she thought "How the fuck did I get into this situation?"
Her and Phil had always been adventurous in bed, even before they had
graduated out of college. Just before they had been engaged, they had even
gone to bed with another couple they knew, and had enjoyed it very much.
Of course, after they had gotten married the sex had slowed down some,
but not enough for either of them to complain about. Phil was a very
good lover in bed, and always tried to bring her to the sexual peaks
that she needed, and Cassie being the good wife, had on more than one
occasion faked an orgasm, just so Phil would think she had been
But in the last month or so, after having sex, they would lay there
staring at the ceiling and talk about where their life was going, and
how they had enjoyed their sexual escapades back in college.
"Yeah, those were the good old days." Phil was saying.
"Remember that couple, Peggy and Peter who we fooled around with?"
"Oh yes, he had a good sized dick, but he just didn't seem to know how
to use it properly" she said.
"You seemed to enjoy it enough, that you had seconds later that night."
"Listen buster, you were no slouch yourself. I remember Peggy doing
some screaming that night, and don't forget the scratches I found on
your back the next day."
There was a pause, as they both reflected back on that time, and it was
Phil who surprised her next by saying "I sure miss those days, don't
She took a deep breath, and didn't say anything, but her nodding yes
told Phil she missed it too.
"Cass, you wanna try something like that again some time?"
Again, she didn't say anything, but looked him in the eyes while biting
her lip and nodded her head again.
They both rolled over and closed their eyes, pretending to go to sleep.
Phil was wondering how he might be able to find Peggy and Peter, while
Cassie wondered how it would feel to have a strange cock in her again.
Several days later, Phil had taken a different route home from work, and
had noticed the seedy looking adult book store. He had driven past it,
when all of a sudden he remember what they had talked about that night.
Doubling back to the store, he entered it and had browsed around till
some swinger magazines had caught his eye.
He thumbed through several till one caught his eye that was exclusively
for swingers in the Tampa Bay area where they lived. Looking through
it, he was surprised that there were ads with pictures, and with phone
numbers, and some even with email addresses.
"Geez, they sure had progressed since his college days, when people were
not quite so open about swinging"
He paid for the magazine and hurried home.
Cassie was preparing dinner when he came into the kitchen and gave her a
playful kiss on the neck, before biting it hard enough to get her
"Hey tiger, you trying to start something, or what? Dinner is gonna be
ready in about 15 minutes."
"Nope, just wanted to mark my territory, in case we think about maybe
swinging again."
"You got a hold of Peg and Pete?"
"LOL, no.... but I picked up a magazine that might grab your attention."
No sooner had he put it on the table, than Cassie picked it up and
started leafing through it.
"What the fuck! These are swingers right here in Tampa?"
"You catch on quickly don't ya."
She sat down and started reading the pages closer, till she smelled the
pork chops starting to burn. She quickly got back to fixing dinner, but
kept stealing glances over at the magazine from time to time.
Phil noticed her looking while he set the table, and grinned to himself.
So she was as serious as him at possibly hooking up with another couple
again. His cock started to harden, as he thought about possibly sinking
it into some strange pussy.
All during dinner, she kept looking at the ads, while taking a bite of
food now and then. Phil almost choked on the carrots, when she said
"Son of a bitch, there are even ads in here for gang bangs!"
"Gang bangs, your k**ding?"
"No" and she started reading the ad to him. "Five well hung men,
looking to please that special Lady who needs more than just that one
man in her life. We aim to please, and will even take pics and a movie
if you are so inclined."
All of a sudden Cassie went silent.
"What's wrong hon?"
She continued telling him what that ad said. "Black"
"It says they are black, and it gives a phone number and time to call in
the evening."
Phil didn't say anything, but his cock did another twitch, as his mind
pictured Cassie with a black guy.
There was a pregnant pause as neither of them said anything, but Phil
noticed that she was still looking at that ad, like she was re-reading
"Does the idea of making it with a black guy turn you on?"
Cassie bit her lip again, something that Phil noticed his wife do a lot,
whenever she was not sure of herself.
"Well we talked about swinging again."
"Baby, I think the ad said guys, like in the word plural."
A slight smile crept up in the corner of her mouth, as she re-read the
ad again for the fifth time.
The smile then went away as she looked up at Phil, and softly said "The
ad doesn't say anything about women though hon. I mean, these guys are
looking to satisfy a woman, so there wouldn't be anyone for you to
If Cassie had looked under the kitchen table, she would have seen a
sizable tent in Phil's pants. The more he thought about a black guy,
or for that matter a group of black guys fucking Cassie, the stronger
his cock became.
"Well, it's not like there aren't other ads in there that have couples."
When he said it, he noticed her demeanor changed a little, like her
anticipation of a gang bang might not come true.
"Cass.... you want me to give that number a call and see what it's all
She looked up at him and her eyes started to water up. She nodded her
head and turned her face away as she swiped her eyes to dry them up.
"Yeah, I'm calling about your ad in the Tampa swingers magazine."
"Sure man, what's on your mind?"
"Well my wife thinks she might like to give it a try. How would
something like this work?"
"You know Gino's over on 45th street? We could meet up there for some
drinks and size each other up. By the way, how old is your wife or
"She is 37 and weighs around 120 pounds. Has red hair, and 34C's which
don't droop too much yet. How old are you.... I mean you guys?"
The black guy on the other end laughed, and started to feel a little bit
more at ease. They had received some really weird responses to their
ad, so it was refreshing to hear from someone who was a little
"Three of us are in our late twenties, another guy is in his thirties,
and my dad who is in his early forties.... But he is very spry for his
age. Oh, and if your interested in knowing, the smallest guy has a 6
inch cock, and the largest, that be my dad, has 11 inches. The rest
of us are in the 8 to 9 inch department. So would you and your Lady
like to meet over at Gino's?"
Phil paused for a second before asking when.
"Well, it's only 7 right now, but how about say in a few hours. Would
that be too short a notice?"
"Hang on a sec while I ask my wife."
Cassie had been listening in on the other phone, and she shook her head
right away.
Phil paused again, cause he knew this was a very important decision they
were making in their life.
"Uhm, yeah, 9 would be fine. How we gonna know who you are?"
The guy laughed again and said "My name is Steve, and when you walk in
the door, we will know you, cause Gino's is an all black bar."
They hung up, and Phil noticed Cassie going upstairs. "Where you going
She didn't even turn around, as she said "Uhm, to take a quick shower
and put something on not as drab as this. I'll be ready in about an hour."
On the drive over, she had sat closer to him than usual, and had dug her
fingers into his thigh as she asked him "You sure your okay with this
"Hey no one said that it might happen tonight. Were just going to join
this Steve fellow and see if we like his looks."
As they entered the bar, a young black man rose up and extended his
"I'm Steve, but you never told me what your name is."
Steve was a couple of inches taller than Phil, and had a smile that
would disarm a white grandmother.
"Sorry Steve, I'm Phil and this is my wife Cassie. I was so nervous
when I called you, I didn't know what to say."
"LOL, not to worry Phil, it's good to meet you, and WOW, Cassie you are
a knockout!"
As he grabbed her hand, he held it longer than normal, as he led them
over to a table where a couple of other black guys were sitting.
"This is Larry, and the really old man is my father Theo."
Theo stood up, and he dwarfed everyone else at the table, as he shook
Cassie's hand. His hand in fact was twice as big as hers, as he gently
steered her to the empty chair between him and Larry.
Theo nodded at Phil, and smiled as he nodded towards his son. "Phil, pay
no attention to my son. These young k**s now a days have no respect
for their elders."
After their drinks were brought to their table, Steve and Phil settled
into a discussion about their Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team, while
Theo was chatting with Cassie.
Over the noise from the bar, Phil was having a hard time hearing what
Theo and Cassie were saying, except to catch a word here or there, but
he noticed that she had a big smile on her face and was giggling form
time to time. He also noticed that Theo and Larry were now sitting
close enough to her, that Theo had casually d****d his arm around her
back as he leaned in to tell her something.
Cassie was fascinated by the older man, who seemed to have a perpetual
smile on his face, and had all the right things to say.
"So Cassie, if I may call ya that, whose idea was it for you to maybe
get together with someone other than your hubby?"
It was such a direct question, that it caught her off guard. In fact he
had lowered his voice so much, that she wasn't even sure if she had
heard him right.
Theo leaned in even closer, so they were only inches from each other,
and softly asked her "Was it your idea, or your hubby's?"
She giggled as she felt his arm drop off of the chairs back and onto her
shoulders. "We've been talking about it for a couple of days, and Steve
brought home that swingers magazine, and we thought we wanted to check
it out."
"So sugar, how long has it been since you have been with another man?"
Geez, this guy wasn't wasting any time, she thought.
"Not since college really" she said uncomfortably. The guy was not
pulling away from her, but instead had dropped his other hand down to
her thigh. She felt nervous, but excited at the same time as he gently
squeezed her thigh.
Phil was trying to listen to what they were saying, but the noise from
the bar and with Steve talking to him, he wasn't hearing too much, but
he did notice that Cassie's look was now different. The smile had left
her face, but in it's place was that look he had not seen since before
they were married. It was that look of anticipation she used to get,
when he knew she wanted sex. That unsure look, but also that I want it
As Theo moved his hand more to the inner part of her upper thigh, Cassie
unknowingly spread her legs a little. This was not lost on Theo, who
didn't wait for her to change her mind, as he dropped his finger further
down and over her slacks. When his fingers felt moisture where her cunt
was, he knew this white bitch was ripe for the taking.
Cassie looked down at his fingers as they pressed inwards to her cunt,
and when she looked back into his face, there was now a cruel type smile.
"You ever have a really big cock satisfy that pussy of yours honey?"
"Oh my God, this guy was something else" she thought.
Theo turned his head a little and brushed his lips across her cheek as
he whispered into her ear, "Put your hand on my cock sugar."
Cassie had an orgasm ripple through her body and he said those words.
No one had ever talked to her like that before. This black guy was
talking to her like she was some kind of whore or something, she
Cassie didn't know what she was doing, but her hand traveled up Theo's
thigh till she felt the bulge that must have been the head of his cock.
She momentarily squeezed it, till she went further up and felt the rest
of it.
"Mother fucker!" she thought, as she felt how long and big it was.
"It's all yours Cassie. Just say the word, and it will happen."
"Honey, are you alright?"
Cassie came out of her daze and looked over at her husband. She was
biting her lip so hard that it looked like she might draw blood.
"Uhm Phil.... uhm can we get out of here? I.... uhm we need to leave
"Huh, what's wrong?"
"I think she wants to go over to our place where it's not so noisy Phil"
Theo said.
Phil looked back to Cassie, and she was nodding quickly. He didn't know
what was going on, but he suspected that both of their hands were busy
under the table.
"You want to go over to their place hon?"
"YES" she said emphatically.
Steve was already paying the bartender as the group of them walked past
him. Larry was leading the way, with Cassie right behind him, and with
Theo up so close to Cassie that it looked like they were joined at the
hips. Phil noticed that Theo's hand was fully covering one of Cassie's
ass cheeks, and she made no move to remove it.
The cool air struck them as they got out to the parking lot, as Theo
was steering Cassie to a red Cadillac parked a few spaces from their own
Phil started to protest, but Steve grabbed him by the arm and said
"She will be alright man, my Dad wouldn't hurt a fly."
Steve got into the car with Phil, while Phil noticed that Cassie and
Theo got into the back seat.
Phil pulled up behind them, and he could see that Theo was already
kissing Cassie before they even got out of the lot.
The drive only took about five minutes, but already Cassie's head had
dropped out of sight. Steve chuckled as he said "White women can't
believe how big Dad is. They all want to see if they can get his cock
head into their mouth."
Things had happened much too quickly to satisfy Phil, as Theo and
Larry steered Cassie to another room, while Steve got Phil a beer and
then got on the phone.
"Hey man, yep they are here. Dad already has the wife in the bedroom so
I imagine by the time you guys get here and set the cameras up, she will
be getting it good."
Phil looked over at Steve and got some furrows in his brow.
"It's okay man, that was one of the guys that will be coming over. He's
got some great video equipment, his brothers of course will be helping to
satisfy that wife of yours.
Phil was speechless as the beer was thrust into his hand, and Steve led
him over to the other room. What he saw amazed him even more, as Theo
and Larry were standing by the bed, and Cassie had a hand around each of
of their asses.
"Son of a bitch" he thought, she must be sucking their cocks.
As they walked around the bed, he could now see Cassie sucking on Larry's
cock, as Theo's hand was trying to force her further and further onto the
other black mans cock. He could see that she wasn't protesting too much,
cause on each thrust into her mouth, she seemed to be opening her lips
more, like to take in more and more. She made a couple of gagging
noises, but kept right on sucking.
Cassie's mind was spinning as she sucked on Larry's cock. It was not
that big around, but had to be at least 8 inches long, with a pointy head
on it. It kept jabbing at her throat, and her reflex was to gag, but
with the help of Theo's hand which had a firm grip on the back of her
head, Larry's cock would from time to time enter her throat.
This went on for what seemed like about ten minutes, when there was a
knock at the door. Steve left Phil staring at his wife, while he let
his buddies into the house.
"Yeah man, she is gonna be a hot piece."
There were some words said that Phil couldn't make out, and then
"fuck yes, she is young enough to take us all on tonight." I think
that Dad slipped her a roofy already, so she ain't feeling no pain."
Things had progressed rapidly after Cassie swallowed her first load of
cum. She had no intention of swallowing, but Theo's firm grip had not
let her have any choice, but to swallow.
A few coughs, and then Steve had stepped up to the plate and took his
turn at her mouth. As soon as the guys had the movie cameras set up,
and the klieg lights on, they started to shoot the action. It was then
that Steve had told her to lay on the bed, cause he was "gonna fuck the
shit out of you" as he put it.
Phil had been pushed back so the other black guys could get in on the
action, and he ended up pulling his cock out and jacking it off while
his wife was being attacked by all the black bodies.
She now had one leg straight up in the air, supported by a black
shoulder, while a big black cock was sawing in and out of her cunt.
Cassie seemed to not be resisting at all, as she met the thrusts with
her own thrusts. Someone with a camera was taking close ups of her
face as she was being fucked, and the look on her face was that of a
woman who was being overwhelmed by all the sex that was being given
to her.
As Cassie looked into the camera, someone grabbed her head and
forcefully turned it and she had a cock shoved into her mouth. At this
point she didn't care anymore, as her hormones and the roofy were taking
her to another plateau.
Phil noticed that they were all fucking her bareback, but it was too
late to stop it now. Each thrust was met with a squishy sound as cum
was being pushed out, and as the cock would pull back he could see her
cunt's lips wrap tightly around the cock to not let it pull out.
Phil looked down and he saw their were several streaks of cum running
down his pants. He must have cum more than once, cause some of it was
even on his shoes, but at this point he could care less, cause the sight
of his petite little wife being mauled by all these black guys was just
too much to handle.
After about 30 minutes of being fucked and sucking lots of cocks, Theo
made the announcement that he was taking over. A couple of protests
were made, but they all knew that Theo was "the man", and what Theo
wanted, Theo got.
It was then that Phil got his first good look at Theo's immense cock.
Then he remembered the phone conversation with Steve how his Dad's cock
was like 11 inches long. At the time, Phil had chalked that up to
bragging, but now he could see that not only was the damn thing long, it
was obscenely big around. The head on it was almost the size of a plum,
and from there to his nuts it only seemed to get bigger and wider.
Cazzie looked down between her legs as Theo grabbed her by the knees and
lifted her ass off of the bed.
"Oh fuck, please be careful. I don't think I can take anything that
"Don't you worry sugar, daddy is gonna take good care of you. By the
end of the night, you ain't ever gonna want anyone else's cock."
As Theo started pushing it in, he was not nearly as careful as she
thought he would be. In fact, it hurt so much that she drew blood when
she bit her lip. The fucking thing felt like it was as big as a coke
can, and as it went in deeper, she knew that this must be how a woman
felt when she was giving birth.
He stopped when he was about half way in, and let her get used to it.
"You getting some close ups of this? I don't mean just my cock stupid,
are you getting where she is biting her lip?"
One of the camera men nodded, as he got a nice angle where Cassie's head
was turned sideways like hoping if she didn't see this monster entering
her body, it might not hurt as much. As he zoomed out away from the
tiny trickle of blood from her lip, the scene panned down past her rock
hard nipples and then down her pale white body to the coal black cock
that had started working in deeper. Her grunts were enough to let
everyone know that she was having trouble accepting this big cock, but
they all knew she had no choice in the matter.
All of a sudden Theo gave a tremendous shove, and his balls slapped up
against the cheeks of her ass. Cassie gave a loud groan and nearly
passed out..... nearly passed out, til Theo started to fuck her in
earnest. No more slow in and outs, but now she was experiencing what a
brutal fucking this huge man could give her.
The slapping of his balls against her ass was noticeable in the room, as
everyone watched this little white wife being fucked like no one else
As he leaned over and his face was only a few inches from hers, he said
loud enough so everyone in the room could hear "I'm gonna cum in you
until it gushes out, sugar."
Cassie at this point couldn't even think clearly enough to remember when
her last period had been. All she knew was that she belonged to this
nigger, whether her husband liked it or not. This unmistakeable feeling
was more than she had ever dreamed it could be.
Theo was pistoning in and out of her at a frantic pace, and Steve hoped
his fater wouldn't have a heart attack.
"OH FUCK, here is cums bitch! OH YEAH, I'm gonna fucking seed you!
TAKE MY BABY!" he screamed.
Cassie's cum covered lips with the tiny trickle of blood, were stretched
open as far as they could, like she was screaming, but no sound came
out, except for a gutteral growl from deep within.
As Theo's cock released spurt after spurt of cum, Cassie was having her
own orgasm of such magnitude that she thought she was going to pass out.
Theo slowly pulled his cock out of the over stretched cunt of this white
wife, and everyone including the camera's could see the mixture of both
of their cum come flowing out. They could see her clit as it was
pulsating from the stimulation it had received.
Cassie didn't want him to pull out, cause now her cunt could feel the
cool air rush inside, leaving her with a tremendous empty feeling.
Theo leaned down and kissed one of her eyes and whispered to her "Now
that was the best fuck I've had since my Millie done passed away."
Cassie couldn't even reply, except to nod her head as she tried to catch
her breath. When she finally found the words to speak, "Theo..... when
can I see you again?"
Theo just smiled down at her, and said "You can move in whenever
you wants sugar!"
A cold shudder ripped through Phil's body when he heard those words.
Instead of going home later that night, Steve invited them to stay over,
and before Phil could say anything, Cassie said she didn't want to go
home. What Phil wondered was if that meant she didn't ever want to go
home, or whatever. One thing was for sure, Cassie got well satisfied
that night.
There were beads of perspiration on her upper lip, and her eyes were
having a hard time focusing.
"My God," she thought "How the fuck did I get into this situation?"
Her and Phil had always been adventurous in bed, even before they had
graduated out of college. Just before they had been engaged, they had even
gone to bed with another couple they knew, and had enjoyed it very much.
Of course, after they had gotten married the sex had slowed down some,
but not enough for either of them to complain about. Phil was a very
good lover in bed, and always tried to bring her to the sexual peaks
that she needed, and Cassie being the good wife, had on more than one
occasion faked an orgasm, just so Phil would think she had been
But in the last month or so, after having sex, they would lay there
staring at the ceiling and talk about where their life was going, and
how they had enjoyed their sexual escapades back in college.
"Yeah, those were the good old days." Phil was saying.
"Remember that couple, Peggy and Peter who we fooled around with?"
"Oh yes, he had a good sized dick, but he just didn't seem to know how
to use it properly" she said.
"You seemed to enjoy it enough, that you had seconds later that night."
"Listen buster, you were no slouch yourself. I remember Peggy doing
some screaming that night, and don't forget the scratches I found on
your back the next day."
There was a pause, as they both reflected back on that time, and it was
Phil who surprised her next by saying "I sure miss those days, don't
She took a deep breath, and didn't say anything, but her nodding yes
told Phil she missed it too.
"Cass, you wanna try something like that again some time?"
Again, she didn't say anything, but looked him in the eyes while biting
her lip and nodded her head again.
They both rolled over and closed their eyes, pretending to go to sleep.
Phil was wondering how he might be able to find Peggy and Peter, while
Cassie wondered how it would feel to have a strange cock in her again.
Several days later, Phil had taken a different route home from work, and
had noticed the seedy looking adult book store. He had driven past it,
when all of a sudden he remember what they had talked about that night.
Doubling back to the store, he entered it and had browsed around till
some swinger magazines had caught his eye.
He thumbed through several till one caught his eye that was exclusively
for swingers in the Tampa Bay area where they lived. Looking through
it, he was surprised that there were ads with pictures, and with phone
numbers, and some even with email addresses.
"Geez, they sure had progressed since his college days, when people were
not quite so open about swinging"
He paid for the magazine and hurried home.
Cassie was preparing dinner when he came into the kitchen and gave her a
playful kiss on the neck, before biting it hard enough to get her
"Hey tiger, you trying to start something, or what? Dinner is gonna be
ready in about 15 minutes."
"Nope, just wanted to mark my territory, in case we think about maybe
swinging again."
"You got a hold of Peg and Pete?"
"LOL, no.... but I picked up a magazine that might grab your attention."
No sooner had he put it on the table, than Cassie picked it up and
started leafing through it.
"What the fuck! These are swingers right here in Tampa?"
"You catch on quickly don't ya."
She sat down and started reading the pages closer, till she smelled the
pork chops starting to burn. She quickly got back to fixing dinner, but
kept stealing glances over at the magazine from time to time.
Phil noticed her looking while he set the table, and grinned to himself.
So she was as serious as him at possibly hooking up with another couple
again. His cock started to harden, as he thought about possibly sinking
it into some strange pussy.
All during dinner, she kept looking at the ads, while taking a bite of
food now and then. Phil almost choked on the carrots, when she said
"Son of a bitch, there are even ads in here for gang bangs!"
"Gang bangs, your k**ding?"
"No" and she started reading the ad to him. "Five well hung men,
looking to please that special Lady who needs more than just that one
man in her life. We aim to please, and will even take pics and a movie
if you are so inclined."
All of a sudden Cassie went silent.
"What's wrong hon?"
She continued telling him what that ad said. "Black"
"It says they are black, and it gives a phone number and time to call in
the evening."
Phil didn't say anything, but his cock did another twitch, as his mind
pictured Cassie with a black guy.
There was a pregnant pause as neither of them said anything, but Phil
noticed that she was still looking at that ad, like she was re-reading
"Does the idea of making it with a black guy turn you on?"
Cassie bit her lip again, something that Phil noticed his wife do a lot,
whenever she was not sure of herself.
"Well we talked about swinging again."
"Baby, I think the ad said guys, like in the word plural."
A slight smile crept up in the corner of her mouth, as she re-read the
ad again for the fifth time.
The smile then went away as she looked up at Phil, and softly said "The
ad doesn't say anything about women though hon. I mean, these guys are
looking to satisfy a woman, so there wouldn't be anyone for you to
If Cassie had looked under the kitchen table, she would have seen a
sizable tent in Phil's pants. The more he thought about a black guy,
or for that matter a group of black guys fucking Cassie, the stronger
his cock became.
"Well, it's not like there aren't other ads in there that have couples."
When he said it, he noticed her demeanor changed a little, like her
anticipation of a gang bang might not come true.
"Cass.... you want me to give that number a call and see what it's all
She looked up at him and her eyes started to water up. She nodded her
head and turned her face away as she swiped her eyes to dry them up.
"Yeah, I'm calling about your ad in the Tampa swingers magazine."
"Sure man, what's on your mind?"
"Well my wife thinks she might like to give it a try. How would
something like this work?"
"You know Gino's over on 45th street? We could meet up there for some
drinks and size each other up. By the way, how old is your wife or
"She is 37 and weighs around 120 pounds. Has red hair, and 34C's which
don't droop too much yet. How old are you.... I mean you guys?"
The black guy on the other end laughed, and started to feel a little bit
more at ease. They had received some really weird responses to their
ad, so it was refreshing to hear from someone who was a little
"Three of us are in our late twenties, another guy is in his thirties,
and my dad who is in his early forties.... But he is very spry for his
age. Oh, and if your interested in knowing, the smallest guy has a 6
inch cock, and the largest, that be my dad, has 11 inches. The rest
of us are in the 8 to 9 inch department. So would you and your Lady
like to meet over at Gino's?"
Phil paused for a second before asking when.
"Well, it's only 7 right now, but how about say in a few hours. Would
that be too short a notice?"
"Hang on a sec while I ask my wife."
Cassie had been listening in on the other phone, and she shook her head
right away.
Phil paused again, cause he knew this was a very important decision they
were making in their life.
"Uhm, yeah, 9 would be fine. How we gonna know who you are?"
The guy laughed again and said "My name is Steve, and when you walk in
the door, we will know you, cause Gino's is an all black bar."
They hung up, and Phil noticed Cassie going upstairs. "Where you going
She didn't even turn around, as she said "Uhm, to take a quick shower
and put something on not as drab as this. I'll be ready in about an hour."
On the drive over, she had sat closer to him than usual, and had dug her
fingers into his thigh as she asked him "You sure your okay with this
"Hey no one said that it might happen tonight. Were just going to join
this Steve fellow and see if we like his looks."
As they entered the bar, a young black man rose up and extended his
"I'm Steve, but you never told me what your name is."
Steve was a couple of inches taller than Phil, and had a smile that
would disarm a white grandmother.
"Sorry Steve, I'm Phil and this is my wife Cassie. I was so nervous
when I called you, I didn't know what to say."
"LOL, not to worry Phil, it's good to meet you, and WOW, Cassie you are
a knockout!"
As he grabbed her hand, he held it longer than normal, as he led them
over to a table where a couple of other black guys were sitting.
"This is Larry, and the really old man is my father Theo."
Theo stood up, and he dwarfed everyone else at the table, as he shook
Cassie's hand. His hand in fact was twice as big as hers, as he gently
steered her to the empty chair between him and Larry.
Theo nodded at Phil, and smiled as he nodded towards his son. "Phil, pay
no attention to my son. These young k**s now a days have no respect
for their elders."
After their drinks were brought to their table, Steve and Phil settled
into a discussion about their Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team, while
Theo was chatting with Cassie.
Over the noise from the bar, Phil was having a hard time hearing what
Theo and Cassie were saying, except to catch a word here or there, but
he noticed that she had a big smile on her face and was giggling form
time to time. He also noticed that Theo and Larry were now sitting
close enough to her, that Theo had casually d****d his arm around her
back as he leaned in to tell her something.
Cassie was fascinated by the older man, who seemed to have a perpetual
smile on his face, and had all the right things to say.
"So Cassie, if I may call ya that, whose idea was it for you to maybe
get together with someone other than your hubby?"
It was such a direct question, that it caught her off guard. In fact he
had lowered his voice so much, that she wasn't even sure if she had
heard him right.
Theo leaned in even closer, so they were only inches from each other,
and softly asked her "Was it your idea, or your hubby's?"
She giggled as she felt his arm drop off of the chairs back and onto her
shoulders. "We've been talking about it for a couple of days, and Steve
brought home that swingers magazine, and we thought we wanted to check
it out."
"So sugar, how long has it been since you have been with another man?"
Geez, this guy wasn't wasting any time, she thought.
"Not since college really" she said uncomfortably. The guy was not
pulling away from her, but instead had dropped his other hand down to
her thigh. She felt nervous, but excited at the same time as he gently
squeezed her thigh.
Phil was trying to listen to what they were saying, but the noise from
the bar and with Steve talking to him, he wasn't hearing too much, but
he did notice that Cassie's look was now different. The smile had left
her face, but in it's place was that look he had not seen since before
they were married. It was that look of anticipation she used to get,
when he knew she wanted sex. That unsure look, but also that I want it
As Theo moved his hand more to the inner part of her upper thigh, Cassie
unknowingly spread her legs a little. This was not lost on Theo, who
didn't wait for her to change her mind, as he dropped his finger further
down and over her slacks. When his fingers felt moisture where her cunt
was, he knew this white bitch was ripe for the taking.
Cassie looked down at his fingers as they pressed inwards to her cunt,
and when she looked back into his face, there was now a cruel type smile.
"You ever have a really big cock satisfy that pussy of yours honey?"
"Oh my God, this guy was something else" she thought.
Theo turned his head a little and brushed his lips across her cheek as
he whispered into her ear, "Put your hand on my cock sugar."
Cassie had an orgasm ripple through her body and he said those words.
No one had ever talked to her like that before. This black guy was
talking to her like she was some kind of whore or something, she
Cassie didn't know what she was doing, but her hand traveled up Theo's
thigh till she felt the bulge that must have been the head of his cock.
She momentarily squeezed it, till she went further up and felt the rest
of it.
"Mother fucker!" she thought, as she felt how long and big it was.
"It's all yours Cassie. Just say the word, and it will happen."
"Honey, are you alright?"
Cassie came out of her daze and looked over at her husband. She was
biting her lip so hard that it looked like she might draw blood.
"Uhm Phil.... uhm can we get out of here? I.... uhm we need to leave
"Huh, what's wrong?"
"I think she wants to go over to our place where it's not so noisy Phil"
Theo said.
Phil looked back to Cassie, and she was nodding quickly. He didn't know
what was going on, but he suspected that both of their hands were busy
under the table.
"You want to go over to their place hon?"
"YES" she said emphatically.
Steve was already paying the bartender as the group of them walked past
him. Larry was leading the way, with Cassie right behind him, and with
Theo up so close to Cassie that it looked like they were joined at the
hips. Phil noticed that Theo's hand was fully covering one of Cassie's
ass cheeks, and she made no move to remove it.
The cool air struck them as they got out to the parking lot, as Theo
was steering Cassie to a red Cadillac parked a few spaces from their own
Phil started to protest, but Steve grabbed him by the arm and said
"She will be alright man, my Dad wouldn't hurt a fly."
Steve got into the car with Phil, while Phil noticed that Cassie and
Theo got into the back seat.
Phil pulled up behind them, and he could see that Theo was already
kissing Cassie before they even got out of the lot.
The drive only took about five minutes, but already Cassie's head had
dropped out of sight. Steve chuckled as he said "White women can't
believe how big Dad is. They all want to see if they can get his cock
head into their mouth."
Things had happened much too quickly to satisfy Phil, as Theo and
Larry steered Cassie to another room, while Steve got Phil a beer and
then got on the phone.
"Hey man, yep they are here. Dad already has the wife in the bedroom so
I imagine by the time you guys get here and set the cameras up, she will
be getting it good."
Phil looked over at Steve and got some furrows in his brow.
"It's okay man, that was one of the guys that will be coming over. He's
got some great video equipment, his brothers of course will be helping to
satisfy that wife of yours.
Phil was speechless as the beer was thrust into his hand, and Steve led
him over to the other room. What he saw amazed him even more, as Theo
and Larry were standing by the bed, and Cassie had a hand around each of
of their asses.
"Son of a bitch" he thought, she must be sucking their cocks.
As they walked around the bed, he could now see Cassie sucking on Larry's
cock, as Theo's hand was trying to force her further and further onto the
other black mans cock. He could see that she wasn't protesting too much,
cause on each thrust into her mouth, she seemed to be opening her lips
more, like to take in more and more. She made a couple of gagging
noises, but kept right on sucking.
Cassie's mind was spinning as she sucked on Larry's cock. It was not
that big around, but had to be at least 8 inches long, with a pointy head
on it. It kept jabbing at her throat, and her reflex was to gag, but
with the help of Theo's hand which had a firm grip on the back of her
head, Larry's cock would from time to time enter her throat.
This went on for what seemed like about ten minutes, when there was a
knock at the door. Steve left Phil staring at his wife, while he let
his buddies into the house.
"Yeah man, she is gonna be a hot piece."
There were some words said that Phil couldn't make out, and then
"fuck yes, she is young enough to take us all on tonight." I think
that Dad slipped her a roofy already, so she ain't feeling no pain."
Things had progressed rapidly after Cassie swallowed her first load of
cum. She had no intention of swallowing, but Theo's firm grip had not
let her have any choice, but to swallow.
A few coughs, and then Steve had stepped up to the plate and took his
turn at her mouth. As soon as the guys had the movie cameras set up,
and the klieg lights on, they started to shoot the action. It was then
that Steve had told her to lay on the bed, cause he was "gonna fuck the
shit out of you" as he put it.
Phil had been pushed back so the other black guys could get in on the
action, and he ended up pulling his cock out and jacking it off while
his wife was being attacked by all the black bodies.
She now had one leg straight up in the air, supported by a black
shoulder, while a big black cock was sawing in and out of her cunt.
Cassie seemed to not be resisting at all, as she met the thrusts with
her own thrusts. Someone with a camera was taking close ups of her
face as she was being fucked, and the look on her face was that of a
woman who was being overwhelmed by all the sex that was being given
to her.
As Cassie looked into the camera, someone grabbed her head and
forcefully turned it and she had a cock shoved into her mouth. At this
point she didn't care anymore, as her hormones and the roofy were taking
her to another plateau.
Phil noticed that they were all fucking her bareback, but it was too
late to stop it now. Each thrust was met with a squishy sound as cum
was being pushed out, and as the cock would pull back he could see her
cunt's lips wrap tightly around the cock to not let it pull out.
Phil looked down and he saw their were several streaks of cum running
down his pants. He must have cum more than once, cause some of it was
even on his shoes, but at this point he could care less, cause the sight
of his petite little wife being mauled by all these black guys was just
too much to handle.
After about 30 minutes of being fucked and sucking lots of cocks, Theo
made the announcement that he was taking over. A couple of protests
were made, but they all knew that Theo was "the man", and what Theo
wanted, Theo got.
It was then that Phil got his first good look at Theo's immense cock.
Then he remembered the phone conversation with Steve how his Dad's cock
was like 11 inches long. At the time, Phil had chalked that up to
bragging, but now he could see that not only was the damn thing long, it
was obscenely big around. The head on it was almost the size of a plum,
and from there to his nuts it only seemed to get bigger and wider.
Cazzie looked down between her legs as Theo grabbed her by the knees and
lifted her ass off of the bed.
"Oh fuck, please be careful. I don't think I can take anything that
"Don't you worry sugar, daddy is gonna take good care of you. By the
end of the night, you ain't ever gonna want anyone else's cock."
As Theo started pushing it in, he was not nearly as careful as she
thought he would be. In fact, it hurt so much that she drew blood when
she bit her lip. The fucking thing felt like it was as big as a coke
can, and as it went in deeper, she knew that this must be how a woman
felt when she was giving birth.
He stopped when he was about half way in, and let her get used to it.
"You getting some close ups of this? I don't mean just my cock stupid,
are you getting where she is biting her lip?"
One of the camera men nodded, as he got a nice angle where Cassie's head
was turned sideways like hoping if she didn't see this monster entering
her body, it might not hurt as much. As he zoomed out away from the
tiny trickle of blood from her lip, the scene panned down past her rock
hard nipples and then down her pale white body to the coal black cock
that had started working in deeper. Her grunts were enough to let
everyone know that she was having trouble accepting this big cock, but
they all knew she had no choice in the matter.
All of a sudden Theo gave a tremendous shove, and his balls slapped up
against the cheeks of her ass. Cassie gave a loud groan and nearly
passed out..... nearly passed out, til Theo started to fuck her in
earnest. No more slow in and outs, but now she was experiencing what a
brutal fucking this huge man could give her.
The slapping of his balls against her ass was noticeable in the room, as
everyone watched this little white wife being fucked like no one else
As he leaned over and his face was only a few inches from hers, he said
loud enough so everyone in the room could hear "I'm gonna cum in you
until it gushes out, sugar."
Cassie at this point couldn't even think clearly enough to remember when
her last period had been. All she knew was that she belonged to this
nigger, whether her husband liked it or not. This unmistakeable feeling
was more than she had ever dreamed it could be.
Theo was pistoning in and out of her at a frantic pace, and Steve hoped
his fater wouldn't have a heart attack.
"OH FUCK, here is cums bitch! OH YEAH, I'm gonna fucking seed you!
TAKE MY BABY!" he screamed.
Cassie's cum covered lips with the tiny trickle of blood, were stretched
open as far as they could, like she was screaming, but no sound came
out, except for a gutteral growl from deep within.
As Theo's cock released spurt after spurt of cum, Cassie was having her
own orgasm of such magnitude that she thought she was going to pass out.
Theo slowly pulled his cock out of the over stretched cunt of this white
wife, and everyone including the camera's could see the mixture of both
of their cum come flowing out. They could see her clit as it was
pulsating from the stimulation it had received.
Cassie didn't want him to pull out, cause now her cunt could feel the
cool air rush inside, leaving her with a tremendous empty feeling.
Theo leaned down and kissed one of her eyes and whispered to her "Now
that was the best fuck I've had since my Millie done passed away."
Cassie couldn't even reply, except to nod her head as she tried to catch
her breath. When she finally found the words to speak, "Theo..... when
can I see you again?"
Theo just smiled down at her, and said "You can move in whenever
you wants sugar!"
A cold shudder ripped through Phil's body when he heard those words.
Instead of going home later that night, Steve invited them to stay over,
and before Phil could say anything, Cassie said she didn't want to go
home. What Phil wondered was if that meant she didn't ever want to go
home, or whatever. One thing was for sure, Cassie got well satisfied
that night.
8 年 前