Desires unleashed 1

As Nancy rolled over and spooned backwards into the huge body of her black lover, a large smile spread over her face and she closed her eyes and thought back to the last week that had transpired.

Yes, it was just a week ago, when her husband had taken her out for their 1st wedding anniversary. It had gone well enough, till her husband had gotten up after the desert had been served, to go to the bathroom. As she toyed with the lemon pie he had ordered, she noticed the young black man who was sitting directly in line of where her husband had been sitting, but a couple of tables away.

What made her look a second time at the black man, was his piercing eyes as they looked at her directly, and the slow smile that started spreading over his face when he noticed her looking at him.

He must have been around her age, but the white woman who also sat at his table must have been in her forties, and she was opening fondling with his leg.

Nancy could see that her arm was under the table cloth but directly on his upper thigh, as the arm kept moving higher and higher to his crotch.

The young black man seemed to know that Nancy could see his white partner playing with his leg, and he noticed that Nancy couldn't seem to tear her eyes from what the older woman was doing.

Yes, he thought to himself, another white wife who seems to be infatuated with the thought that he must be sleeping with this white middle aged wife. If she only knew that he had stolen the older woman from her husband, and he had been plowing her pussy, until it was no longer as tight as the first time he had bed her.

Nancy's gaze was interrupted by her husband sitting back down, and blocking her sight to what the interracial couple were doing.

Nancy licked her dry lips as she looked back down at the pie, and she wondered what had gotten into her for spying on the other couple.

"So honey, did you have a good time tonight?"

Nancy's thought processes went back to her husband, as she tried to wipe the memory of the white woman who had been playing with the black guys cock under the table.

"Yes sweetheart, it feels good to be going out for a change."

Oh fuck, why did she add the "for a change" at the end.

She could tell that Phil's frown turned to a stern look, as he tried to gauge what she had meant by that remark.

"What the hell, Nance..... you know I've had to put in long hours at this new job, just so that I might get a raise to help us with the house payments."

Nancy bit her lip as she started to say something smart back at him, but she knew that it would just lead to another fight. Fights that had been happening more and more lately, as they struggled with the knowledge that everything wasn't rosy between them.

To begin with, Phil had been a wonderful lover at first, but with him being her first, it had opened up a whole new world for Nancy to experience. Phil had been her first and only man, and her only other experience had been an older friend who had seduced her, and introduced her to Lesbian tendencies she didn't even know existed. Those two months with her had been wonderful and eye opening, but when the woman's husband got back from the middle east after serving his tour of duty, the woman had dropped her for fear that her husband might find out about it.

So when Phil came along, Nancy was ripe for the picking. The only problem was that Phil's sexual drive was not nearly enough to tame the feelings that were coming over Nancy.

"Are you listening to me, or what?" he asked.

She threw her fork down in disgust, and shot him a look that he had never seen from her before.

"What the fuck Phil! It's been over two months since we've been out, and you take me to this cheap ass place for dinner, and you think this is great?"

She didn't even give him a chance to reply, as she stood up and threw her napkin on the table. "Take me home, and forget about anything else that you might have thought would happen tonight!"

Her gaze went over to the interracial couple, and she saw that the white woman was now kissing the black guys ear, as he still kept Nancy in his gaze. The look had turned from a frown to an open smile, as he saw that Nancy was not happy with her husband.

Phil had stood up and grabbed Nancy, to keep her from making a scene, but it was already too late, as she tried to jerk her arm away from him.

"Ouch damnit! Look what you did to my arm." as she looked down at the red finger prints in the flesh just above her elbow.

The was a commotion at the other table, as the black guy stood up, while his white dinner partner almost fell out of her chair.

Jessie took two big strides and was at their table before Phil noticed him out of the corner of his eyes.

Phil had been taken by surprise first at the way that Nancy had acted, and now some black guy was coming to her rescue?

He looked at the much bigger Jessie and said something that would change his and Nancy's life forever.

"Stay out of this nigger!"

No sooner had the words escaped his lips, then he knew he had said the wrong thing.

The left jab that Jessie threw, connected squarely on his right temple, and Phil went down in a heap.

Nancy's eyes got as big as silver dollars, as this huge black man who was easily a foot taller than her had put her husband flat on his back.

"Mam, I'm sorry, but I thought he was going to hit you."

Nancy was speechless, as her gaze from her husband down on the floor, travled back up towards this black mans face. But what she first saw was that the black guys cock was standing out about 5 or 6 inches from his pants. His white partner must have been playing with it, as it appeared to be pointing up at a 45 degree angle. Not only was it coal black, but without a doubt the largest cock she had ever seen.

As she looked up into his eyes, she knew that her face must have turned two shades of red.

"I uh.... no, he wasn't hurting me.... uhm, I'm okay." Oh fuck she thought, this guy must have seen her staring at his cock, and now she couldn't even make a coherent sentence.

Jessie then realized that his cock was still sticking out of his pants, and he quickly put it back in and zipped up.

"Sorry Mam, I saw you were in trouble and I forgot what Margo was doing....."

Margo was sitting there, looking at Phil who seemed to be holding his head in pain, but when she realized that Jessie was now paying more attention to the other white woman than to her, she started to get up.

"Stay there Margo!"

Nancy heard the three words, and noticed that the other white woman froze at their table. My God, she thought, is this guy that stern?

Jessie turned his attention to Phil, and gave him a sneer, as he told Phil not to get up.

"You better stay put fucker, or the next time I'll knock your teeth out!"

Nancy's head started to spin at everything happening so quickly and she almost dropped down beside Phil, except that Jessie had grabbed her and was now directing her to sit back down on her chair.

"Mam, can I get you a glass of water?"

All around them people were scurrying to get out of the way of what might become a fight, and several waiters were bending down to help Phil.

But Nancy saw that this black guy must have been pretty smooth, as everyone else was nervous, but his eyes were only on her, but she was having a hard time erasing the memory of his big cock. No, make that big black cock, she thought.


She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at the huge negro who was bending down so his face was only a foot or so from hers.


"Uh no.... I'm okay."

"Did he hurt you Mam?"

Nancy looked down at her arm, and noticed that Phil's fingers were leaving welts on her arm. "I.... Im okay, I think..."

"May I take you out of this situation? My girlfriend and I were just getting ready to leave anyways."

His girlfriend? Well I guess that would explain why that white woman was openly masturbating him under the table.

"Margo, go pay the check, and let's get out of here."

At the same time he said that, he had gently touched Nancy's arm and was trying to get her to get up.

She didn't know what made her do it, but she got up and being unsteady at her feet, leaned into Jessie's body as he steered her to the exit.

"Nancy, get the fuck back here!!!"

Jessie shot a mean glance over her shoulder at Phil, and then opened the door for her, and Margo was closing her purse and following the two of them out the door.

Jessie used the remote to unlock the doors on the Lincoln, and then gave the keys to Margo.

"You drive"

It was an order that Margo didn't question. She already knew that Jessie was gonna make a play for this young thing he had his arm around.

She knew that whatever Jessie was up to, she would have to play along with, or he would drop her like a hot brick.

Margo climbed in behind the steering wheel, as Jessie helped Nancy around to the other side and slid her over so all three of them were now in the front seat.

Nancy at once felt relieved that he hadn't try to put her in the back seat, but once she was between him and Margo, she also realized she had no way to get out of the car.

"Where to..."

"Just shut up and drive."

Jessie had been fucking Margo everyday for over a week now, and she knew that she didn't want to lose the big black man, so she turned to go towards the express way.

"Margo.... not the express way. Just drive around till we see what the pretty lady wants to do.

Nancy gulped when she heard that. What did this big black man want from her?

Jessie had his left arm around her neck, and pulled her closer to him.

"I'm Jessie.... what's your name pretty lady?"

"I'm.... I.... Nancy."

"Relax Nancy, your with good friend now, isn't she Margo?"

"Whatever he says Nancy." Then she realized that didn't come out right, and she quickly added "Jessie is right, letting that guy manhandle you like that would not have been right."

As Nancy turned from looking at Margo, back to her right, Jessie leaned in and brought his lips to the side of her face. Geez, if her parents could see this, they would have disowned her on the spot. But instead, she almost had an orgasm as his lips sought out hers. When his hand gently nudged her to turn her face more, his lips found hers, and the flood gates seemed to burst loose.

Without thinking, she opened her lips, and his tongue dove into her mouth. So fast did it happen, that her instincts took over, and she started sucking on it. The harder she sucked on the thick tongue, the more it seemed to enter her mouth, and the deeper it pushed her own tongue backwards.

All of a sudden she felt a sharp pain, as his fingers had found the nipple encased under her dress, and he pinched it hard.

She tried to say something, but his tongue was keeping the words of complaint from coming out.

Margo watched as Jessie was already frenching this girl who couldn't be more than 19 or 20, and who she knew would be experiencing what would probably be her first black cock. The black cock that belonged to Margo, as far as she was concerned.

As Jessie kept frenching Nancy, he could feel her resistance ebbing away. Already she had dropped her hand away from his, as he continued to message and then pinch her nipple. She seemed to be letting him have his way with her, and as Jessie knew, most white women did not deny him, once he got it in his head that he wanted one of them.

It was time to see how far she would let him go, he thought, as he told Margo to pull into a deserted street.

"Just park it right there."

"This is a bad part of tow..."

"Shit woman, I am a bad part of town, and pull the fuck over there, before I show you how bad I can be!"

Margo quickly pulled over and turned the ignition off. "She pretty good looking, wouldn't you say Margo?"

Margo just nodded, not knowing where this was leading to.

"Well she sure likes to be frenched, so why don't you give her a nice kiss to show her we are all among friends."

Instantly Margo realized what was on his mind. Margo had several experiences with other women, but that was long ago, and now she was more hooked on Jessie's black cock, than anything else.

"Well.... go on!"

Nancy head was going from Margo over to Jessie and then back to Margo again, when all of a sudden Margo leaned over and planted a wet kiss directly on her lips.

Nancy's head started spinning again, as the memories of her earlier Lesbian experiment started to flood over her again. As the older woman's tongue invaded her mouth, Nancy hand went down to Margo's thigh and she dug her finger nails into the woman.

Jessie knew exactly what he was doing, as he watched the two women frenching each other. His right hand pushed Nancy's legs apart, and his hand went under her dress and straight to her thong. When he felt the moistness that was there, he knew this white girl was gonna be his for the taking.

His index finger pushed the thong to one side, and his middle finger sought out her nub and started rubbing and scratching it with his finger nail.

Nancy involuntarily brought her knees together, but Jessie's arm just spread them open again, as he pushed first two and then three fingers deep into her cunt.

Margo was frenching her and Jessie was finger fucking her, and Nancy's head exploded into a myriad of colors, as her sexual feelings burst to the scene.

She pushed her legs straight out, and tried to open them further, but her dress wasn't letting it happen.

"Okay, that's enough." He said, as he pulled his arm from between her legs. He pulled her head away from Margo's kisses, and pulled it down into his lap.

"Now little girl, let's see how nice you can be to me. Unzip me, and pull it out!"

Nancy didn't even repulse at the order, and instead tried unzipping him with only her left hand. She was having a hard time, till Jessie let her right hand loose, and she quickly zipped him down and tried to fight the stiffening cock, as she had to partially bent it to get it out of his pants.

"Come on bitch, I don't have long before I'm ready to cum."

As Nancy lowered her lips to the black turgid cock head, the word cum rang in her ears. Phil had once tried to get her to suck his cock but when he had cummed prematurely cause she was hesitant to do it, the cum all over her fingers had repulsed her, and here now this black guy was telling her to suck his cock, cause he was close to cumming.

She hesitated for just a second, before the big black hand on the back of her head pushed her lips past the cock head, and about two inches of it went into her mouth.

She tried to protest, but at the same time, she was already sucking on the head as it seemed to pulsate.

"Oh fuck!!!!"

Jessie pushed down harder on her head and another couple of inches went into her mouth, so that when his cock erupted, it went directly to the entrance of her throat.

She tried to gag, and part of his cum went into her nasal passages and a little of it came out of one nostril, like it was snot.

"Yeah.... suck it bitch!"

Another pulse sent a second rope directly into her throat as she quickly tried to swallow it. It was happening so quickly that she didn't even notice if the cum had any taste to it.

Jessie looked down on the red head as his hips rose up for the third rope of cum that was boiling in his balls.

"Yea, that's it Nancy, suck my juices."

Jessie had let up on the pressure on the back of her head, but he noticed that she did not try to raise her head up. Yeah, the bitch was just like all them other white women. They just can't get enough.

The fourth pulse was almost a dry cum, and Jessie started pulling his tender cock out of her mouth, although, her lips tried to keep him inside.

"Okay, that's enough for right now. Let's get over to my place so the three of us can get comfortable.

That was Margo's cue to start the car, and she broke all the speed laws getting to his place.

Nancy in the mean time was smacking her lips and running her tongue over her lips and inside of her mouth trying to taste any of his cum. When Jessie had taken his finger and wiped the cum that had exited her nostril, he held it in front of her, and Nancy had not hesitated to suck the finger clean.

As they pulled into his driveway, Jessie was already straightening out her dress, and pushing her bra down so it didn't grossly stick out of the V of her dress.

Jessie leaned over and just inches from her face, and asked her "Did you enjoy yourself Nancy?"

Nancy was still breathing hard from all the attention that Margo and Jessie had placed on her, and she nodded her head as she tried to comprehend what more was in store for her.
发布者 VirginiaS
8 年 前
cadillacjoe 7 年 前
I agree, very hot start.