Pat makes a life changing move

Pat was driving back from the airport, having just experienced a rather
tearful goodbye as her husband Sam was going for his first stint working
on an oil rig in the Gulf. The pay was going to be great, and was
something that they needed, so they could build up their nest egg for
when they would be ready for Pat to maybe get pregnant.

They figured that if Sam could work for the next couple of years on the
oil rigs, they would have enough money so that he could then get a job
maybe in the oil fields in Texas.

Her thoughts floated back to last night, when they had made passionate
love well into the night, and she had jumped his bones again when she
brought him coffee in bed this morning. The sex had been good, but just
not enough to satisfy the craving she had been getting between her legs.

Sam had joked about buying her a love toy, as he called it, so that she
could pleasure herself while he would be gone for the next 30 days, but
she had just made a face at him. Now thinking about it as she was
driving back home, she wished she would have told him yes.

The fucking rush hour traffic of 4:30 was slow as a sign for an adult
book store caught her eye, and she remembered how Sam had joked about
going there with her so she could pick out a dildo to keep her company
while he was gone.

She got about two blocks past the store when she bit her lip and did a
u-turn. She knew going there alone would be wrong, but the fire between
her legs told her that maybe she could just go in quickly and buy the
damn thing and get out of there just as quickly.

As she pulled into the parking lot of the adult book store, she noticed
a few other cars there, but figured that she was here now so she might
as well just do it and get it over with.

Pat was no beauty model, and even though she was only 27, she already
had put on a few pounds more than she liked, so as she straightened out
her dress and walked into the front door, she set her chin in a
determined mood and walked up to the counter where all the sex toys were

There was an older black man behind the counter, who gave her a smile
that showed a missing tooth, and asked her what it was she was looking

"Well, I uhm.... my girlfriend said that she had bought a vibrator here
a few weeks ago, and I was wondering what they look like and how much
they cost."

"We have a real nice selection over here, and as for the price,
enjoyment should never have a cost put on it."

Pat could see the black guy was not hiding the fact that as he was
talking to her, he was looking directly at her breasts. Another dirty
old man, she thought, as her eyes wandered at the dildo's that were on

"How much is that one there?" as she pointed to the latex model that was
about 6 inches long, and probably a little fatter than what Sam's cock

"That's what we call the entry model, and goes for $25." he said, trying
to keep a straight face.

"Entry model?" she knew the black guy was messing with her, but since
no one knew her here, she figured she could be a smart ass too.

"See little lady, it's all in what you want out of a dildo. They go
from around $25 all the was up to $200. The more expensive ones have
built in vibrators for better stimulation, if you know what I mean."

Again the smile with the missing tooth presented itself, and she knew
this nigger was messing with her, but Pat was never one to be reserved
around people, so the quick come back that she had was not really what
she had meant to say. "So stimulation is the name of the game?"

Shit she hadn't meant to say that, but there it was, and now she had
opened the door to continuing the conversation.

"Well little lady, the ones with the built in vibrators are nice, but of
course they aren't as good as the real thing."

Again the missing tooth was displayed, and now Pat knew that the
conversation had passed the line of what strangers normally say to each
other, especially between a woman and a man who did not know each other.

She figured she would let the remark slip by without a reply, when she
spotted a very large and long dildo in the middle of the display. The
thing had to be at least 10 inches long, and nearly as fat as her wrist.

Again, trying to show this black guy that she was not afraid to joke
with him, she looked from the big dildo up into his face, and said "And
this is supposed to represent the real thing?"

"Mam, down below the display I have ones that are even longer and bigger

"You've gotta be k**ding me. Who the hell would buy something bigger
than that monster?"

"Oh, the one your looking at isn't all that big Mam. Hell, I've got one
that is longer than that."

"Where is it at?"

Again the black guy brought his eyes from her tits, and looked directly
in her eyes and said "Right here little lady", as he reached down and
grabbed the stiffening cock in his pants.

Pat gulped when she saw this guy was hitting on her, and not in too
subtle a manner. She looked down again at the large dildo, and then
back up into his face, and the furrow in her forehead told the guy that
she was wanted to say something, but was afraid to say it.

"Why don't you step to the end display over there, for a minute."

She didn't know what he was talking about, but followed him to the end
of the counter. It was the entrance for the guys who worked there
behind the counter, and when she looked at him, his smile indicated that
she should look down at his pants,

When she saw the outline of what she knew had to be his cock, she almost
passed out. He was holding the cock in his pants, and she could see
that another 3 or 4 inches of cock was extended beyond his fist.

No fucking way could a cock be that long, she said to herself, as she
tried to pry her eyes away from his pants. As she looked back up at
his face, the missing tooth smile again was there, and she nearly
creamed in her panties when he spoke.

"If the little lady wants to see this for real, I'll be getting off of
work in about 15 minutes. My white van is parked in back, and I could
show you that it's for real.

My God, she thought to herself, the son of a bitch wanted to show it
to her.

Pat's cheeks turned two shades of red, as she quickly turned around and
headed out the door. As she got into her car, the first thing she did
was lock her doors, and squealed her tires getting out of the parking

She got to where she had made the u-turn before, when she collected her
thoughts and knew that the black guy must have been k**ding about his
cock being so large. She got another block before she started arguing
with herself. No fucking way, could a guys cock be that long, could it?

As she got to the A&P store, she pulled int the parking lot and pulled
into an empty space and shut the engine off.

Her breathing was very quick, as she stared out at nothing in
particular. The nerve of that guy, she thought, as she brought her
hands down between her legs and brought the dress up so she could cup
her cunt. She realized that she was sopping wet down there, and then
her mind went back to Sam. The SOB would be gone for a whole fucking 30
days, and what was she going to do to put out the fire between her legs?

She looked at the display and noticed that it was 5 minutes before 5
o'clock. Damnit, why the fuck did she even look at the clock!

As she started the car again, she made a left turn and went back into
the direction she had just come from. Another 3 minutes, and the guy
would be getting off of work.....FUCK, what was she thinking of?

As soon as she got to the adult book store, she spied the white van
behind the store. She bit her lip again, as she steered the car to go
to the back where the white van was parked. There was an empty space
right beside it, so she pulled into the space without thinking.

My God Pat, can't you make it anymore obvious, she thought to herself.

There was no one in the van, and she didn't see anyone coming out of the
store, so she scared herself when she turned the ignition and it let out
a loud squeel of protest. She dropped her head down and tried to
collect her thoughts, as she turned the ignition off.

Just then there was a tap on her window and she jumped up as she
realized that the black guy was standing between her car and his van.

Now was the moment of truth, she knew, and if she rolled down her window
there might not be any turning back.

As she looked at the missing tooth smile, her fingers found the down
button for the window, and as it went down, her heart beat must have
been so high she thought maybe she might pass out from fright.

"If you would like to take a look little lady, why don't you come sit in
my van. I sure as hell don't want to pull it out here where others can
see what is going on."

He didn't even wait for her to replay as he unlocked his van and got
behind the wheel. It's when he looked over at her and winked, that she
knew she was lost. She remembered to take the keys out of the ignition,
and felt foolish as she walked around to the other side of the van where
he had opened the door for her.

"Name is Amos, if your wondering."

"Uhmmm, Pa.... Pat."

"Hey no need to get worried little lady, I'm not gonna hurt ya. If all
ya want is a looksee, I've got no problem with that." he said as he
reached and pulled his zipper down.

He's really gonna show me? she thought.

Amos had no trouble pulling his big black snake out of his loose fitting
pants, and as more and more cock came out, Pat's eyes got bigger and

She wet her lips and couldn't believe that anyones penis could be that
large. Penis.... hell it must have been as big as a horses cock she

As Amos peeled the foreskin back, it's purplish head emerged and with
the blood starting to pound in the head of it, it got bigger and bigger
as he stroked it a couple of time.

Again the smile with the missing tooth appeared, when he asked her
softly if she would like to touch it.

Pat was in a complete daze as she looked at what must have been more
than 10 inches of limp black cock being stroked before her eyes.

She wet her lips again as she reached out and touched the head of his
cock, and just as quickly she withdrew her hand back like it had been

Amos laughed a little and said "It won't really bite ya Mam."

Without thinking she again reached for it, and this time Amos pulled his
hand away, and the big cock drooped over a little, just aching to be
picked up by her hand.

As she wrapped her thumb and forefinger around it, she noticed that they
didn't even come close to touching each other. My God, she thought, it
must be twice as big as Sam's cock.

"Just put your other fingers around it, and stroke it a little."

Pat nodded her head, like it had been a question on his part, and she
leaned over a little for a better hold.

The cock felt like it was on fire, although she knew that it was
probably the heat that was eminating from her cunt, that was causing her
brain to have these wild thoughts, as she stroked it slowly.

She could feel the cock pulse as her strokes became longer and more
intense. She was so lost in the moment that she didn't even realize
that his right arm had gone around her and dropped onto her shoulders.

Slowly Amos applied a little pressure to Pat's neck and directed it
downwards to his lap.

Pat's breathing was now going into overdrive as she realized what was
going on. This nigger was wanting her to suck his cock, but her mind
was no longer functioning correctly, as she again ran her tongue over
her lips and she was now close enough the smell his cock. The fucking
guy probably doesn't even bathe, she thought to herself as the last
little pressure by Amos brought his cock against her lips.

She stiffened for just a moment, before she opened her lips, and the
cock head passed her lips and her tongue automatically went for his piss

"Oh yea, I see you've done this a time or two before."

Amos moved his hand from her neck to the back of her head and applied
more pressure. A couple of inches went into her mouth, and Pat could
feel that this monster of a cock was starting to get hard. Some more
pressure and the head reached the back of her mouth and she let out an
involuntary gag.

"Slow sweetie, slow."

But the words did not register with Pat, as she was almost like a dog in
heat as the big black cock became harder and bigger. As she sucked, her
mind kept going back to the times she had done this for her husband, and
it struck her that he must be smaller than other people ( as she had
never been with another man before ), or this black guy was some freak
of nature.

As her cheeks hollowed in as she tried to suck it like the proverbial
bowling ball through a straw, Amos found that he no longer needed to
apply pressure to the back of her head. This white girl was trying to
suck the blood right out of his cock, and he was having a hard time not
cumming right there and then. Lord, this woman sure could suck her
thought, as his hands started fumbling around for her tits.

Amos had always been enarmored with white womens tits, and the set on
this girl were indeed big enough that he wanted to feel them outside of
her bra. Unfortunately after struggling with the damn bra that somehow
unsnapped in the front, he gave up and just grabbed the damn thing and
pulled it up around her neck so that her tits sprang free. But like all
good things, he ended up paying for it, cause as soon as the palms of
his hands felt her hard nipples, it caused him to shoot his load.

Pat had been so busy sucking on this piece of man meat, that she did not
pay attention when it suddenly pulsed in her mouth, and the wad of cum
hit her directly at the entrance of her throat, and her normal instinct
was to swallow as fast as she could. At the same time, it caused her to
gag again, and some of the cum came up and out of her nasal passages.

Her head shot up, and some of the cum from her nose dripped onto his
shirt, while the second shot of his cum went all over his trousers.

Her gagging has made such a noise, that Amos quickly looked around to
make sure no one could see what was going on. The last thing he wanted
was the cops, or some customer complaining so that he might lose his job
cause he was face fucking some white broad.

As Pat was wiping her arm across her mouth and nose, she realized there
was cum everywhere, but at the same time she also noticed that this
black guy was still cumming, even after his 3rd or 4th spurt. Geez,
this guy had a lot of cum coming out of his balls, which now looked like
they were shrinking in size.

Amos reached behind his seat and grabber a dirty old towel that he used
to clean the inside of his windshield from time to time, and handed it
to her.

"Here, take this and wipe your face off quickly, before someone comes
out here and sees us."

Pat looked like a real mess, with the red hair all mussed up from where
Amos had been putting his fingers, while he face fucked her, and now
that she was sitting up straight, it looked kind of funny to him with
the way her bra was sticking up out of the top of her dress, up around
her neck.

Now that the black cock was no longer in her mouth, her senses were
coming back to her, and she realized the full implication of what had
just happened. She started to reach for the door handle, when she took
another look at the big black cock she had been sucking, and the damn
thing still had some cum seeping out of it, but what made her eyes grow
even bigger was the fact that this guys cock even though it was starting
to go limp was still tremendously big.

The fucking thing is still twice as big as Sam's, even though it was
going soft, and Sam on his best day maybe was 6 inches when it was rock

Amos saw the white girl looking at his cock again, and a smile started
spreading across his face.

His right arm was still around her back, and all of a sudden it dawned
on him that it was now or never, so he applied some pressure on her
neck, as he leaned in and in a low voice told her to clean him up.

She looked up at him in horror, as she had never done that with Sam, but
the pressure on her neck and the huge cock that she still had in her
left hand made her lean back down and take it into her mouth again.

"Oh fuck.... Geez girl, easy.....EASY!"

His cock head was tender now, and her sucking action and tongue that
was trying to burrow under his foresking caused his cock to jump.

Pat must have spent another 5 minutes cleaning him up, before he
released her at the neck and she came up gasping for air.

"You liked that, didn't you little girl?"

Pat just nodded her head, as she still wasn't fully satisfied from what
had just happened, but Amos was wise enough to see the lust that was
still in her eyes.

"How about you coming home with me, and I help you get cleaned up?"

Pat again nodded her head, not realizing what this was leading up to.

As Amos started the van, Pat realized her car was still there.

"Wait, what about my car?"

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, I'll have you back
here before anyone will even notice it is here. Besides, the lot is lit
up at night and the cops are always patrolling it."

Pat had gotten into the shower, even though it didn't look that clean.
She had let the water wash over her body, until her fingers had found
that fire that was still between her legs, and she started frigging

Amos had pulled the shower curtain and caught her in the act, and
grabbed her by an arm and led her to his bedroom. It was not lost on
Pat that Amos was completely naked, and that his huge cock was already
at half mast.

As he grabbed her under both knees and pulled them back into her
breasts, his cock was already hard enough to penetrate her cunt,
especially since she had just been frigging herself.

As the huge head spread her cunts lips, it registered in her brain that
she was about to get fucked, but the fire between her legs just made her
cunt wetter and supplied Amos all the lubrication that his cock needed.

As he shoved about 6 inches of him man meat into her, Pat threw her arms
around his back, and dug her nails hard into his flesh. Amos was past
the point of caring about what her nails were doing, as he realized that
he was finally going to fuck some choice piece of white meat. This girl
wasn't anything like the white whores whom he had fucked many times. No
sir, this was something that he wanted to really enjoy, and make sure it
was going to be good for her too.

As he went slowly in and out, being careful not to go too deep right
away, he could see that Pat's nostrils were flaring out as she appeared
to be in another kind of sexual zone. He started to pick up his strokes
a little more, and went another couple of inches deeper. When he did,
she opened her eyes and looked at him like maybe he was hurting her too
much, but the way her arms were pulling him into her body, he knew that
she was fully in heat.

A smile started to grow over his face, as he knew exactly how to bring
her to the next level. He started to pull his cock all the way out,
till only the head was in her cunt, and then he would pile drive it back
in, making sure he didn't go to deep. He then would repeat the process,
noting that her eyes were getting more intense as he did it.

Nothing mattered to Pat anymore, as this nigger was filling her up like
Sam had never done before. She knew that she had experienced at least
two orgasms since he had penetrated her, and it felt like another big on
was on it's way.

Also, it wasn't lost on her, that this guy was fucking her without any
protection. As her mind tried to recollect when her last period had
been, it kept getting interrupted by his cock going deeper and deeper.

She gave up trying to concentrate on when her cycle was, and tried to
feel every thrust he made. Her cunts lips were squeezing his cock,
everytime it felt like he was going to pull out of her cunt. She would
say "No no no", and then mentally say "Yes yes yes" as it went back in.

After what seemed like about 15 minutes, Amos gave her the last couple
of inches, and his pubes ground hard into her red pubes. It was at that
point that he let out a low growl, and his legs stiffened up and his
cock started spewing cum deep into her cunt.

She knew her uterus was now being flooded with this black mans cum, but
she was past the point of caring. As hard as he was trying to push
deeper into her, that hard she was trying to open her legs to allow it.

Spurt after sput of his cum was flooding her, and Pat thought he would
never stop cumming, but eventually he started to pull out.

Amos was surprised when as he was pulling out of her cunt, her arms were
trying to keep his body in her.

He looked down at her, and knew this white girl was his now. The
fucking wedding rings on her finger no longer mattered, as her body was
telling him that she now belonged to him.

As Pat looked up at Amos, and that smile with the missing tooth lowered
itself onto her lips, she let out a big sigh and willingly accepted his
tongue into her mouth. As she sucked on it, her legs lost the battle to
keep him in her cunt, and his big cock plopped out of her cunt.

"Oh no.... please...."

"You just let me rest up a little, and then I'm gonna give you the treat
of letting you get on top and riding me."

She almost swooned when she heard that, cause she knew his penetration
would probably be even deeper in that posistion.

Amos fucked her twice more that night, till they both fell asleep of
exhaustion, but he woke up early before that alarm clock went off, to
the feeling of her hot mouth bringing him back up to life.

"Please, just one more time before I have to go home."

"First of all, what the fuck is your name little girl?"

"It's Pat Nichols."

Jesus he thought, she gave him her full name.

"Well Pat, those rings on your finger tell me there must be a guy at
home waiting for you. Just what the fuck are you going to tell him when
you get back?"

"He...... uhm, he's not at home. He's in the Gulf on one of the oil
rigs right now. In fact he won't be coming home for another 30 days or

A smile spread across his face as he heard that. "So let's get you back
to your car, so you can go home and pick up some of your clothes."

She looked up at him with a quizicle look..... "Why?"

"Well sweetie, that cunt of yours tells me that it wants a lot more of
my cock, so why don't we pick up some of your things and I'm gonna call
in and tell them I'm not feeling too good today, and you and I can spend
the rest of the day in bed."

Pat had fleeting thoughts of a phone call that she knew Sam must have
made from the rig last night, letting her know that he had arrived
safely, but she had not been home to answer the phone.

Those thoughts quickly left her head, as Amos pulled her up from his
cock and had her straddle him again, like he had done last night.

As Pat sunk down all the way to her pubes again, her eyes rolled up into
the back of her head, and she let out a long sigh.

Early this morning before she had started sucking on his cock, with a
clear mind she knew she was at her most fertile period, and with as much
sperm as he had put into her body, she figured she was already caught,
so she was almost at the point of not caring anymore.

So as Amos grabbed her by her waist, and started lifting her up and down
on his cock, Pat made a decision that would affect the rest of her life.

Yes, she was going to go home and leave a note along with her wedding
rings on the coffee table, and she was going to move in with this
fantastic lover. She didn't care that he had a missing tooth, as that
massive cock of his more than made up for it. Then as she started to
feel another climax welling up deep inside of her, she made a mental
note to stop at the d**g store on the way back and pick up a couple of
those pregnancy kits......
发布者 VirginiaS
8 年 前
Yordkns 3 年 前
She should stay with Sam since he has benefits to pay for the baby care until it comes in to the world and he sees it isn't his. She won't be showing in 30 days so she can have sex with him a couple of times and he'll believe it's his. When he goes back to the rig in a week she can go back to Amos.
black4porn 4 年 前
Great arousing story about a married young WhiteWife accidentally finding about about BIG BLACK DICK. That BBD fuckin' left an indelible impression upon her that she could Not live w/out and decided to dissolve her marriage and spend the rest of her life w/pleasures her WhitePussy craved
photoman4 6 年 前
This was great.
Locksley7 8 年 前
She made a good choice.