A change from the doldrums

Jenny was brought back to consciousness
when the smelling salts were waived under her nose.

Immediately the sharp pain in her ass rose to her consciousness, as she
felt the big black man jab his hard cock into her anal cavity.

"What the fuck", she thought as she looked up into the black eyes that
were only inches from her face. The guy looked down at her like he was
trying to shove his cock up through her stomach and into her throat.

He had a sinister scowl on his face, as a couple of drops of his sweat
fell onto her forehead.

The smelling salts were replaced by a little brown bottle that she
guessed were poppers.

"Close one of her nostrils and make sure she gets a good whiff before
you push it under her other nostril"

Jenny looked over to her left, and an other black guy she did not
recognize put a finger over one side of her nose, and pushed the little
brown bottle up against the open nostril.

It was like a whole new world was opening up to her, as all of a sudden
the sharp pain in her ass receded, and her anal muscles relaxed and let
the big black cock have total access to her inner being.

As the bottle was pulled away, the black face of the guy fucking her
descended, and his thick tongue invaded her mouth. She didn't even try
to evade the tongue as it filled her mouth completely. She could taste
the tobacco on his spit as it started filling her mouth.

Abruptly the kissing stopped as the guy pulled away a few inches and
turned his head to the other black guy.

"Okay, lets mark her up, so that her husband will know she has been
fucked good and hard."

He dropped his head to the right hand side of her neck and bit her hard
before he started sucking on it.

"Oh my God, the S.O.B. is trying to give me a hickey!"

At the same time, the guy who had been feeding her the poppers, clamped
his lips over the left side of her neck and started sucking hard too.

Jenny's emotions erupted into a kaleidoscope of colors and feelings, as
the guy fucking her pulled her ass up harder so that he could drill her
ass deeper. The pain of course was no longer there now, as the poppers
and the two guys sucking on her neck took her to new heights she had
never experienced before.

She knew she was completely fucked, so to speak, as her ass was now
opened up freely to the large shaft that was invading it, and the
hickies she knew she would never be able to hide from her husband.

Her eyes rolled up into the top of her head as she farted every time the
guy pulled out of her ass, before plunging back into it.

Her finger nails were cutting into the niggers back, as she tried to
pull him in deeper and harder. As her ass raised up each time on his in
stroke, their pubes were mashed together, and her nipples were so hard
that they actually hurt.

The guy sucking on the left side of her neck bit hard into it before
pulling back.

"OH FUCK......"

"So you liking it bitch?"

"You mother fucker..... uhhhh..... oh shit, it feels so good!"

"Okay, you've had your fun, lets roll her over so we can both fuck her."
the guy who had been feeding her the poppers said.

The guy in her ass did not want to stop, but he knew that Otis could get
mean, if he didn't get his way.

Thad's cock pulled out of her ass with a POP, and Jenny felt the cool
air rush up her rectum, but she knew that it would only be for a minute
until they repositioned her.

The guy who had been fucking her, rolled over onto his back and pulled
her on top of him. His shit covered cock abruptly went into her cunt,
as she felt movement on the bed, and knew that Otis was gonna take her

What she wasn't prepared for, was that Thad's cock was no where's near
as big as what Otis was now trying to stuff into her ass.

She winched, as she felt the large cock head pass her anal muscle and a
couple of inches of cock went up her ass. All the ass fucking that Otis
had given her had not prepared her for the size of this new cock that
was now worming it's way in.

"Fuck, I can feel your cock up against mine b*o." Thad was saying, as
Otis pushed further into her ass.

"Here, give the bitch another whiff of the poppers."

Jenny didn't even try to pull away from the brown bottle, as she took a
couple of hits, and the aroma turned on the colors in her brain again.

Immediately, it seemed like four or five inches went into her ass, and
the membrane separating her cuntal wall from her anal wall, sent shivers
up her spine.

As the bottle was pushed under the other nostril, she greedily took
another deep whiff of the amyl nitrate which brought her eyeballs back
into focus and the row of white teeth from Thad slowly disappeared towards
her neck again.

"Oh fuck, he's gonna suck on my neck some more?"

She felt his thick lips lock onto her neck, directly in the front, and
she could feel him sucking the blood.

The two cocks were now sawing in unison, as one would pull slightly out,
the other one would drive in deep.

Jenny had lost count of how many orgasms she had, but she knew that they
would not stop until these guys pulled out.

Otis had his hands dug into her waist, as he tried to keep time with the
fucking that Thad was doing. True, he would just as soon just ram this
bitches ass until it bled, but the rhythm they had going was too good
to stop.

"Please, no more hickies....."

Thad didn't care what she said, as he was tasting the blood as it rose
to the surface of her neck. He wanted to mark her up good so that her
husband would know she had been fucked like a two dollar whore.

"Oh God.... enough already.... please?"

It was Thad who finally had enough, as the combined weight of Jenny and
Otis were pressing down on him, so he let go with a cum shot that was
more of a dry pulsating shot than anything else, as he had probably
dumped at least four different times into her.

When Otis felt the cock leave her cunt, a mean smile crossed his face,
as he started fucking her very hard.

"Oh my God, take it easy!"

"Shut up bitch...."

With a mighty heave, he buried it as deep in her ass as he could, and
let go with his only cum shot of the evening. The one early that she
had sucked out of him really didn't count, as the beer had clouded his
sexual feelings, but now he blasted several hard shots up her rectum,
and then closed his eyes as his cock started to reduce in size.

Yea.... she had been a good fuck, but it was time to throw her ass out
of bed, so he could get some much needed sleep.

As Otis rolled off of her, he slapped her ass cheek hard enough to leave
a red hand imprint on it, and he told her "Get your fucking ass off of
my bed!"

As Jenny stumbled into the bathroom, she looked at herself in the
mirror, and noticed her short red hair was disheveled, and her eye makeup
looked like she had been crying.

The feeling in her ass was starting to come back as the popper high was
now worn off, and her ass hole felt like it was on fire.

But what worried her more than anything else, was the bruises and
discolorations on her neck. The hicky in the front was very pronounced,
and the one on the left side seemed to have a little bit of blood on it,
where she had been bitten.

As she stood there with her hands on the bathroom sink, Thad came up
behind her, and brought his hands up to her breasts.

Jenny winched a little as he rolled her nipples between his thumbs and

He leaned into her and kissed her neck before bringing his mouth up to
her ear.

"Was it as good as I promised you, at the bar?"

A smile formed on her lips and she nodded her head. Yes, she thought to
herself, it had been even more than she had hoped for.

"So, when you gonna let me have some more of this fabulous bod of yours?"

Jenny shivered, as she thought about what to say, but before she even
thought it out, she said in a soft voice "My husband is going to New
York for a weekend conference. Any chance we could get together for one
of those days?"

Thad gave a chuckle and then bit down hard on her ear lobe.


"You meet me at the bar Friday at 10PM, and then I'm gonna take you over
to my place, and I promise you me and some friends of mine are going to
wear that cunt of yours out, for the whole weekend."

"The whole weekend?"

"It wasn't a question bitch.... you be there at 10, and by a quarter
after, your legs are gonna be pointing up in the air."

Jenny could feel the hair stand up on the back of her neck when she
heard him say that.

"Thad, the only thing is I'm not sure what my husband is gonna say when
he sees my neck like this. I'm sure the shit is gonna hit the fan, so
he might be telling me to be home while he is gone so he can call me on
the phone to check up on me."

As Thad's cock started to throb between the cheeks of her ass, Jenny's
legs started trembling.

"So tell me, you rather be taking shit from your husband, or enjoying as
much black cock as that pussy of yours could handle?"

Thad grabbed a hold of his cock and started wiping it up and down her ass
crack, as Jenny looked into the mirror.

"What do you mean...."

"Pull your ass cheeks apart!"

Jenny reached back to spread her cheeks, and she instantly felt the head
of his cock touch her asshole.

Thad gave a small shove and it easily popped passed her anal muscle and
sank a couple of inches into her anal cavity.


"Hush.... okay, here is the deal. You said that you two had a fight, so
is he expecting you back tonight?"

"Uhmmm, I don't know...."

"Okay, here is what I want you to do. Give the S.O.B. a call in a
couple of minutes and give him some excuse that your staying at a
friends house. Then in the morning, I'm gonna drive you over to your
place after he has gone to work, and your gonna pack up a few clothes."

"What do you mean?"

"Do I gotta paint you a fucking picture? Your gonna throw some things
together, and your moving in with me."

"I.... no.... I can't do that."

Thad let out another chuckle as he pushed a couple more inches into her
ass, and he leaned forward and looked at her in the mirror. "You want
that sorry loser seeing all those hickies on your neck? He's gonna take
one look at that and know you been fucked good and hard, and how you
think he's gonna take that?"

Jenny realized that was probably how it would go down. "So where am I
gonna stay?"

"Damn woman, you gonna be staying with me! You've got one fine body,
but that mouth of yours never seems to stop to think. You gonna be my
lady, and I'm gonna be taking care of you proper. Your gonna get all
the black cock you can handle, and remember that smoke I gave you at the
bar? Well, I've got enough to keep you happy for a long long time."

As Thad started fucking her ass, Jenny dropped her head down and
resigned herself to the fact that her marriage was probably shot, and
the thought of getting her ass beat up by her husband made the offer
that Thad just gave her look pretty good. The only thing that kept
creeping back into her mind was the "all the black cock you can handle"

As Thad dropped his large black hands down to her hips and started
fucking her harder, she kind of knew what probably was going to be in
store for her.

"Fuck it" she thought, "at least I won't be ignored in bed anymore, and
his fucking parents could go to hell for all she cared. Yes, maybe
getting plenty of black dick, no matter who it was attached to, would
make life interesting again.

As her head leaned forward and touched the sink, she realized that even
though she was being fucked in the ass again, it didn't hurt as much as
the last time. Yes, a girl could get used to this......
发布者 VirginiaS
8 年 前
black4porn 4 年 前
A Real BlackDickWhore
wandso6913 4 年 前
Great story keep up the good work.
EZLuvr4u2 8 年 前
Damn, that was fucking hot!