Jim and Kays first interrical experience

This is the story of my late wife Kay and our first of many interracial experiences. We had been married about ten years and decided to add some spice to our lives. We joined a local swingers group several couples and a few single guys and gals. We meet several couples and went to some nice house parties.
We got the chance to attend a large hotel meet and greet in a near by state and decided to go. We got to the hotel late and checked in , changed and got to the meet and greet about 10:30. The only empty table was in the back corner so we made for it , ordered a drink and looked over the crowed of at least a100 couples.The couple next to us was about our age and one of only 3-4 black couples there.We exchanged greeting and when the music started He asked Kay to dance i then danced with his wife . we decided to join tables and had just done so when another black couple came over they were friends of there . We talked ,danced and had a few drinks over the next hour or two.
The girls all went to the bathroom and left us to our selves.We they came back they asked us to get them a drink from the bar. We we returned the girls had moved seats. Kay set with an empty chair on each side of her and the gals had an empty chair between then.They motioned me over to set down and Kay motioned the two guys.I gave Kay a puzzled look then one of the gals told me that when they went to the bathroom they had talked . They were in the mood for some white dick and Kay told them she had never had any BBC so they decided to trade for the evening. I looked at Kay and she said what do you think what could i say but well if you want.
With that we headed for the elevator. Kay said that they would use our room and I would go to theirs then we could meet up in a couple hours. Our room was below them so Kay and the guys got off first she walked between them and put her arm around their waist just before the door shut i say each had a hand on her ass. About then one of the gals asked me what was the biggest dick Kay had ever had I said 8" as far as i know .They looked at each other and laughed.It would be awhile before I understand what they meant.
We got to the room and had a great time . I was limp in about 2 hours and we decided to go check on Kay and the guys.
When we got to the room I saw Kay on the bed one in her pussy and her sucking on a cock that was big as a beer can ( later found he was 8.5) The other was pounding her pussy for all he was worth.Then he cum and pulled out a med thick cum covered cock that was loner still(9.5). We I was hard again and we all went back at it.
This was our first of many. Kay died 6 years ago. Miss her . If you would like to hear more let me know my profile is b**stmaster2001_99 on this site.
8 年 前
Kum4me2ff 2 年 前
Wonderful hot story, lovely fun
JTuck 4 年 前
Sorry you life partner was taken from you. But you should be proud that she left you with such fine, vivid memories of excitement and sexual thrills that were "off the beaten path". Here's hoping that someone like your Kay appears in your life - someone who will appreciate the woman who was taken from you too early and who adds more unconventional sexual thrills to your exciting memories!
abstractart1001 5 年 前
Sorry for your loss and love to hear more about the two of you and your adventures
photoman4 5 年 前
Very sorry for you loss but do hope you'll share more adventures you both had. Make for some good reading.
cuck1943 5 年 前
First of all, I am sorry for your loss and secondly, sounds as though a happy time was had by all.
Nice, petty that you didnt watch it all. Watching would be the best part for me.
1trucker 8 年 前
great story I sure hope she enjoyed it
hairbear1954 8 年 前
Hot. I hope she got many more.
That's beautiful story and I can tell that you love and miss her, I think you should write more if you willing not only for our enjoyment but for you of honor her and your love and by whirring relive in detail the experances you've had. I'm sorry for your loss. No one can replace another but you can find new love to grow beside the other. Thanks for sharing. Kay