Masturbation Survey - some updates....

Just found this on my friend Jenna's page. Thought I would try it myself. Feel free to answer it here or on your own blog. Just make a comment here that you did it so I can see the results. Have fun.

Are you male or female? male, but enjoy female lingerie and tastes sexually.
Age? Late 50’s
At what age did you start masturbating? Probably 12, looking at lingerie catalogs, do you see a trend here?
How many times a week do you masturbate? When travelling I can manage a couple of times a day. Not travelling maybe two or three a week, when alone - I am off. .
Do you always orgasm when you masturbate? No. Sometimes real life gets in the way..
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? 1

Where do you masturbate:

In bed? yes
In the shower? sometimes
In the bath? no
Outdoors? nno
At work? new one yes...
Every room in the house? no
In a car while traveling along the interstate? Long time ago, had to pull over to cum

What do you fantasize about when you play:

A significant other? yes
A friend? online friends
A friend's spouse? no
A stranger? yes
A co-worker? no
A member of the same sex? yes
A member of the opposite sex? yes
A past lover? no
Other? transsexuals and cross-dressers

of What position do you play in:

On your back? yes
Standing? yes
Kneeling? yes
Sitting? yes
Lying on tummy? no

How do you play:

With left hand? A little
With right hand? Being right handed yes – see pics…hehe
With a toy? sometimes
With water from bath? Love a spray head – that is a fantastic way to cum
Written erotica? yes
Pictures? There are a few here
Movie clips online? absolutely yes
Videos?yes of course big store
Something on TV? sometimes

What is your favorite porn:

Straight sex between man and woman? yes
Gay or lesbian sex? both
Group sex or orgies? sometimes
Blow jobs/oral sex? yes
Cum-shots? yes
Age play? no
S&M? a little
Role playing? yes
Kinky? transsexuals, bdsm (light)

Have you ever masturbated to:

Email messages? yes
A chat room dialogue? yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes

Have you ever:

Been caught masturbating? Yes
By who(m)? boss at work long time ago
Age of peeper? older
Friend/family/Other? Please specify: no
Masturbated for a man/woman? Woman yes – new one for a guy and spinkled cum all over his cock
Masturbated for the same sex? new one yes
Masturbated in a group? no
Masturbated for a photo? yes
Masturbated for a webcam? no
Masturbated for a video? yes

Do you ever:

Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? yes
Insert something or play with your ass? yes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? sometimes
Use pain as a method of playing? no

Final questions:

Do you taste your cum? yes
When was the last time you masturbated AND orgasm-ed? This morning in the shower after reading xhamster stuff
Are you wet or hard now? wet
Are you going to masturbate now? nope
Are you a masturbation addict? I think so and why not
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? yes
What is the most you have played in one day? About three or four

发布者 paddy57
8 年 前
1 in the lounge in front of mirror or outside backyard
2 in lingerie
3 CD porn
4 in chat on vid
5 insert cucumber
6 taste my cum and others masturbated yesterday wet now will masturbate today am addict love talking about masturbation masturbate for 5 hours on days off