Summer Job
Summertime aproaching, school's over and it's time for me to find a job in order to raise enough money to go on a road trip with my friends.
I'v always been a little bit lazy and bad at manual works so i'v had the best idea that my teenage mind could develop to overcome those little problems: math and english tutoring lessons!
Easy for me to find the worst students of my school and presuade one of them to be concerned about his bad grades and the horrible future awaiting for the ones that not even graduate at high my little summer job got started.
The first week was pretty frustrating; Darren used to be a real challenge for my teaching skills: totally lacking in focus, general culture and hardly driven by his rampant hormones!
In fact i'v noticed his eyes become even more empty and his face far more stupid (if possible) every time Stacy was home and walking around with one of her mini dress or skirts. And to be honest he wasn't the only one pleased by that sight!
Second week seemed to be slightly better: Darren used to be at my place waiting for me when i was out with friends and showing real interest to my lessons. He even asked me to give him little tests at the end of every lesson in order to verify his progresses. I didn't know if being worried or satisfied of my job so i chose to do not give a single fuck about it.
The first tests didn't end so well but my paranoid mind noticed little details that caught my attention: as Darren's tests started to get better, Stacy's dresses got sexier, he was always home before me even when i got earlier from my lake-side afternoons, so i chose to verify if my suspicious thoughts had right to be.
One day i told to Stacy that i was goin out of town with friends in order to buy some camping stuff for the trip. "Have a nice day, i will let Darren come in and wait for you if he arrives first. See you later Lexy!" she said and gave me a kiss.
I'v just wanted to put my tongue in her sweet mouth and caress that sexy body but just said back: "Thanks mom, see ya later!" asking myself if she noticed that something got harder between my legs in the moment she got next to me.
Ran out of the door but none's there waiting for me. It was just a lie.
Sneaking into our garden and hiding behind the high bushes next to the living room's windows. Waiting for my honor student.
After half an hour of wait Darren arrives on his motocross bike: dirty ripped jeans, white shirt and blonde hairs. A portrait of the bad guy, a modern James Dean but, in my modest opinion, just a sad clichè!
He got inside with fast steps and Stacy let him in and sitting on the couch.
She was dressed differently from before but i'v noticed just in that moment. Black heels, knee skirt, white shirt and a pair of glasses...fuck, a sexy teacher outfit!
I'v started to feel the heat of that sunny day all in a sudden.
I'v heard just a little part of the conversation between them but it was more than enough to understand what was goin on.
"Show me your last test mr. Finnegan!" she said and he took out a paper from his backpack.
" B+?! Very well, do you remember what you get for a B+ Finnegan?"
"Yes miss!" He said with his dumb voice while gettin up and unzipping his jeans.
For fuckin sake, now i understand! He could not use his brain properly...all the blood in his body flows into that monster cock. I bet mommy's already wet.
When i was thinking that, Stacy were already on her knees.
With one hand she grabbed Darren's cock and the other one started to massage his balls. Her red juicy lips delicately kissing the top.
Darren's face turned red quickly an so did mine. He tried to grab mommy's head but she said:
"Don't touch, hands behind your back mr. Finnegan!" and so he did.
Useless to say that i was so horny that i'v started to caress my cock without thinking about it.
Even more useless to tell you that all the thing escalated quickly and i was definitely jerking off hard when Stacy started to lick that huge dick from the balls to the top.
Her soft wet tongue wrapped around that hard red throbbing stick.
The only thing that "poor" guy could do was moaning while his cock started to disappear into my stepomom's mouth.
Good lord i can almost feel it too.
Months ago i was the lucky one having that special cares, damn.
All the thing, that started delicate and slow turned into a sloppy frenzy, she was madly hugry for that young hard meat and Darren was near to the point of become crazy by pleasure. Her head goin up and down so fast, her face showing true love and rapture for that big tool filling her mouth and reaching the troath to the point of make tears flowing from the eyes. She must breath from the nose!
After what it seemd to be 10 - 15 minutes Dumb-Face moanigs become a wild roar.
A huge white creamy river started to flow from mommy's mouth and nose; she got up and licked her mouth till clean. That sight shocked me but, at same time, made me so excited that i'v cum on the bushes. Grotesque!
Her nasty face looked amused and satisyied. Darren stood in a state similar to a c*** for few minutes while she changed dresses back.
It was pretty early so i decided to have a walk to town, i took some fresh coke cans and got back home.
"I'm home Stacy! Darren's already here?"
"Yes sweetie, he's waiting in your room!"
I got into the kitchen and when behind Stacy i'v pushed the icy can on her neck...felt the chill through her back and said:
"Too hot today! I'v took a couple of these for my dear mom and the little genius waiting for me here!"
She smiled at me with that nasty face of her and in my mind we were suddenly fucking on the kitchen's table.
Dammit brain, let me in peace...
Heading to my room.
Darren's smile was so irritating!
"Our tests will be a little bit harder from today!" -moron-
I'v always been a little bit lazy and bad at manual works so i'v had the best idea that my teenage mind could develop to overcome those little problems: math and english tutoring lessons!
Easy for me to find the worst students of my school and presuade one of them to be concerned about his bad grades and the horrible future awaiting for the ones that not even graduate at high my little summer job got started.
The first week was pretty frustrating; Darren used to be a real challenge for my teaching skills: totally lacking in focus, general culture and hardly driven by his rampant hormones!
In fact i'v noticed his eyes become even more empty and his face far more stupid (if possible) every time Stacy was home and walking around with one of her mini dress or skirts. And to be honest he wasn't the only one pleased by that sight!
Second week seemed to be slightly better: Darren used to be at my place waiting for me when i was out with friends and showing real interest to my lessons. He even asked me to give him little tests at the end of every lesson in order to verify his progresses. I didn't know if being worried or satisfied of my job so i chose to do not give a single fuck about it.
The first tests didn't end so well but my paranoid mind noticed little details that caught my attention: as Darren's tests started to get better, Stacy's dresses got sexier, he was always home before me even when i got earlier from my lake-side afternoons, so i chose to verify if my suspicious thoughts had right to be.
One day i told to Stacy that i was goin out of town with friends in order to buy some camping stuff for the trip. "Have a nice day, i will let Darren come in and wait for you if he arrives first. See you later Lexy!" she said and gave me a kiss.
I'v just wanted to put my tongue in her sweet mouth and caress that sexy body but just said back: "Thanks mom, see ya later!" asking myself if she noticed that something got harder between my legs in the moment she got next to me.
Ran out of the door but none's there waiting for me. It was just a lie.
Sneaking into our garden and hiding behind the high bushes next to the living room's windows. Waiting for my honor student.
After half an hour of wait Darren arrives on his motocross bike: dirty ripped jeans, white shirt and blonde hairs. A portrait of the bad guy, a modern James Dean but, in my modest opinion, just a sad clichè!
He got inside with fast steps and Stacy let him in and sitting on the couch.
She was dressed differently from before but i'v noticed just in that moment. Black heels, knee skirt, white shirt and a pair of glasses...fuck, a sexy teacher outfit!
I'v started to feel the heat of that sunny day all in a sudden.
I'v heard just a little part of the conversation between them but it was more than enough to understand what was goin on.
"Show me your last test mr. Finnegan!" she said and he took out a paper from his backpack.
" B+?! Very well, do you remember what you get for a B+ Finnegan?"
"Yes miss!" He said with his dumb voice while gettin up and unzipping his jeans.
For fuckin sake, now i understand! He could not use his brain properly...all the blood in his body flows into that monster cock. I bet mommy's already wet.
When i was thinking that, Stacy were already on her knees.
With one hand she grabbed Darren's cock and the other one started to massage his balls. Her red juicy lips delicately kissing the top.
Darren's face turned red quickly an so did mine. He tried to grab mommy's head but she said:
"Don't touch, hands behind your back mr. Finnegan!" and so he did.
Useless to say that i was so horny that i'v started to caress my cock without thinking about it.
Even more useless to tell you that all the thing escalated quickly and i was definitely jerking off hard when Stacy started to lick that huge dick from the balls to the top.
Her soft wet tongue wrapped around that hard red throbbing stick.
The only thing that "poor" guy could do was moaning while his cock started to disappear into my stepomom's mouth.
Good lord i can almost feel it too.
Months ago i was the lucky one having that special cares, damn.
All the thing, that started delicate and slow turned into a sloppy frenzy, she was madly hugry for that young hard meat and Darren was near to the point of become crazy by pleasure. Her head goin up and down so fast, her face showing true love and rapture for that big tool filling her mouth and reaching the troath to the point of make tears flowing from the eyes. She must breath from the nose!
After what it seemd to be 10 - 15 minutes Dumb-Face moanigs become a wild roar.
A huge white creamy river started to flow from mommy's mouth and nose; she got up and licked her mouth till clean. That sight shocked me but, at same time, made me so excited that i'v cum on the bushes. Grotesque!
Her nasty face looked amused and satisyied. Darren stood in a state similar to a c*** for few minutes while she changed dresses back.
It was pretty early so i decided to have a walk to town, i took some fresh coke cans and got back home.
"I'm home Stacy! Darren's already here?"
"Yes sweetie, he's waiting in your room!"
I got into the kitchen and when behind Stacy i'v pushed the icy can on her neck...felt the chill through her back and said:
"Too hot today! I'v took a couple of these for my dear mom and the little genius waiting for me here!"
She smiled at me with that nasty face of her and in my mind we were suddenly fucking on the kitchen's table.
Dammit brain, let me in peace...
Heading to my room.
Darren's smile was so irritating!
"Our tests will be a little bit harder from today!" -moron-
8 年 前