I Must Confess That...

I must confess that... I'm not quite as sexually inexperienced with others as I've let on to be. Make no mistake, my experience with men is nil. But I have a girlfriend and her name is Beth. And though my sexual experience with her is not all that extensive, it is worth coming clean about and our future together looks very, very bright.

Beth and I are both students at the University of Arkansas. We are about to enter our senior years and we are both studying Philosophy and Religious Studies. So, we've taken quite a few classes together during our time in college and we are study partners. But last school year we drew much closer because we lived just a few doors away in the same apartment complex.

I should tell you a little bit about Beth. She is 21 years old. She is of the Mennonite faith. Though Beth goes to school in Arkansas, she was born and raised in Indiana and that's where she lives with her parents during the summer time when school is not is session.

Beth's personal appearance is noteworthy in a few respects...

First, she never draws attention to herself. Beth almost always – whether it is in the cold of winter or warmth of spring – wears jeans, a sweatshirt and ugly tennis shoes to school. She wears nerdy looking black rim glasses and always puts her hair up in a bun when she's out in public. Practically the only time I've ever seen Beth look different in public is when we jog the Fayetteville hills and for that she usually wears shorts or gym pants.

But, second, Beth is drop-dead gorgeous when we are alone in private. Off go the glasses and they are replaced by contacts. Beth drops her long dark brown hair out of its' bun and it flows down her back. And with that sweatshirt off, Beth's breasts explode – C-cup, beautifully shaped and bouncy. She's got the cutest face and a very athletic body. The first few times I saw the public Beth and then the private Beth, I could hardly believe that she was the same woman.

I should add that Beth is also – according to her – a heterosexual virgin and I have no cause at all to doubt that. Why is she still a virgin? I chalk that up to Beth's religious beliefs, her commitment to focusing on school and her shyness around guys.

So, like I wrote, beginning in the fall of 2015 Beth and I moved into the same apartment complex. Until then we always did our study sessions at the school library. But since we lived closer we started doing our studies at my apartment. Also, since we are both joggers we started doing our runs together.

After one run on a particularly cold winter afternoon we arrived back at my apartment. After our runs we always take showers before hitting the books. Beth usually showers first and then I clean up. But since it was so cold I just could not wait for a hot shower. So Beth and me showered together.

At first it was a little awkward because we had never seen each other naked before. But that didn't last long. I helped soap up Beth's back and she did that to me too. Nothing sexual, just two friends helping each other clean up. But that started a showering tradition that lasted the whole school year. As the year went on, we progressed to washing more of each other's body to the point where we were washing each other's private parts. But, believe it or not, nothing sexual ever happened.

After our showers, as long as my heating unit was working fine, we almost always studied pretty much in the nude. Most of the times we just had wool socks on as my apartment had wooden floor. One thing that I could not help but notice was that Beth had this thing about kind of touching her pussy while we studied. It was almost a nervous habit. And I started doing the same thing every time Beth started doing it. At first I was kind of playfully mocking her but in a short time it became just how we rolled.

This behavior led to some discussions during our study breaks about masturbation. We both admitted to doing it often to bring pleasure to ourselves. And, this in turn, led to mutual masturbation sessions when we would hop on my bed side-by-side and rub one out together. But, I must add, we never touched each other – we kept our hands to ourselves.

Our real break-through occurred just this month as the school session ended and Beth was about to depart on a flight back to Indiana. We drove together to the Fayetteville airport. We got out of my car and we started giving each other hugs good-bye. And then our lips somehow met and we went into a full-on lover's kiss that lasted a few minutes. We'd never done anything like that before. Don't ask me how it happened. It just...happened!

When we broke apart we were both breathless and gazing into each other's eyes. Our relationship had definitely crossed over into another realm. We looked at the time and figured we were about 1 hour early so we drove to a secluded spot and parked the car and necked like crazy for an hour. Then we drove back to the airport and cried like babies as we bid each other farewell.

The good news is that this is only the beginning. During this month Beth and I have talked almost every day on the cell. There's passion in our conversations and we can't wait for school to start up again. We've already signed a rental agreement to live in the very same apartment. We will be lovers.

And on top of that, tomorrow (June 30, 2016) we are taking separate flights to meet up in San Francisco for a week. We arranged this trip before our kissing good-bye and now it has taken on a whole new meaning. I can't wait to see my girlfriend again!

So, that's my confession – that I have a girlfriend. I should finish by saying that I'm still heterosexual. Or maybe bisexual. I'm still definitely into porn and Beth has to idea to the extent that I'm into it or that I have this account. I have absolutely have no plans to corrupt her. I just want to love her - just the way she is.
发布者 Luv_Jesus
8 年 前
Lucky7Inch 8 年 前
Fantastic story. Not crude or explicit and all the more stimulating because of it. Beautifully written and a total turn-on. And a very interesting insight into the human spirit, how human relations blossom in an oppressive world.
Lovebellyfat 8 年 前
Thanks for sharing your personal story. Helps to make xhamster great.
tonguespoton 8 年 前
Oh' Julie, You just got to know that if given the chance to shower with you and Beth I would make you both feel real clean all over courtesy of my eager tongue!
twitchums 8 年 前
Thank you for sharing this lovely story
ccpumper 8 年 前
Sounds wonderful - Beth sounds great
John_G 8 年 前
Wonderful story!
lovenudity 8 年 前
Sounds like a great life experience to me. We should chat more about it.
fukimosabe 8 年 前
Nice. I can't wait to hear about your SF trip. Make love not war!
just4me435 8 年 前
That is sweet.
lokey1 8 年 前
Good for you! Have fun
lovelicks 8 年 前
fantastic !
bigsexxxy001 8 年 前
That's awesome :smile:
OEDIPE1 8 年 前
Enjoy your week :smile:
GerneOutdoor 8 年 前
If Beth also on xhamster?
Good for you I'm sure this friendship will lead to something grater for both of u.
jakennadia 8 年 前
We can talk about this later perhaps, but I think it's a great way to have fun and relieve those sexual urges that are so strong for you.
jlschumi 8 年 前
Well good luck and enjoy the week with ur girlfriend. Mwah
GerneOutdoor 8 年 前
Wow, this was a strong confess
If you are attracted to women (or at least one woman), it would be fair to say you are bi.. not that there is anything wrong with that..