Everything You Need to Know About Me
Angelica Cream
Year of Birth:
16 years of serving time - I mean attending school lol
and 4 years in college.
5' 6''
Pretty rude to ask a girl that! :> lol
At time of writing: 9.6st (134lbs)
I DON'T smoke.
I DON'T do any d
I drink on most weekends though, especially if partying! :)
*Except on rare occasions, but only ever harmless fun non-addictive d
I don't have any, although I do think about getting one...
Religious Beliefs:
I was bought up following the Church of England, but I regard myself an atheist. Personally, I think religion is a load of hogwash, but that's just my opinion on it. I just don't believe in the existence of any of the gods offered by the many varied different religions of the world, but even if I did believe in a god/gods, I wouldn't choose to submit to him/her/them as, quite frankly, he/she/they are a dickhead!
However, that all said, fair play to anyone who does believe in a higher power, it's your right to believe in whatever you want to believe in (so long as you don't fo
Political Group:
I don't belong to any, I think 99% of all politicians are bullshit-artists who only care about serving themselves and their own agenda and couldn't give a toss about the struggles that many normal law-abiding citizens face. As for me, I have both right-wing and left-wing views on life. For instance I believe in a live and let live attitude and that people shouldn't be judged or discriminated against for their race/beliefs/sexual orientation, yet I also think there are some disgustingly sick people out there who deserve to be hanged. I'm aware that immigration has an important role to serve in the economy but I also feel there should be a strict limit on it and that any one coming into the country just to abuse the benefits system or take advantage of the free healthcare without putting anything back into the system should be immediately booted back to where they came from! And as for terrorists, scumbags, and other evil losers, I think anyone known to be plotting to commit atrocious acts upon innocent lives should be lined up against the nearest wall and shot dead.
Most Embarrassing Celebrity Crush:
I don't really have an embarrassing celebrity crush, as I fancy anyone good-looking! Although that said, the "person" I'm always embarrassed to admit to having a little bit of a crush on is, well... Promise you won't laugh? ...Meg Griffin.
I don't mean Mila Kunis (the woman who voices her) as she's fucking hot and everyone with working eyes would admit to fancying her! lol
But yeah, I do have a bit of a crush on the actual Fam
Don't have any and will want any!
I'll let my s
Cool, Sporty or Geeky:
I'm not entirely sporty, although I do enjoy watching football and I practise self-defence. I don't think I'm cool, I'm just me, I don't follow the latest trends, I just stay true to myself. I'll let you decide on whether I'm cool or not, although that said I am really into geeky things. I'm no rocket scientist or anything but I do love geeking out on superhero shows, games and movies :)
Sexual Orientation:
Fluid. Call me greedy but I really enjoy both guys and girls ;)
Spit or Swallow:
Swallow! Why waste a good load of tasty cream by spitting it out? You wouldn't order a pizza only to slap a few slices against your face then throw it away, would you? Yeah, that's what I thought... ;)
Dominant or Submissive:
Both. Depending on the mood I'm in and the guy/girl I'm with, I'll be either wanting to dominate, or I'll be wanting to submit...
Sex, blow jobs, cum, music, video games (yes, shock horror, a girl who enjoys playing with herself! :P lol), blow jobs, partying, flirting, blow jobs, getting to know people's kinks/turn-ons, blow jobs, films, checking out the scenery in a nightclub's toilets :P sex, have I already mentioned blow jobs?
Sexual Position:
Too many to pick just one, but I find as long as I'm on my knees I'm a very happy girl ;)
(ie on my knees in front of a guy's crotch/on my knees with my face buried in pussy/on my knees over a guy's face/on my knees sitting over the top of his lap)
Pretty much everything - club, dance, rock, pop, there's always a certain genre for every mood you're in. That said I do lean slightly more towards the rock-chick side of things!
Yes please, I love a good petting :P ...Oh you mean actual favourite pet lol I love cats and dogs, guinea pigs, rats, snakes, I also like rabbits (even more so if it's of the Vibratius Onclitorius species :P lol) anything cute and cuddly really :)
Masturbation :P No better way to spend one's time alone, is there? lol
Video Game:
Secret Talents
Um, nothing that I keep secret, I'm pretty open about my talents... Oh wait, actually, I can burp the alphabet! :D haha I suppose one thing a lot of people are usually shocked to find out is that I can sing pretty well, I mean I'm no Whitney Houston but yeah I can hold a tune well, I was head of my school choir and also I was the lead singer in a band for a while during my college years.
Best Thing a Guy/Girl Could Ever Do For You:
Treat me like a woman outside the bedroom, but like a slut on the bed! :P
Worst Thing a Guy/Girl Could Ever Do For You:
(Apart from the obvious - murder/physical assault/mental abuse) Fall in love with me...
Best Part of a Guy/Girl:
A gorgeous cock goes a long way! I also love a really good bum on a guy, as well as on a girl too although girls always have a lovely gorgeous arse no matter what size/shape they are so that kind of goes without saying :) ...A good arse can be really hypnotising! lol
8 年 前
I do my best, and then hope the results are well received and appreciated
Thank you
Like I said though, these are extremely rare breeds. Most people who enter into politics for that reason, once they've secured their grant, usually end up being like, "Hmm, if I just change the name on the cheque to my own, I can pocket all of that cash for myself! ...Though I best give 0.01% of my money to the sick kids, so I won't have people getting on my back about it and I can still have a centre named in my honour! And possibly even have a statue of myself erected outside of it too, like the awesome hero I am!
Nothing beats a good orgasm(s) for the joy and pleasure they brings, but good pizza sure does come extremely close to equalling it
Wow, that sounds like a really impressive piece of tech! It was way ahead of its time when it was first made, seeing as it's been around for aeons, and yet it just hasn't need improving at all and can more than keep up with the modern demands placed upon it
And that's OK, I always feel like I need such a big load after all the excitement of gameplay to calm me down and make me sit and fully appreciate all the fun I've just had playing with it...
Though every now and then, when delightful feelings get too overwhelming, I'll just put my controller down for like a minute or two and ride out a really fantastic orgasm or three
...Trouble is, my gaming sessions tend to last a good number of hours... >