
This is about to be proof why I shouldn't be allowed to write something others might be able to read, even by accident, when I'm feeling this way.

I am sick to fucking death of what my life amounts to at this point. I spent the last couple of days fantasizing about dying in an accident somehow (quick and painless, preferably) or being medically castrated; either one would help.

I hate myself for feeling like this because it means my wife and k**s aren't enough to make me truly happy. The awful truth is that they just aren't. I love my k**s a bunch, say I do, anyway, and even actually might, as much as I have the capacity, but I'm not a good parent (nor a good person) in many ways. And I guess they "need" me in the sense that I earn all the money and configure, fix and maintain all their stuff, protect the house and all, but I'm not raising them like I should. They seem like OK people now, bright and happy and full of love and hope, but I know the world will strip most of that away from them soon enough as it does to all of us. Sure if you asked them, they would say they love their dad, but dads aren't here to be loved-- they are here to raise healthy, productive adults and in that regard if it happens in this case it's not due to anything I did. I'm too lazy to be a good parent, really. Too self-involved and weak-willed.

And the wife is certainly not a plus. All we have anymore is tension. We resent each other-- she resents my diminished attraction to her, I'm sure, also clearly resents my growing inability to just shut up and let her have her way. I try to tell her stuff is dumb or wrong, even though I know she will just make it about ME being dumb and wrong, somehow. And even though I know it always goes down that way I can't let some things pass without a challenge, that always ends with my grudging apology for daring to hold a contrary opinion or being unwilling to make a decision based on a gut feeling alone.

So I in turn resent her for almost EVERYTHING, notably including being a really good woman that I damned near hate by now, something that makes me feel just terrible to admit, much less walk around feeling. She deserved someone who loved her enough to keep bending over for her, but 16 years appears to be my personal limit. And she wonders why I don't want to fuck her (without any interest or input from her, which is what I'm supposed to be able to do) but she acts like my mother most of the time and I never wanted to fuck my mom. Some folks do, apparently, but I was never one of 'em.

And so much of all of this is due to sex, and my unrequited desire for it. That explains the castration fantasy. If I never ever dreamed again of exciting sex, I might be able to at least settle comfortably into a post-male situation, to take up some stupid hobbies and work on pretending to enjoy antique shopping and growing flowers and family outings and watching reality TV shows like I am apparently supposed to. Retire from life and desire and ambition early, so I could "enjoy" the rest of my life, which to me seems indistinguishable from PRETENDING to enjoy things like I do now.

And it's all totally selfish, I get that. I might as well be Veruca Salt, shouting at Daddy to get me my very own Oompa-Loompa. Why do I think I NEED to feel like a man? It's not like "manhood" is valued anymore, or even necessary for most folks. I've already had my requisite two c***dren, why do I even still have a mating urge now? What good is it doing me, or anyone else? And what's up with wanting to hunt and kill stuff? That's mean, awful, I shouldn't want that either. Why do I need to compete with people, also? That's not productive or friendly. As long as someone wins, someone else has to lose, and that seems to be something we are moving away from as a society, another relic of days gone by.

In fact, there's no roles I need to fill in my life that require those ancient biological aspects of manhood: the hunting, gathering, sowing of seed and battling for supremacy and all. Those things are little more than an inconvenience at best, problematic and destabilizing at worst, in modern life. I'd probably be happier without those drives, or at least more sanguine in my acceptance of the facts. As things are, I'm just miserable and raging and trapped and aimless. Too sharply aware of (and humiliated by) my own evident impotence in all aspects of life, but still dogged by the notion that I'm not complete without those aspects. I'd trade it for soft, shallow, apathetic and comfortably confined, I guess, just for a change of pace. Be more like most other people around me.

So anyone want a set of balls? They are barely used, considering their vintage. I sure don't seem to have a use for 'em.

发布者 bigfella1313
8 年 前
TheCatzzMeeow 5 年 前
WOW!  Sorry to hear it all.  And, I can certainly empathize with a great deal of it.
bigfella1313 出版商 5 年 前
dundeewife : Well I'm glad *somebody* got some good times out of it.  
回答 原始评论
dundeewife 5 年 前
That's funny stuff... Existential angst and bitterness of a middle age man. Always good for a chuckle.
jayhornyboy 6 年 前
Oh no.  I hope you are feeling better since you wrote this.  I don't know what it's like to be in your shoes.  But I do know what it's like to feel like you're not living your true self, and compromising your identity to meet the expectations of others.  Sometimes we have to open up about our feelings, being both honest and careful in our words, to those around us.  Just because we're men doesn't mean were not sensitive or even vulnerable sometimes.  I'm a younger dude and surely not as wise as you but that's my perspective based on what I've been dealt throughout my life.  I'll bet you are a much better father and husband, than mine was to me and my mother.   I respect you for getting this personal on a porn site.  You are welcome to DM me.
loadblower4u2c 6 年 前
I hope things have changed for the better since writing this, its never to late and never stop trying to better what is ailing you. It is a fact that marriage can be challenging at time and there are phases that are particularly difficult for having a fulfilling sex life and be able to balance family and careers. As far as being a good parent the only thing you can do is keep your children's best interests in mind at all times, don't smother them and remember its not your job to be their "friend" that will come later usually after they pull their heads out of their ass. Hung, kiss and complement your wife everyday, you will get out of it what you put into it. Encourage her to read naughty books and incorporate lots of foreplay and sex toys in your game plan for pleasuring her, your pleasure will come as a reflection of hers.
glildic 6 年 前
Sorry your so frustrated. It happens to all us men over 70, even ED snicks in. Hang in there. Have you thought about m2m sex? had my first blow job about 10 yrs ago and have enjoyed sex with a few others since then. Found that I can overcome ED with the right here on xhamster 
boppizza 6 年 前
read my mind
bigfella1313 出版商 6 年 前
LatinTexan75 : Thanks for the kind words, partner.  This old piece still applies, at times, and at times I manage to skate along without thinking about it too much.  Booze and weed helps a lot in that effort haha.  I think as the years pass I *do* get a little more sanguine about all of this stuff, it becomes less of some kind of emergency that threatens to break loose and more of a dull, persistent ache, like those aching joints that remind me of my own mortality.  Of course, I don't fear the end; I'm still just waiting semi-patiently for it.  
The thing
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LatinTexan75 6 年 前
I feel you buddy... really.  I've never believed that people should stay together "just for the kids".  No, I'm sorry, but too often, the forced "keeping the family together" is worse than doing the "right" thing, which would be for you to first remember that, unless YOU ARE HAPPY... you cannot make anyone else happy.. including your child.  You're obviously a good man, and want to do the right thing.  You need to think of YOU!  You're family, follows a close second, but if you're needing something more, or different in your life... LIVE BRO!  Yes, make sure you are always there for your children... and when they see a happier you, in time.... they will understand.   Good luck!
Six_gun 7 年 前
I understand a lot of this too. Be civil, and honest, and do what you need too for the kids. Get out if you have too, it's understandable and a better route than remaining in agony or taking it out on the kids. And that will happen with most of us at some point(s) unless you're superhuman or something. Hang in there man. You have a good mind and a conscience it sounds like, and that's worth a lot.
bigfella1313 出版商 8 年 前
dixrnice : well I hate to hear that, man. It sure does suck to feel like that, like you're useless the way you're built. This was written in one of my darker moments and I don't guess I feel this way every day, and the funny thing is all it takes is a sexy message here or an invite from some eye-popping sexy person to make me glad I haven't cut em off, haha, because then I wouldn't get to enjoy fantasies about them, and I guess that's just barely enough to keep going. Mostly.

I wish that for you too, find little reasons to keep getting by until something changes. When it comes to feeling drastic about shit in your life, I guess procrastinating in doing something about it buys you time for things to get better, maybe.
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dixrnice 8 年 前
That second part. Its crazy how much i feel that on a daily basis, many times ive thought about quick and painless. Definaltly not alone man.
bigfella1313 出版商 8 年 前
ryanrph : Thanks to you in turn. I guess some of this is hyperbole, in that I don't ALWAYS feel this passionate about my lack of passion, but the nagging issues persist. It's made more problematic by the nagging, inescapable conviction that because of my deep flaws, I probably don't DESERVE the kind of happiness that seems to elude me.

True or not, believing it makes this conflict cut even deeper, as I grow ever angrier at myself for presuming to see what I've got as anything less than far more than I ever deserved. That's honestly what upsets me the most, my own persistent ingratitude over everything I've had fall in my lap.
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ryanrph 8 年 前
Thanks for sharing, I took some of this to heart -- not my story exactly but the word 'frustration' certainly looms large in my life. If you can right the ship, or get it in another direction (and that means either talking to wife, figuring out a different situation with someone else, or with her, or new job, new friends) then a dark endless day suddenly has a new pattern to it.

Hang in there, bigf... r
bigfella1313 出版商 8 年 前
That's a cool story. I have similarly met folks here where the relationship stepped beyond simple online "fun" and into either legitimate friendship (which is great), or towards actual romantic involvement (which SEEMS great until the pain of separation really sets in).
I still really enjoy not having to "filter" my thoughts here, though, and share what I like without feeling ashamed of it or worrying about offending someone or decorum in general. This site has become a legitimate outlet for me, a therapeutic exercise on many levels. Not only do I get to share without worry, but I also get the occasional bit of positive reinforcement about the things I like and (especially) my body that I have not been getting from my wife for years now. It fills the hole, and while it may not be the RIGHT way to do that, it sure helps until something better comes along. Cheers, my friend, and thanks for the insightful discussion. Glad to have met you.
bigfella1313 出版商 8 年 前
Thanks for the link, was an interesting read. I think monogamy has a place in ensuring a stable society, but I also see first-hand how difficult it can be to walk that straight and narrow path. Thanks for reading this crap (which I wasn't going to publish, then wanted to immediately take down once I did). I kind of leave it up as a testament to how flawed I am; I profess to be more honest about myself here than I am anywhere else and I suppose that means exposing the "bad" along with anything that I may have that's "good".
bigfella1313 出版商 8 年 前
cokokisses : Thank you so much for the kind words, honey. I guess the only answer to that is about merit, as in what a person could possibly deserve. I've been so lucky in other areas of my life, that to have a satisfying sex life would be pretty close to "having it all" and I don't guess I deserve to have it all. I can't even really appreciate the good (great, really) things I have in life.
Plus I love my kids so much more than myself that I'd make ANY sacrifice for them, no matter how difficult. And that's what I'm doing, I guess.

Once again, bless your heart. I like you so much.
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cokokisses 8 年 前
Why are you beating yourself up for wanting more for your life? If I were faced with the prospect of 40-50 more years of unhappiness and emptiness then what would be point of sticking around. Your kids deserve to have a role model for good living. Trust that they can sense how miserable you are...even if you try really, really hard to hide it. They see the way you interact with your wife and the tension and know something is off..

There's nothing selfish about taking care of your needs. You need an outlet's not good for the soul to live like this...
bigfella1313 : No worries darling. You're always welcome to talk to me :smile: X
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bigfella1313 出版商 8 年 前
Want2BeTrans : Thanks for the kind words, hon. It's... there's nothing to be done, except to get better at dealing with it. I've been over and over it. And I usually do OK, it's just sometimes...

Anyway thanks again. You're sweet.
回答 原始评论
Sorry you're so frustrated. I could offer up two tiny bits of advice that would fall either side of the argument:
- hang in there (that sounds as lame writing it as saying it)
- it's never too late to do something. If splitting and starting with someone else is needed...maybe it really is needed (not that I'm actively saying you should, just that remember it's always an option)