KISS ON THE MIRROR (my poetry)

My heart's broken like an hour glass with no sand

We were in a storybook written romance. I was

supposed to be your man the way we walked holding hands

We would go and dance, we had all these plans

To be together till, well, till time ever ended

In other words forever, I thought that we could weather

Any storm that came in our way, in a way

I was your umbrella whenever it rained in your day

Damm!! How I thought of nothing else but you and I

If I ever left you you said that you would die

And you told me this while you were looking in my eyes!

Now I know how the truth looks in a disguise

I have one question, was this your intention

To have me misled or were your signals misread

by me. I'm so confused, it's so wrong

While I'm still here your long gone

You left me with a KISS ON THE MIRROR............

发布者 KnightedArmor
13 年 前
Love it once again - needs put to a beat and rapped out.

One typo that I noticed right at the end
"While I'm still here your long gone" -->
"While I'm still here you're long gone"
very nice poem, very fluid, and it sounds well even for people who do not speak English well
Ishtar__Barbata 13 年 前
such a beautiful poem :smile: