My daytime shopping dare in public! Friday 29th J
This was set for me by a lovely guy on here called Chris with some extra input from Markmark!
I completed the dare yesterday around 6pm as instructed & even though I surprised myself I managed to go through with it to the letter (apart from 1 minor detail…more on that in a minute) & I have to admit to you how nervous I was once I had parked in the car park but at the same time very excited & horny as well.
The butterflies in my tummy were like nothing I have experienced in ages so I hope you understand.
Ok got myself dressed around 5pmish after showering & shaving my legs & pussy, perfumed & painted my nails first then got the steel plug ready, I touch of lube & slipped it inside me.
I love how it is always so cold at first & I can feel it intensely inside my bum. Next I did my make up, a little heavier than normal day wear, darker eye shadow & dark red lippy ( not that you guys are interested) LOL, pinned my hair up loosely with a pony tail at the back & wore some dangly oval hoop earrings & a Boho necklace plus my little silver ankle chain.
Then put on my heels, tried the tan ones first but then decided on a dark blue pair with cream heels, higher & strappy.
Then slipped on my dress remembering to leave the top 2 buttons open & the one at the bottom leaving only 3 buttons done up, looked in my long mirror & must say it felt so sexy & slutty & the dress barely covers anything really!
By the way Chris I decided on the peach dress after all as it just looks so sexy on me & is such a lovely colour & silky feel too plus I had forgotten it also has a button up front like the other dress.
I turned round to have a look in the mirror & did a test bending down pose, legs slightly parted as instructed & the dress rides up a lot! I could clearly see my bum & the plug too!
I also noticed how thin the top part of the dress is & could see my nipples were poking through the material & with 2 buttons undone some cleavage as well. I felt very very sexy!
Nothing more for it but to take the plunge as I said I would not back out for you so grabbed my handbag & shopping bags & walked out of the house to my car.
It is a nice warm humid evening here tonight & so perfect for the type of dress I had on for this. No need for a jacket or anything so I walked to my car.
On the drive to Tescos I kept thinking of where to park away from the store so I could play with myself in the car as instructed without being seen.
Found a spot in a far corner & parked the car front in towards a wall & as it was fairly quiet I could play & get myself wet . I reclined the seat & parted my legs , checking no one was around & closed my eyes & started teasing myself between my legs, it felt so sexy having no knickers or bra on & knowing all I had on was the dress, I shifted my bum in the seat & could feel the plug going in deeper.
After about 5 mins I could feel myself getting very wet & thinking all the time about our chats last night & what you both wanted me to do. So I did not make myself cum I stopped then & looked at my fingers which were soaking, no doubt there was a wet patch at the back of the dress by now.
I composed myself , grabbed my bags & opened the car door taking care to swing my legs out slowly & slightly apart (Mark wanted this) then stood up & I could feel a little wet patch at the back of my dress, too late to do anything about it now.
Locked the car , took a deep breath & started walking towards Tescos feeling very nervous now, its been a bit windy all day here but has picked up a little now, not strong gales type thing but random gusts every now & then but I knew I had to walk & ignore the dress blowing up as you both had told me to.
As I walked the gusts did tease the back of the dress, twice lifting it high enough for me to know my bum was on show, I could tell, I left it alone though & carried on walking.
I could feel my braless tits bouncing against the front of the dress & the open top part flapped a little as I walked.
As I neared the store the front of the dress blew up suddenly but I kept my promise & ignored it.
I finally made it into the store & had got 1 or 2 looks from people on the way in, men mostly & 1 guy smiled at me too.
I then grabbed a trolley & walked down the first aisle, heels clicking on the floor as I walked.
After going down the first 3 aisles & managed to pluck up the courage to do my first bend down for some Sugar. I stood legs slightly parted & bent only from my waist as instructed & could easily feel the dress ride up my bum as I did so.
Not sure if anyone saw me the first time as it was busy but not in the aisle I was in at the time but it did feel good doing it in public.
The next aisle I walked down more slowly as it was busier, there was this guy (about 50 or so) who began looking at me sideways & smiled at me once. I needed something off a high shelf & stretched on my shoes but could not reach it so he kindly offered & placed it in my trolley smiling again, I thanked him & he said ‘any time love’ & his eyes seemed to be fixed on my tits then as I had not realized how much my nipples were poking through (it must have been the playing with myself in my car)
He then said ‘that’s a very pretty little dress on you’ I thanked him & he replied ‘I love your shoes too, really sexy’ I smiled at him & pushed my trolley onwards.
I then walked on further but could see & feel him staring at my legs & shoes.
At the end of that aisle I thought then would be the perfect time for bend down number 2 so I stood again legs slightly parted & bent down fully to the bottom shelf, as I did so I glanced sideways & he was staring straight at my legs! (& probably a lot more) LOL
Next aisle was busy as well, I had to dodge round a few people & could see some stare at me as well, then I noticed the guy was back & had followed me round the corner & was looking straight at me once more.
So I carried on walking away slowly then turned the corner & moved further on to a different aisle as I wanted to find out if he was following me.
After about 5 mins or so I found myself in the milk aisle & the milk I buy is always on the lower shelves.
So I went for bend down number 3 & thought I would do so more slowly this time, again legs slightly parted on my heels & bent at the waist, down to the milk shelf, I felt the dress ride up again & at that point could feel myself leaking again, it was sudden & I saw a drip from my pussy hit the floor I think & some leaked a little down my left thigh. I did as you instructed though & kept my legs parted a little & let it happen.
I could feel I was sticky & wet by now & slowly stood up with the milk & then noticed my old friend was back again & was way back at the end of that aisle staring right at me! His mouth wide open! How long had he been there I wonder? & what had he seen? This only made me more excited & wet knowing I had a bit of a stalker I guess you might call him.
After 25 more mins I had nearly done all my shopping & had 1 last aisle to do (remembering that Mark had told me to do 4 bend downs in Tescos)
So I went down the Wine & Champagne aisle, making sure I selected a red wine on the bottom shelf.
Again I stood legs parted, took a deep breath & glanced over my left shoulder & then there he was once more, standing with his own trolley staring right at me smiling. I smiled back this time & parted my lips a little. I let my hand move slowly down my tummy & onto my hip & then went for it. Turning away slowly I then bent right down at the waist keeping my legs straight & parted & making sure my bum was facing the guy.
The dress rode up once again. I could feel the plug move slightly as I clenched my cheeks, I leaked a little more this time it ran down my leg further & as I grabbed the Wine I looked behind me sort of under my arm pit & as I stood up he was staring right at my bum & legs smiling at me. He then mouthed some words to me which I think were ‘ your fucking gorgeous’ or something like that as he only mouthed them to me. He then shook his head from side to side & winked at me.
I smiled back & blew him a kiss. & I then walked off to pay for my shopping.
While at the checkout the guy was in the next lane (of course) & he had his eyes on me all the time, every time I glanced at him he smiled & winked at me & kept staring at my legs.
After walking outside I knew I had 1 more task to do (Chris wanted this) & walked to the ATM to the left of the store. As I stood there typing in my password etc. to draw out some money I could feel the wind gusting the back of my dress up in little billowy blows & then 1 stronger gust blew it up over my back a little & I knew my bum was on show, it quickly fell down again though but before I left the ATM there were 2 or 3 more nice little gusts that teased the dress hem higher.
On the way back to my car I got a few more looks from people & heard 1 wolf whistle but I could not see who had done it.
As I loaded the back of my car with my shopping I had to bend over slightly & lean into the boot & heard a very quick toot from a passing car. I looked up & at the driver & it was him! As he drove past he blew me a kiss & mouthed some words again but I could not make out what they were this time but I am pretty sure he mouthed the word ‘fuck’ in the middle.
As I drove to the petrol station I could feel the back of the dress was soaking & between my thighs too & I leaked some more on the drive to the station.
I pulled into the petrol station again getting butterflies in my tummy & feeling a bit more nervous now as there were quite a few cars & vans filling up.
I took a deep breath, parked by a pump & slowly got out of my car, purse in hand , I opened my legs just a little as instructed & stood up & opened the cars filler to begin filling.
The wind had picked up even more by then & the station was a little bit of a wind trap it seemed so the dress was moving & billowing all the time & once did blow up high enough for me to know my bum was exposed, then again but this time the front blew up & I felt cool wind against my pussy , not sure who saw though.
I then closed the filler, locked my car & walked briskly towards the pay kiosk.
In the reflection of the picture windows I could see what appeared to be car drivers look towards me or maybe they were simply looking anywhere I don’t really know.
As I stepped up the little step to go inside I dropped my purse on purpose & stopped then stood & bent right over at the waist to pick it up. & right at that moment the back of the dress blew way up over my bum, I am afraid I chickened out a little & pulled it back down with my hand as there were too many people there though some must have seen. So I only did 1 bend down at the petrol station as there were simply too many people there …sorry.
Inside the kiosk as I paid 2 guys came in behind me & both smiled at me & one said to the other ‘Windy today mate’ & his mate laughed. As I went to leave after paying he leaned towards me & whispered in my ear ‘that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen babe….fucking hell!’ I blushed I think & just smiled back not knowing what to say LOL
As I walked out to my car he followed me & I heard him say quietly to his mate ‘Where is the fucking wind when you need it Rob’ & they both laughed.
By the time I sat back in my car my pussy was dripping wet again & my heart pounding. I felt between my thighs & it was very sticky.
Driving home I could not stop thinking about the whole experience & how thrilling it was nor that I had actually had the courage to do it as instructed. It felt so slutty & I want to do it again soon but maybe wearing stockings & suspenders next time…
Thank you both so much for idea & especially to Chris for the dare in the first place! It would have been so much more perfect if I had 1 of you there with me, encouraging me & telling me what to do next etc.
My only regret is that I had no one there to take some decent photos during as that would have been perfect as my rubbish phone selfies are a bit of a let down.
Lastly when I got home I checked the back of the dress & it has a massive wet patch! LOL & I then pulled out my steel butt plug to discover it was glistening with wetness & quite sticky too!
I wonder if the Tescos guy or the 2 guys in the petrol station saw it inside my bum?
I loved every minute of my dare & hope you like my account!
Below are the few low res selfies i managed to get on my way out of where i live, had to use a BT cabinet to support my rubbish phone! LOL
I completed the dare yesterday around 6pm as instructed & even though I surprised myself I managed to go through with it to the letter (apart from 1 minor detail…more on that in a minute) & I have to admit to you how nervous I was once I had parked in the car park but at the same time very excited & horny as well.
The butterflies in my tummy were like nothing I have experienced in ages so I hope you understand.
Ok got myself dressed around 5pmish after showering & shaving my legs & pussy, perfumed & painted my nails first then got the steel plug ready, I touch of lube & slipped it inside me.
I love how it is always so cold at first & I can feel it intensely inside my bum. Next I did my make up, a little heavier than normal day wear, darker eye shadow & dark red lippy ( not that you guys are interested) LOL, pinned my hair up loosely with a pony tail at the back & wore some dangly oval hoop earrings & a Boho necklace plus my little silver ankle chain.
Then put on my heels, tried the tan ones first but then decided on a dark blue pair with cream heels, higher & strappy.
Then slipped on my dress remembering to leave the top 2 buttons open & the one at the bottom leaving only 3 buttons done up, looked in my long mirror & must say it felt so sexy & slutty & the dress barely covers anything really!
By the way Chris I decided on the peach dress after all as it just looks so sexy on me & is such a lovely colour & silky feel too plus I had forgotten it also has a button up front like the other dress.
I turned round to have a look in the mirror & did a test bending down pose, legs slightly parted as instructed & the dress rides up a lot! I could clearly see my bum & the plug too!
I also noticed how thin the top part of the dress is & could see my nipples were poking through the material & with 2 buttons undone some cleavage as well. I felt very very sexy!
Nothing more for it but to take the plunge as I said I would not back out for you so grabbed my handbag & shopping bags & walked out of the house to my car.
It is a nice warm humid evening here tonight & so perfect for the type of dress I had on for this. No need for a jacket or anything so I walked to my car.
On the drive to Tescos I kept thinking of where to park away from the store so I could play with myself in the car as instructed without being seen.
Found a spot in a far corner & parked the car front in towards a wall & as it was fairly quiet I could play & get myself wet . I reclined the seat & parted my legs , checking no one was around & closed my eyes & started teasing myself between my legs, it felt so sexy having no knickers or bra on & knowing all I had on was the dress, I shifted my bum in the seat & could feel the plug going in deeper.
After about 5 mins I could feel myself getting very wet & thinking all the time about our chats last night & what you both wanted me to do. So I did not make myself cum I stopped then & looked at my fingers which were soaking, no doubt there was a wet patch at the back of the dress by now.
I composed myself , grabbed my bags & opened the car door taking care to swing my legs out slowly & slightly apart (Mark wanted this) then stood up & I could feel a little wet patch at the back of my dress, too late to do anything about it now.
Locked the car , took a deep breath & started walking towards Tescos feeling very nervous now, its been a bit windy all day here but has picked up a little now, not strong gales type thing but random gusts every now & then but I knew I had to walk & ignore the dress blowing up as you both had told me to.
As I walked the gusts did tease the back of the dress, twice lifting it high enough for me to know my bum was on show, I could tell, I left it alone though & carried on walking.
I could feel my braless tits bouncing against the front of the dress & the open top part flapped a little as I walked.
As I neared the store the front of the dress blew up suddenly but I kept my promise & ignored it.
I finally made it into the store & had got 1 or 2 looks from people on the way in, men mostly & 1 guy smiled at me too.
I then grabbed a trolley & walked down the first aisle, heels clicking on the floor as I walked.
After going down the first 3 aisles & managed to pluck up the courage to do my first bend down for some Sugar. I stood legs slightly parted & bent only from my waist as instructed & could easily feel the dress ride up my bum as I did so.
Not sure if anyone saw me the first time as it was busy but not in the aisle I was in at the time but it did feel good doing it in public.
The next aisle I walked down more slowly as it was busier, there was this guy (about 50 or so) who began looking at me sideways & smiled at me once. I needed something off a high shelf & stretched on my shoes but could not reach it so he kindly offered & placed it in my trolley smiling again, I thanked him & he said ‘any time love’ & his eyes seemed to be fixed on my tits then as I had not realized how much my nipples were poking through (it must have been the playing with myself in my car)
He then said ‘that’s a very pretty little dress on you’ I thanked him & he replied ‘I love your shoes too, really sexy’ I smiled at him & pushed my trolley onwards.
I then walked on further but could see & feel him staring at my legs & shoes.
At the end of that aisle I thought then would be the perfect time for bend down number 2 so I stood again legs slightly parted & bent down fully to the bottom shelf, as I did so I glanced sideways & he was staring straight at my legs! (& probably a lot more) LOL
Next aisle was busy as well, I had to dodge round a few people & could see some stare at me as well, then I noticed the guy was back & had followed me round the corner & was looking straight at me once more.
So I carried on walking away slowly then turned the corner & moved further on to a different aisle as I wanted to find out if he was following me.
After about 5 mins or so I found myself in the milk aisle & the milk I buy is always on the lower shelves.
So I went for bend down number 3 & thought I would do so more slowly this time, again legs slightly parted on my heels & bent at the waist, down to the milk shelf, I felt the dress ride up again & at that point could feel myself leaking again, it was sudden & I saw a drip from my pussy hit the floor I think & some leaked a little down my left thigh. I did as you instructed though & kept my legs parted a little & let it happen.
I could feel I was sticky & wet by now & slowly stood up with the milk & then noticed my old friend was back again & was way back at the end of that aisle staring right at me! His mouth wide open! How long had he been there I wonder? & what had he seen? This only made me more excited & wet knowing I had a bit of a stalker I guess you might call him.
After 25 more mins I had nearly done all my shopping & had 1 last aisle to do (remembering that Mark had told me to do 4 bend downs in Tescos)
So I went down the Wine & Champagne aisle, making sure I selected a red wine on the bottom shelf.
Again I stood legs parted, took a deep breath & glanced over my left shoulder & then there he was once more, standing with his own trolley staring right at me smiling. I smiled back this time & parted my lips a little. I let my hand move slowly down my tummy & onto my hip & then went for it. Turning away slowly I then bent right down at the waist keeping my legs straight & parted & making sure my bum was facing the guy.
The dress rode up once again. I could feel the plug move slightly as I clenched my cheeks, I leaked a little more this time it ran down my leg further & as I grabbed the Wine I looked behind me sort of under my arm pit & as I stood up he was staring right at my bum & legs smiling at me. He then mouthed some words to me which I think were ‘ your fucking gorgeous’ or something like that as he only mouthed them to me. He then shook his head from side to side & winked at me.
I smiled back & blew him a kiss. & I then walked off to pay for my shopping.
While at the checkout the guy was in the next lane (of course) & he had his eyes on me all the time, every time I glanced at him he smiled & winked at me & kept staring at my legs.
After walking outside I knew I had 1 more task to do (Chris wanted this) & walked to the ATM to the left of the store. As I stood there typing in my password etc. to draw out some money I could feel the wind gusting the back of my dress up in little billowy blows & then 1 stronger gust blew it up over my back a little & I knew my bum was on show, it quickly fell down again though but before I left the ATM there were 2 or 3 more nice little gusts that teased the dress hem higher.
On the way back to my car I got a few more looks from people & heard 1 wolf whistle but I could not see who had done it.
As I loaded the back of my car with my shopping I had to bend over slightly & lean into the boot & heard a very quick toot from a passing car. I looked up & at the driver & it was him! As he drove past he blew me a kiss & mouthed some words again but I could not make out what they were this time but I am pretty sure he mouthed the word ‘fuck’ in the middle.
As I drove to the petrol station I could feel the back of the dress was soaking & between my thighs too & I leaked some more on the drive to the station.
I pulled into the petrol station again getting butterflies in my tummy & feeling a bit more nervous now as there were quite a few cars & vans filling up.
I took a deep breath, parked by a pump & slowly got out of my car, purse in hand , I opened my legs just a little as instructed & stood up & opened the cars filler to begin filling.
The wind had picked up even more by then & the station was a little bit of a wind trap it seemed so the dress was moving & billowing all the time & once did blow up high enough for me to know my bum was exposed, then again but this time the front blew up & I felt cool wind against my pussy , not sure who saw though.
I then closed the filler, locked my car & walked briskly towards the pay kiosk.
In the reflection of the picture windows I could see what appeared to be car drivers look towards me or maybe they were simply looking anywhere I don’t really know.
As I stepped up the little step to go inside I dropped my purse on purpose & stopped then stood & bent right over at the waist to pick it up. & right at that moment the back of the dress blew way up over my bum, I am afraid I chickened out a little & pulled it back down with my hand as there were too many people there though some must have seen. So I only did 1 bend down at the petrol station as there were simply too many people there …sorry.
Inside the kiosk as I paid 2 guys came in behind me & both smiled at me & one said to the other ‘Windy today mate’ & his mate laughed. As I went to leave after paying he leaned towards me & whispered in my ear ‘that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen babe….fucking hell!’ I blushed I think & just smiled back not knowing what to say LOL
As I walked out to my car he followed me & I heard him say quietly to his mate ‘Where is the fucking wind when you need it Rob’ & they both laughed.
By the time I sat back in my car my pussy was dripping wet again & my heart pounding. I felt between my thighs & it was very sticky.
Driving home I could not stop thinking about the whole experience & how thrilling it was nor that I had actually had the courage to do it as instructed. It felt so slutty & I want to do it again soon but maybe wearing stockings & suspenders next time…
Thank you both so much for idea & especially to Chris for the dare in the first place! It would have been so much more perfect if I had 1 of you there with me, encouraging me & telling me what to do next etc.
My only regret is that I had no one there to take some decent photos during as that would have been perfect as my rubbish phone selfies are a bit of a let down.
Lastly when I got home I checked the back of the dress & it has a massive wet patch! LOL & I then pulled out my steel butt plug to discover it was glistening with wetness & quite sticky too!
I wonder if the Tescos guy or the 2 guys in the petrol station saw it inside my bum?
I loved every minute of my dare & hope you like my account!
Below are the few low res selfies i managed to get on my way out of where i live, had to use a BT cabinet to support my rubbish phone! LOL
8 年 前
I would dearly love to take you shopping. Oh and you'd have a remote vibe deep inside you.
Would love to bump into you on one of your dares
"It felt so slutty & I want to do it again soon but maybe wearing stockings & suspenders next time…"
polly, isn't it such a filthy pleasure to feel slutty?
we have several parallels. i too have a collection of metal butt plugs (small & large) with assorted stones in them according to the mood and color of cloths i'm wearing. i like to bend over and show my plugs off to unsuspecting shoppers. i often wear micro-mini's, some tight and some pleated 'flirt skirts'. i'll bet we could go out and raise some eyebrows doing some shopping.
But it was enhanced by the lightest mask.
Is She fallen angel or corrupted saint,
As with fluttering heart She starts Her task?
The lightest dress in pleasing hue of peach,
So that at whim, the wind will with it play.
'Tis not long enough for slim thighs to reach,
What a wond'rous sight it might yet display...
Her heart beats quick, 'neath unrestricted bust,
Her emotions tingling all aflap.
All'd be revealed by one errant gust;
One hole plugged, t'other dripping like a tap.
Oh, come the day when She becomes my toy,
She'd know my unrestrained, hard handed joy...