Interracial Love: Will It Ever Be Accepted? (Pt.2)
Warning: This post is strictly MY own opinion. This post is NOT aimed at any certain race, religion, gender, or political party . This post is NOT meant to offend anyone's thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. This post is NOT trying to push an agenda of any kind & is NOT meant to change anyone's political or religious beliefs. If you are sensitive to such topics as the one discussed in this post, please DO NOT READ THIS POST! PS: Please, DO NOT judge me based on this posted or you will be unfriended if we are friends & BLOCKED!
Interracial Love: Will It Ever Be Accepted? (Pt.2)
I know full well that this is a topic that a lot of people are uncomfortable with, but I feel that it needs to be said. In my last blog, I stated that interracial love will never be accepted, especially not by all. I know that people have their own opinions & you can't force anyone to think like you. That's fine, but to ignore that there is a problem will only prove how blind some people really are. I know personally that interracial couples are treated & viewed differently. I have never done anything sexual with anyone outside my own race, that doesn't mean I wouldn't because I so would, but my sister is married to a white man & she has been dating nothing but white men for awhile. Now I'll be perfectly honest, I did have a problem with it at first, as I'll admit, it does take some getting use to, but I got use to it rather quickly. The stories that my sister has told me about the funny looks they get when out in public together are sickening. Yeah, it's 2016, but that doesn't mean that some people don't still have a 1940s view on things. Now, I don't want anyone to think that this argument is only one-sided because it's not. The hate comes from both black & white people. In fact, both my sister & her husband have been questioned about why they are together due to their race.
In my last blog, I said that I would give more examples to support my opinion & I will. Aside from my sister & the fact that every porn site has interracial porn voted thumbs down, I have other examples. I'm not going to get into all the recent "racial tension" going on as of late, but I do have other recent examples. There have been several commercials on TV that have featured interracial couples & bi-racial c***dren, but apparently, this is offensive to some people as the companies behind said commercials were commended by some, but condemned by most, to a point were the commercials were pulled from TV. General Mills is one of the companies to receive criticism for featuring a interracial couple & their c***d in a Cheerios commercial, as many hateful, racist, and ignorant bigots left negative comments on the video's Youtube, leading to them having to disable all comments. Instead of pulling the commercial, they brought the family back, which was the right thing to do.
Another example is the fact that there has never been a sitcom on TV to star an interracial couple & the fact that any movies about an interracial couple is always centered around their race. It's sad to think that in 2016, we've never had these things. Yes, I know many sitcoms have address interracial dating & that's great, but you can never have an interracial couple walk into a room without their race being brought up as a topic, whether positively or negatively. This shouldn't still be a problem or an issue in today's "advanced" world, but it is. In a world that is more accepting than ever, interracial couples are in the same boat as homosexual couples, as some people view them as different & even wrong, in some cases. In sitcoms or movies, the interracial couple will usually have to try & convince someone, or some people, that there is nothing wrong with their relationship & I think that's concerning. As I said earlier, It does take some getting use to, but to flat out disapprove right in the couple's face is stupid. It's a topic that should be addressed, of course, but we should be past that by now, but unfortunately, we're not. We are far from homosexual or interracial couples being featured on TV or movies as a perfectly normal couple & that reflects horribly on us all as humans. I totally get not dating outside your race due to personal taste or preference, but to disapprove of or condemn others who do is ignorant.
With issues like this, it puzzles me how some people don't think that racism & homophobia are big problems in society today because they obviously still are. I can understand not wanting to talk about it because it's a very disheartening topic, but it must be addressed or it will only progress. The only way to eliminate the problem is to confront it & teach c***dren that there is nothing different or wrong about it. I'm sorry to talk about this kind of topic on a porn site, but I love porn, whether white, black, Latin, Asian, Indian or interracial, and am tired of seeing good interracial porn getting voted thumbs down just because it's interracial. If you don't like it, that's fine, just don't watch it. I love all porn & race really doesn't matter. And that's the real answer to the question: will interracial love ever be accepted? No, but it really doesn't matter because you can't help who you are attracted to or who you love. So whether people accept it or not, interracial & homosexual couples will always be around & to not accept it, will only make you bitter & miserable. I love all you freaks & pervs. Thanks for reading.
Interracial Love: Will It Ever Be Accepted? (Pt.2)
I know full well that this is a topic that a lot of people are uncomfortable with, but I feel that it needs to be said. In my last blog, I stated that interracial love will never be accepted, especially not by all. I know that people have their own opinions & you can't force anyone to think like you. That's fine, but to ignore that there is a problem will only prove how blind some people really are. I know personally that interracial couples are treated & viewed differently. I have never done anything sexual with anyone outside my own race, that doesn't mean I wouldn't because I so would, but my sister is married to a white man & she has been dating nothing but white men for awhile. Now I'll be perfectly honest, I did have a problem with it at first, as I'll admit, it does take some getting use to, but I got use to it rather quickly. The stories that my sister has told me about the funny looks they get when out in public together are sickening. Yeah, it's 2016, but that doesn't mean that some people don't still have a 1940s view on things. Now, I don't want anyone to think that this argument is only one-sided because it's not. The hate comes from both black & white people. In fact, both my sister & her husband have been questioned about why they are together due to their race.
In my last blog, I said that I would give more examples to support my opinion & I will. Aside from my sister & the fact that every porn site has interracial porn voted thumbs down, I have other examples. I'm not going to get into all the recent "racial tension" going on as of late, but I do have other recent examples. There have been several commercials on TV that have featured interracial couples & bi-racial c***dren, but apparently, this is offensive to some people as the companies behind said commercials were commended by some, but condemned by most, to a point were the commercials were pulled from TV. General Mills is one of the companies to receive criticism for featuring a interracial couple & their c***d in a Cheerios commercial, as many hateful, racist, and ignorant bigots left negative comments on the video's Youtube, leading to them having to disable all comments. Instead of pulling the commercial, they brought the family back, which was the right thing to do.
Another example is the fact that there has never been a sitcom on TV to star an interracial couple & the fact that any movies about an interracial couple is always centered around their race. It's sad to think that in 2016, we've never had these things. Yes, I know many sitcoms have address interracial dating & that's great, but you can never have an interracial couple walk into a room without their race being brought up as a topic, whether positively or negatively. This shouldn't still be a problem or an issue in today's "advanced" world, but it is. In a world that is more accepting than ever, interracial couples are in the same boat as homosexual couples, as some people view them as different & even wrong, in some cases. In sitcoms or movies, the interracial couple will usually have to try & convince someone, or some people, that there is nothing wrong with their relationship & I think that's concerning. As I said earlier, It does take some getting use to, but to flat out disapprove right in the couple's face is stupid. It's a topic that should be addressed, of course, but we should be past that by now, but unfortunately, we're not. We are far from homosexual or interracial couples being featured on TV or movies as a perfectly normal couple & that reflects horribly on us all as humans. I totally get not dating outside your race due to personal taste or preference, but to disapprove of or condemn others who do is ignorant.
With issues like this, it puzzles me how some people don't think that racism & homophobia are big problems in society today because they obviously still are. I can understand not wanting to talk about it because it's a very disheartening topic, but it must be addressed or it will only progress. The only way to eliminate the problem is to confront it & teach c***dren that there is nothing different or wrong about it. I'm sorry to talk about this kind of topic on a porn site, but I love porn, whether white, black, Latin, Asian, Indian or interracial, and am tired of seeing good interracial porn getting voted thumbs down just because it's interracial. If you don't like it, that's fine, just don't watch it. I love all porn & race really doesn't matter. And that's the real answer to the question: will interracial love ever be accepted? No, but it really doesn't matter because you can't help who you are attracted to or who you love. So whether people accept it or not, interracial & homosexual couples will always be around & to not accept it, will only make you bitter & miserable. I love all you freaks & pervs. Thanks for reading.
8 年 前