Pt 1 - Lauras party

Finally, college was over for the summer holidays, and it was time for Laura's Party that night. Everyone would be there and Maria had agreed to dress me up like a pretty little girl and take me out as one of the girls. I had been dressing more and more feminine for a while now, and Maria had asked me one day about my look. We quickly started to hang out more and more and she had started to encourage me, lending me clothes, adding a bit of makeup and last time we shaved my legs in the bath together. I think she enjoyed having a new girlfriend, and I sure loved to look pretty, so the plan for tonight was to go all out and we would tell everyone at the party that I was her cousin, visiting town for the weekend.

I couldn't get to her house fast enough, so went straight from class and found an excited Maria, waiting in her room with some clothes for me to try on and a fresh bath run. We both jumped in and got the bubbles worked up, making my skin so nice and soft and creamy - it made it so easy to shave off what little hair I had and once we had finished with my long legs we went to work on the rest of me. Coming out of that bath, I felt reborn, like a beautiful smooth little girl.

After trying on a few outfits together, we decided that I should show my killer legs off with some heeled boots, thigh high socks and a black and white skirt. Under this, I was wearing one of the pairs of panties I had stolen from a lingerie shop the day earlier, and Maria was thrilled to see that I had brought something to the mix. Maria had an old padded bra from when she was younger, it fitted my tiny frame and made it look like I had some cute little titties under the black blouse I was wearing.

I sat in front of the mirror as Maria helped with my makeup, and with my smooth legs crossed over each other, the feeling of the black socks against my thighs and my pretty madeup face I felt, and I must say, looked, every bit the little hottie. My hair was always quite long, but we shaped it a little and pretty soon we were both ready for the party.

We got to Laura's fashionably late, and there were loads of people already there. I nearly died when I recognised so many of the people I knew, but when we walked in the door I swear we turned more than a few heads and after Maria introduced me as her cousin Taryn to a few people I started to relax and forget that I ever was Brad. With a few drinks to lubricate my mind I even found myself flirting with some boys I had a crush on - none of them recognised me as Brad, and they were all flirting back. I felt powerful and beautiful, having all these cute boys fawn over me, boys that used to tease me, and call me gay, now they would fetch me drinks, laugh at my jokes and I was sure I could take it further. As I had more to drink I started to wonder how far.

Then, disaster, in walks my big brother Tom and his friends! Surely my own brother would spot me and I'd get found out. Maria quickly rejoined me, she'd seen the look of panic on my face and wanted to make sure I was OK. I swear he was looking over at me, straight at me. 'Shit' I thought, he knows. I avoided his look and tried ot make myself scarce.

Soon after the drinks had taken their other effect on me and I needed to visit the toilet, if only this was a pub, I could glam up in the ladies room. As it was, I had to nip to the upstairs bathroom, through Laura's parents' room. I took my time, powdered my nose and had a few deep breaths. I guessed I'd go back out, have one more drink and disappear home soon. But, when I came out of the bathroom, Tom was stood there in the hall.

"Hi", he said. "I'm Tom".

I thought for a moment, was he k**ding? "Bathroom's all yours, sorry if you had to wait."

"So, Maria tells me you're her cousin, from London..."

"Um, ye, em, Taryn" I stammered out.

"So Maria tells me"

'Oh my god, was Tom hitting on me?' I thought. He was always the more masculine of us brothers, taller, built like a man, and I knew he had a reputation for getting the girls. I had always been into guys, but had never thought about my brother as anything but that, my b*o. After what seemed like the longest time I stammered out:

"Did she now?" Which i thought, despite the nerves was a little more flirtatious a response than I had in mind.

"Yeah, but not a lot else. You seem nervous. I just want to say hi...I don't bite" And then he leant in.

It was a narrow hall and he was a big guy. He kissed me right on the lips, hard and wet - and kept kissing. 'Shit' I thought, 'Shit, shit shit' how do i get out of this one, I was racking my mind for what to do when I realised that his tongue was in my mouth and I had started to massage it with my own tongue, before I knew it I had given him a little bite on the lip. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. Kissing me harder and our hands were all over each other. This was so hot, I didn't know why, but I felt so turned on.

I'll never know if he started to walk forwards or if I had started to fall backwards, but all of a sudden we were back in the bathroom. He pulled away and turned to lock the door. When he turned back around, he looked at me for a moment, his eyes were hungry for my tight teen body, and I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist and started to kiss him again, with my hands around his head. I'd never had such a passionate kiss. He whispered to me, 'Damn, you're sexy. Are all the girls in London this wild?'. I tried to say back, between the kissing 'If i'd known Maria had such hot friends I'd have visited sooner'.

"She;s my little brother's friend really" He said, and my heart nearly jumped out my body as I remembered who I really was. 'He really doesn't know it's me' I thought as I felt his dick through his jeans, grind against my panties. It grew, bigger and bigger, shit, it felt huge. I started to worry i would get hard, and he might feel it so I thought I would have to take action, I didn't want him to find out I was a girl!

Off I climbed and got down on my knees in front of him. I unbuckled his belt and slowly undid his jeans. His massive cock sprung out at me, and was right in my face. It was much bigger than mine, he really was all round more of a guy than his little sister. I'd done this a few times to other guys, but this cock was huge, 'so thick' I thought to myself. But, I wanted it, I needed it, and i was out of control. I grabbed it and looked up at him, my brother. He looked down at me until his head shot back as I wrapped my lips around his cock head.

Mmmmm, I slurped on it, my tongue darting around and out, down his shaft. I wanted more, I tried to work more and more in, each time backing off and going deeper. It would pulse and throb inside my tight little mouth. It was the best feeling ever! Until before I knew it, his hot cum was filling my mouth. It came so fast, and so much of it. I couldn't swallow fast enough and a little dribbled out the side of my lips. I caught it with my finger and tried to push it back in, but more just kept coming. I looked up at him and his head was back in ecstasy as he grunted and held my head with his big hands.

Finally he loosened his grip, I had a little cum on my chin which i quickly licked up and jumped up to give him a little kiss.

"Wow" He said "that was hot. Let me repay the favour."

"Later I said" as I unlocked the door, "we best get back to the party."

He turned to wash up and said "OK" as I walked out the room, "Catch you down there".

But, as i went down the stairs my heart was racing, I couldn't beleive what had just happened. I got to the back door and ran, ran straight home, which was not easy in these heels.

The next day I was at the kitchen table when Tom came in. Looking a little hung over, but for the first time in my eyes, well, second, hot as hell.

"How you feeling?" I asked

"Hanging" was the response

"What'd you do last night" I asked, innocently.

"Party, at Laura's. I thought you were going; there were a lot of your mates there."

"Nah, quiet night, I was tired after college"

"Shame, you're friend Maria's cousin was there. She was hot, but she disappeared on me"

"Spurned were you?, surely not?" I teased.

"I guess. You'll probably meet her, she's here for the weekend. Get her to get in touch eh?" He said as he took his coffee up stairs.
发布者 celcus2000
8 年 前
zefke69 3 年 前
hot story. ❤️❤️
redclay56 3 年 前
Sheboylover33 5 年 前
Great story
fd8984596 5 年 前
Very nice
Hot as fuck!