Freaking Out the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Yesterday, I was playing around the house and my new fetish is wearing panties and a bra. I was doing odd whatnots when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone but I always keep a robe by the front door for instances like this. I put on the robe and opened the door an an older couple was standing there. Yup, JW's come calling on the weekend. They started into their speech and I stopped them in mid sentence. I dropped the robe and standing in the door way in bra and panties, I said they could come in and tell me about it and if the wanted I would suck his cock and eat her pussy. They both freaked out. They had a deer in the head lights look and started to back off my porch. As they were leaving I told them that if they changed there mind or if any other JW wanted a blowjob to stop by anytime. I don't expect to be visited any time soon but you never know.
8 年 前
A blowjob is a blowjob Rite you mite get some takers? any yet
My JW experience was quit different then your's
I was hungover when they showed up being in that state when they rung the door bell it was like thunder in my brain
so I ran to the door openned it stopped and looked at then then pushed passed them and thru up all over the lawn looking back at them
and said the evil you speak of is making sick they rain away
i'll have to remember and try that