Why I love cum
When I was 14 years old, I had a major crush on the guy next door. He was 19. Back then, weed was something new. Anyway, his parents traveled alot, so, he was always "home alone" doing whatever he pleased. One day, I skipped school and spent the day at his house. We drank alittle and got stoned alittle and eventually I ended up naked in his bed. My teen fantisies crashed and took off that day. I lost my virginity that day which was a so so experience. However, I later experienced something later that kinda changed my life. After he FUCKED me, or what I thought was "make love to me" he fucked my mouth. I had little choice in the matter and just went with what he was doing. As a 14 yo, I was just waiting for fireworks and love and all that other crap. Anyway, I'm just barely able to take his dick in my mouth without gagging and he lets go a torrent of cum. I chocked, gagged and recoiled in utter shock and nearly pucked at all this hot thick sperm that filled my mouth. Needless to say, I spit it all out and cried like a little girl. He tried to console me and apologized repeatedly for not warning me that we was going to CUM. In all honesty, I thought the precum was actually CUM. Anyway, I will never forget that day because it was the day that I fell in love with the taste of cum. I was never WITH him again but I have always rememberd the day I took a load of CUM and cried. Ever since that day, I have been the queen of the blowjob. I completely understand the pleasure it brings to a man and there is NOTHING like pleasing my man in the way he enjoys being pleased. With this littel blurb, I hope you will understand where I got my passion for sucking and swallowing cum.
13 年 前
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congratulations !!! You are amazing!
I have a special interest in this topic as my young lover is also discovering the joy of blow jobs with several men since I guided her in the art.
I am sure you have much more to tell us about various aspects of your oral sex experiences. Wish you would write more blogs which are concise and interesting like this one.