A stranger in her bed.

I wake up suddenly, unsure of the cause. The room is dark. No the fabric over my eyesis creating this darkness. A jolt of terror shoots through my quivering body. When Iattempt to remove the covering, I realize my arms are restrained above my head. I kickand the soft restraints tug back.

Breathe.In and out. In and out.Slowly. Calmly.Do NOT panic.

There must be a reasonable explanation. My voice refuses to work because of the fear and I begin to disregard my own advice. The bindings on my wrists and ankles onlyseem to tighten as I thrash about.Tears leak out of my eyes only to be soaked up by the blindfold.The room is extremely warm or maybe it’s just me. Blindfolded, my other senses seemheightened. I’m aware of every deep breath as my chest raises and lowers. The roomsmells of sweat and maybe a few lightly scented candles.As I squirm, I’m aware that my revealing lacey underwear, a bra, and a tank top are theonly articles of clothing I have on. I clear my throat and manage to make a weak call for help. A hand is shoved roughly over my mouth before a round object is forced betweenmy lips, replacing it. My head is forced forward and I feel straps around my head. Ibegin struggling and screaming from behind the gag.Suddenly someone is straddling me, pinning me to the bed, covering my mouth and therubber ball. “Stay quiet and I won’t hurt you,” a man’s voice whispers. I stop yelling, buthe didn’t say anything about the squirming so I continue. Hands no longer needed tomuffle my screams are used to pin me down until I quit moving under his strong grip.I lay there limply, unsure what to do. I can feel the fire of his hold on my upper armseven after he lets go, but he doesn’t get off me. I feel him lean to the side, reaching for something. Fear of the unknown freezing me.“Stay very still,” he instructs. His hands find the bottom of my tank top and cool metaltouches my stomach. The scissors slide up, cutting the tank right up the middle. Nowhis hands plunge under me, unsnapping my bra and the scissors slice the straps so itcan be removed passed my restrained arms. The cool metal sits on my stomach as hishands grab my breasts roughly.I gasp and try unsuccessfully to pull away from his unwanted touch. I can feel a bulge inhis pants growing as he continues to straddle me. The weight increases on my chest ashe leans over me. A sharp stinging, but pleasurable sensation on my ear sends shiversdown my spine and catches my breath in my throat. His breath rushes over the dampspot where his teeth had been.

My nipples harden underneath him. Maybe he notices because that’s where his handsgo. I can’t prevent the quiet moan from escaping my lips as he rubs and pinches thesensitive nubs. His lips move to my neck, pulling and sucking at the skin, grazing it withhis teeth. The journey of his mouth ends at my breasts, chasing the hands away toexplore the curves of my outstretched body.Biting. Sucking. Licking. I groan in a mix of discomfort and enjoyment. One last squeezeof my overly-sensitive nipples and another grope of my breasts later, his hands travelsouth.I’m very aware of the throbbing in the area his hands are headed. The thought of thescary stranger is slowly pushed from the front of my mind as my pulsing clit takescontrol. I moan as his fingers lightly touch the outside of my panties. He enjoys this. Ican tell.I slowly raise my hips, inviting him inside, needing him inside. The scissors lift from mystomach and my dampened underwear falls away, leaving me exposed and naked. Hisfingers part my nether lips stroking around, but ignoring the spot that begs to betouched.One finger slides inside me, gently exploring inside. It’s soon joined by another and all Ican do is moan my thanks. Encouraged, a third joins the other two and they begin toslide in and out together. I grind my hips in rhythm, wanting him to go faster, to hit thatspot.Harder, faster, but then he stops and presses my hips into the bed.“I told you to stay still,” he whispers and his wet fingers touch my bottom lip, signalingfor me to open my mouth. I let them inside as he wants, swirling my tongue aroundthem and feeling dirty but even more turned on. He gets off me, off the bed. I hear hisfootsteps, but have no idea what’s going on. Pillows are forced behind my head,bringing me to a more upright position. The gag is removed. He joins me once again onthe bed, but I can feel bare skin.His pant-less thighs rub up against my ribs. Something hard and warm… fleshy… tapsmy cheek. “Open up. Give me what I want then I’ll return the favor.” I wet my dry lips,hesitating - the fear rushing back. He pinches my nipple hard and when I open mymouth to complain he thrusts himself inside me. I will my gag reflexes not to spasm ashis giant dick rams in and out of my mouth. His hands run through my hair, pulling andtugging and holding my head in place.“Yes. That’s it. Do a good job and you won’t be sorry. When it’s your turn, you’ll bebegging me to stop.” Why did him talking like that turn me on so much? My tongue goesto work on him and he slows his thrusts. I lean back into the pillow to bring his headtoward the front of my mouth to reach it better with my tongue. I swirl it around the top and suck on it before reaching inside the slit and tasting the precum. He moans andpushes his dick deep inside my throat. A few pumps later, my mouth is filling withwarmth which spills down my throat.He pulls it out slowly, clumsily, letting my chin and chest be smeared with the residuebefore climbing off me. I let my lips fall into a pout, which he sees and responds with aharder-than-necessary pat on the cheek and reassurance that he will hold up his end of the deal. He calls me “sweetheart” and my skin crawls.Suddenly my feet are being lifted into the air and his shoulders appear under my thighs.I gasp both in surprise and anticipation. His hands are underneath me, caressing andmassaging. I can feel his breath between my legs.I whimper please, and he quickly responds. The warmth and rapid movement of histongue makes me moan with pleasure. He mumbles something unintelligible and it isalmost as if he begins to drift away.I’m floating.Someone is shaking my arm.My name is being called.I open my eyes.There’s no blindfold.
发布者 Johnnytames69
13 年 前
mikey1ra 13 年 前
interesting end but just a daydream