12 weeks update, 85 chaste. Prostatitis and the co
It's been 2 strange weeks with some ups and downs.
I need to warn you at this point that some things I will talk about this time are unpleasant and disgusting. However if you follow a similar path, you should read to avoid the mistake I made as I can tell you, it has given me a great deal of pain and discomfort.
The major down was, I saw my doctor to talk with him about the burning and pain I get after being stimulated that I though came from the prostate and it he confirmed it as a prostatitis, so did the urologist that I saw a week later.
With my non existent sex drive I have been without the penis cage during the day when at home, I only wear it at night and at work or the gym, I do not get any erections at all without proper stimulation. This made seeing the doctor about the issues I had with that lava like burning in my urethra after stimulation very easy as before my long term chastity I don't think I could have done without a rock hard erection.
I wasn't sure what to do as the circumstances of my sex life if you can even call it that are really special at the moment and as they were the most likely cause for the symptoms I needed to find a way to tell my doctor without bending the truth too much.
I just adjusted the story of the break up with my girlfriend to a closer time frame, lied about being very depressed and without any drive to the point that I lost all libido for weeks so I didn't have orgasms and couldn't even remember the last time I had an erection. My doctor was very concerned and in a long talk he said that we urgently needed to deal with the depression, though as that needs a specialist he would have to deal with the prostatitis.
He checked my prostate with his finger, it was enlarged and hardened, the symptoms I experienced are hinting towards a prostatitis as they can occur after orgasms when the fluids from the inflamed prostate are drained. I managed to get an appointment with urologist on very short notice, had blood samples taken to check the Testosterone levels.
If you have followed my blog, you know that I was always at least to some extent aware that draining the fluids that are unused is important. I was very relieved that the unused sperm was disposed off in my urine, but the prostate milking never went anywhere, but as no negative effects happened I was content to let this drop. Once the burning started I got a bit scared and even before I had seen the doctor my keyholder and I had ordered a new prostate stimulator, something that would be easy but efficient and would not just put pressure on the gland but properly massage it. We decided for the Nexus Revo 2.
I have to say, I underestimated the size of it. We tested it the same night it came. With the enlarged prostate and the hardening of it, getting that bigger stimulator in was tough and hurt, switching the massage head on was very painful at first but being into sports for a long time I know that sometimes something needs to hurt before it gets better, if you ever had muscle cramps massaged you know what I mean.
I really don't know what after 3 years of trying made the difference. Maybe because the Nexus Revo is just such an amazingly effective tool, maybe because my prostate is enlarged and a better target for stimulation or maybe because it was just filled to the max with fluid but I started leaking prostate fluid this time, almost immediately. Not just a bit, the amount was insane. The texture was the weirdest thing I ever felt in my penis, it was so sticky. It started oozing out, a bit yellowish at first and smelling, it stuck on the tower like glue. It did trigger the prostatitis very quickly though and started to feel like a river of fire making its way through the urethra, I lost control over my bladder soon after and the thick, sticky stuff came out mixed with urine, every time I could not hold the pee any longer, even though they were only tiny droplets it felt like a pea sized mass of fire and needles made its way down my penis. I was in agony and sweated like a pig. I still didn't stop because I realized that this could bring relief. I didn't keep track of how long we milked but it must have been over 1 1/2 hours. Afterwards, I still had this burning sensation for about an hour and was more or less incontinent until it got better. I could feel my prostate aching afterwards for a day or so. We have repeated the procedure every second day since then, the amounts leaked have gone down very quickly, the stuff is more white now and does not smell it's still ridiculously sticky.
By the time I saw the urologist I had milked 3 times, because I was scared that manipulating that much on an inflamed prostate could do more damage than good I told him the same story as my doctor, but told him about the prostate massage and the results, he didn't want to give a 100% answer whether it is beneficial or harmful as the studies on the matter are lacking in control groups, but he thought getting rid of the fluids, especially when they looked and smelled inflammation, but I should closely monitor the level of pain and the burning and stop if I don't feel it getting better. I did not mention chastity, but Luckily though, the hardening of the prostate has become better, the direct stimulation is a lot less painful now and the intensity and the duration of the burning and loss of bladder control are better too.
The blood test have come back as well, my Testosterone level is 2.7. This is not as low as I have expected, but then again I don't know what my levels were when I was jacking off 6 to 8 times a day or what they were after prolonged chastity with only an orgasm once a week. I guess the levels were very diminished already before we decided to keep me without orgasm until Christmas. It is below the "normal" range for my age group, but only a little bit, for older men it would register as normal, even though borderlining as well.
I do believe that using the Revo will ease the symptoms, I am taking antibiotics as well as the urine sample showed traces of bacterial infection, I did not receive medication that relaxes the muscles of the Prostate as the cause of the inflammation is most likely bacterial due to the lack of drainage, in those cases the relaxant is not necessarily effective.
Well, that is that issue, other than that, when milked with the Nexus I am put back in the cage as now that the pain is better it does trigger erections, when it is not used I still have great difficulties getting the penis up.
All in all I am very moody, my keyholder has announced that as soon as the regular appointments with my doctor and urologists are over and prostate checkups are not needed for a while I will get a caning again. This has lead to quite a bit of heated debate between us as I just am not in the mood for spankings right now. Not even the hand spankings. The prostate inflammation has served as an excuse not to serve him anally, to make up - and make him cum quicker - we have tried the Nexus up his ass when I give him blowjobs, he loves it and the intensity of his orgasms make up for how quick it goes. I'm just glad that it's over quickly. I do feel terrible as I know I am very ungrateful towards him right now and I know that discipline was always for my benefit, but I do have terrible moods swings and lack motivation. I just can't be bothered pleasing him, the gym has become a chore even though I don't experience significant changes in strength a general lack of motivation makes it a chore to train hard.
But I am 85 days in, 90 to go until Christmas. I am not stopping now but I do sometimes think that if I can't go back to a more normal sex life once I am allowed orgasms again and "restart" my libido that staying in this artificial state of impotence is something that I would pursuit permanently. Because at the end of the day, my sexuality has caused me so many problems that getting rid of it altogether, especially in this low testosterone, no sex drive state does not look bad at all.
But we will see, I am taking the issues that the chastity causes one at a time, enjoy the peace of mind a lack of libido gives me.
In any case, I urge every man, boy, sissy or cuck who decided chastity is for him not to underestimate how important regular orgasms are for a man, physically or mentally. You can't tackle it as careless as I did or you will go through the same problems.
I need to warn you at this point that some things I will talk about this time are unpleasant and disgusting. However if you follow a similar path, you should read to avoid the mistake I made as I can tell you, it has given me a great deal of pain and discomfort.
The major down was, I saw my doctor to talk with him about the burning and pain I get after being stimulated that I though came from the prostate and it he confirmed it as a prostatitis, so did the urologist that I saw a week later.
With my non existent sex drive I have been without the penis cage during the day when at home, I only wear it at night and at work or the gym, I do not get any erections at all without proper stimulation. This made seeing the doctor about the issues I had with that lava like burning in my urethra after stimulation very easy as before my long term chastity I don't think I could have done without a rock hard erection.
I wasn't sure what to do as the circumstances of my sex life if you can even call it that are really special at the moment and as they were the most likely cause for the symptoms I needed to find a way to tell my doctor without bending the truth too much.
I just adjusted the story of the break up with my girlfriend to a closer time frame, lied about being very depressed and without any drive to the point that I lost all libido for weeks so I didn't have orgasms and couldn't even remember the last time I had an erection. My doctor was very concerned and in a long talk he said that we urgently needed to deal with the depression, though as that needs a specialist he would have to deal with the prostatitis.
He checked my prostate with his finger, it was enlarged and hardened, the symptoms I experienced are hinting towards a prostatitis as they can occur after orgasms when the fluids from the inflamed prostate are drained. I managed to get an appointment with urologist on very short notice, had blood samples taken to check the Testosterone levels.
If you have followed my blog, you know that I was always at least to some extent aware that draining the fluids that are unused is important. I was very relieved that the unused sperm was disposed off in my urine, but the prostate milking never went anywhere, but as no negative effects happened I was content to let this drop. Once the burning started I got a bit scared and even before I had seen the doctor my keyholder and I had ordered a new prostate stimulator, something that would be easy but efficient and would not just put pressure on the gland but properly massage it. We decided for the Nexus Revo 2.
I have to say, I underestimated the size of it. We tested it the same night it came. With the enlarged prostate and the hardening of it, getting that bigger stimulator in was tough and hurt, switching the massage head on was very painful at first but being into sports for a long time I know that sometimes something needs to hurt before it gets better, if you ever had muscle cramps massaged you know what I mean.
I really don't know what after 3 years of trying made the difference. Maybe because the Nexus Revo is just such an amazingly effective tool, maybe because my prostate is enlarged and a better target for stimulation or maybe because it was just filled to the max with fluid but I started leaking prostate fluid this time, almost immediately. Not just a bit, the amount was insane. The texture was the weirdest thing I ever felt in my penis, it was so sticky. It started oozing out, a bit yellowish at first and smelling, it stuck on the tower like glue. It did trigger the prostatitis very quickly though and started to feel like a river of fire making its way through the urethra, I lost control over my bladder soon after and the thick, sticky stuff came out mixed with urine, every time I could not hold the pee any longer, even though they were only tiny droplets it felt like a pea sized mass of fire and needles made its way down my penis. I was in agony and sweated like a pig. I still didn't stop because I realized that this could bring relief. I didn't keep track of how long we milked but it must have been over 1 1/2 hours. Afterwards, I still had this burning sensation for about an hour and was more or less incontinent until it got better. I could feel my prostate aching afterwards for a day or so. We have repeated the procedure every second day since then, the amounts leaked have gone down very quickly, the stuff is more white now and does not smell it's still ridiculously sticky.
By the time I saw the urologist I had milked 3 times, because I was scared that manipulating that much on an inflamed prostate could do more damage than good I told him the same story as my doctor, but told him about the prostate massage and the results, he didn't want to give a 100% answer whether it is beneficial or harmful as the studies on the matter are lacking in control groups, but he thought getting rid of the fluids, especially when they looked and smelled inflammation, but I should closely monitor the level of pain and the burning and stop if I don't feel it getting better. I did not mention chastity, but Luckily though, the hardening of the prostate has become better, the direct stimulation is a lot less painful now and the intensity and the duration of the burning and loss of bladder control are better too.
The blood test have come back as well, my Testosterone level is 2.7. This is not as low as I have expected, but then again I don't know what my levels were when I was jacking off 6 to 8 times a day or what they were after prolonged chastity with only an orgasm once a week. I guess the levels were very diminished already before we decided to keep me without orgasm until Christmas. It is below the "normal" range for my age group, but only a little bit, for older men it would register as normal, even though borderlining as well.
I do believe that using the Revo will ease the symptoms, I am taking antibiotics as well as the urine sample showed traces of bacterial infection, I did not receive medication that relaxes the muscles of the Prostate as the cause of the inflammation is most likely bacterial due to the lack of drainage, in those cases the relaxant is not necessarily effective.
Well, that is that issue, other than that, when milked with the Nexus I am put back in the cage as now that the pain is better it does trigger erections, when it is not used I still have great difficulties getting the penis up.
All in all I am very moody, my keyholder has announced that as soon as the regular appointments with my doctor and urologists are over and prostate checkups are not needed for a while I will get a caning again. This has lead to quite a bit of heated debate between us as I just am not in the mood for spankings right now. Not even the hand spankings. The prostate inflammation has served as an excuse not to serve him anally, to make up - and make him cum quicker - we have tried the Nexus up his ass when I give him blowjobs, he loves it and the intensity of his orgasms make up for how quick it goes. I'm just glad that it's over quickly. I do feel terrible as I know I am very ungrateful towards him right now and I know that discipline was always for my benefit, but I do have terrible moods swings and lack motivation. I just can't be bothered pleasing him, the gym has become a chore even though I don't experience significant changes in strength a general lack of motivation makes it a chore to train hard.
But I am 85 days in, 90 to go until Christmas. I am not stopping now but I do sometimes think that if I can't go back to a more normal sex life once I am allowed orgasms again and "restart" my libido that staying in this artificial state of impotence is something that I would pursuit permanently. Because at the end of the day, my sexuality has caused me so many problems that getting rid of it altogether, especially in this low testosterone, no sex drive state does not look bad at all.
But we will see, I am taking the issues that the chastity causes one at a time, enjoy the peace of mind a lack of libido gives me.
In any case, I urge every man, boy, sissy or cuck who decided chastity is for him not to underestimate how important regular orgasms are for a man, physically or mentally. You can't tackle it as careless as I did or you will go through the same problems.
8 年 前