For those who don't understand

Good morning to All! There is at least the same 2 ppl sending friend request. If I denied u the first time maybe u should take a hint. I like what I like & nothing can change it. I'm nice to everyone & respectful til u don't take no for an answer! I've been nice enough not to block anyone but I did have to block someone who couldn't respect the fact that I work overnight & when I'm on at 5am central standard time I'm checking messages & then going to bed. I'm still willing to meet ppl (sex doesn't always apply) as long as ur not wasting my time. If u have an alternative way of reaching me please do understand this: I DO NOT SEND OUT PIX OF MYSELF! I DO NOT C2C PERIOD! WHERE I WRK IS NONE OF UR BUSINESS! PLEASE STOP ASKING ME TO ADD NEW PIX! IM NOT SINGLE BY A LONG SHOT SO FUCKIN IS ALL IT IS! I will not allow u to waste my time w wack ass head. U don't need to b practing on me because u want me. My availability is crazy; work 1930-0400 so please stop asking me what I'm doing during these times.. BTW IF U MET/FUCKED ONCE & NEVA AGAIN, PLEASE TAKE A HINT
发布者 chococlit
8 年 前
Very well put
KunoLingus 8 年 前
Tough woman.
Very well.
fitness247 8 年 前
sad you had to post that someone can't take a hint. hope it gets better.
nubianbrotha 8 年 前
Enough said. ..
Dickondaside 8 年 前
nice in that order