Black Diamond pt II - Marquis' Greatest Hits!
Hello friends...and the rest of you, too!
Sorry Sorry Sorry I haven't posted more, but life...right?
In fact, I meant to tell you all about this much earlier in the year, because it led up to a series of events that culminated (climaxed? LOL) in the wildest night of sex-type stuff I'd ever done (to that point) on a Halloween night. And I wanted to tell you all about it around Halloween, if possible. Well, obviously I missed my deadline :(
Any-who, we press on...time to get you caught up!
If you’ll recall, I introduced you to Marquis, the black boy I met at the pool and went riding around in his truck for some smoochy-time…and then later went parking with at Bobby's suggestion and we had MORE than smooch-time (aka: we fucked). Oh heck just read about it yourself here:
So here's the thing: I told myself all along I wasn't going to have intercourse with a regular black dick here in the town where I lived. I definitely would (and did!) have oral but I wanted to save the big enchilada as a *very rare* special treat whenever I went out-of-town…but as it turned out I broke my own rule with Marquis (I blame it on Bobby LOL).
Because after that first time I found it really easy to go back to him over and over again to get sex.
I mean, I definitely love smooching and blow-jobs and foot-jobs and hand-jobs and all other kind of jobs…but I had forgotten how cool it could be to have actual intercourse regularly. It’s easier for me (and I think most girls) to get off during “other” stuff besides actual fucking, but it’s more than that for me: it’s the whole act of allowing someone inside you, to engage in that most intimate act, to wrap my legs around a (black) guy, to feel that wonderful wet slippery sensation, feel his heat and hardness inside me, his body gyrating against mine, etc…
Also making it easy is the fact that Marquis has a really nice dick.
I mean it was a great size and shape, really big but not freakishly so…but you know sometimes the really big monster ones are kind a hard to work with and can even hurt. I would guess Marquis was in the 9 inch range (I don't know I've never had a measuring tape handy ) Also I’ve found some of the really really big ones have a hard difficult time staying hard (I guess too much blood is required?)…but Marquis always seemed to stay rock hard all the time. Also the perfect shape, just a little bit of a band at the end for friction, as well as ideal thickness with the head having a nice ridge to it so you could feel it going in and out. And of course a nice dark chocolate color!
And while Marquis wasn't exactly handsome, he wasn't ugly either… he had just enough of that black attitude about him and I figured he probably would do OK with the girls in the future (although as I noted before I was his first real sex)
So anyway over the next couple years Marquis and I were semi-regulars, getting after it pretty hot and heavy that first year, especially the summer, and then with less regularity as he went off to college. Then it would be holidays and sometimes summer break when we would hook up for quickies and blowjobs or what not. His birthday is in July and he always got a blowjob on day from me. In fact, he got one this past JULY when he surprised me by calling me up (I told you about this in my last blog post )
The first few times (after the first time) were in his SUV in that same driveway of that same house in that same under-construction neighborhood. It's funny how that became our spot, and yes afterwards I've driven by that house and saw some old fat white guy out watering his lawn. Part of me would love to roll down my window and tell him about all the hot sweaty sex I had with a young black buck right in his drive-way!
We developed a bit of a routine there in his truck: some kissing leading to me blowing him, followed by lightning quick round one of fucking. This would be followed by some afterglow and round 2 in the back of the SUV. It was always very sweaty athletic sex that we had, and since he was a young guy (high school age), he would come pretty quickly but would be hard again right away ready for an extended round two.
One particularly nice night I grabbed the sex blanket he'd begun keeping in his truck and ran off behind the house to find a nice secluded spot to put it on the ground and get busy. Yep, we did it right there in the backyard under the moonlight that was pretty hot! So risky! And yes, of course we got into it and rolled off the blanket into the wet grass! And yes, I had grass-stained knees and butt-cheeks when I got home, as well as mud under my toe-nails!
Anyway I'm not going to bore you with all the details of every single time we hooked up…but I would like to give you a few highlights. You see this is all part of something that's going to lead up to something else later on that I like to refer to as the wildest craziest night where I did the wildest craziest thing I’d ever done ! Well, up to that up until that point, anyway… ;)
The first highlight would be the first non-vehicle sex we've ever had which happened to be on around Halloween of that first year we met. So a little backstory: the place where I work has a tradition where all the employees get together for a Halloween party and we dress as a group with a theme. You know, with the theme like Gilligan’s Island or Smurfs or whatever, and of course being the youngest hottest chick (ha ha), I always got stuck with the costume that revealed the most skin. And that was fine with me as I didn't consider it sexism or harassment…I actually kind of enjoy dressing up and have a bit of an exhibitionist the right setting.
So this particular Halloween upper management decided we should dress as Baywatch lifeguards. Now between you and me, I'm relatively certain the main reason our boss picked Baywatch so he could see me dressed up in a bikini like Pam Anderson! Funny thing about that was everybody else just wore red shorts and tank tops or the white T-shirts that said “Lifeguard” on them in red letters. But I was the only one bold enough to actually wear a red one piece swimsuit and flip flops! Luckily this was one of those years where it was still pretty warm around Halloween and I didn't freeze to death!
Anyway I had mentioned this to Marquis during our last driveway sex session, and he was like: “Aw shit, I love me Pam Anderson! You need to come see me after your party in dat red bathing suit!”
And I agreed that was a splendid idea! So I went ahead and booked us a room in a cheap little motel across town that same night. I could barely concentrate on my company party because I was so excited for what I was going to be doing afterwards! I finally up bailed on the party at the earliest possible time I could, texting Marquis to meet me at the motel before I was even all the way out the door! My hands were shaking I was so excited about our night together and he seemed excited to see me too.
In keeping with the theme of the evening, I had him bring a pair of swim trunks, and after he’d stripped down to them, I had him go get in the shower! After he was soaking wet, I ran in and pretended to rescue him! Of course I couldn't really drag him from the tub to the bed all by myself (he had to help me out) but I did finally manage to plop him down on the bed and proceed to to give him CPR and of course “mouth-to-mouth resuscitation” …!
Of course the mouth-to-mouth pretty quickly led to just straight up making out! I made a joke that I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to resuscitate him or not maybe I should try little mouth-to-dick! So I pulled his dripping wet swim trunks down and completely off, his black dick, it springing up out of them like a diving board! I quickly put it in my mouth and only wish that it tasted a little bit like salt water to make it more authentic…he really seemed to enjoy looking down and seeing "Pam" sucking his big black dick!
Anyway that led to some quick 6ixty-9inIng and our usual round of very athletic Olympic caliber sex it was neat to have the whole room to ourselves and not be confined to his truck or even like it in the backyard where we were always looking over her shoulder wondering if someone was going to walk up on us. The first round wasn't as lighting quick as usual, and I did indeed leave my red swimsuit on for him to fuck me in! Round 2 were buck-naked, taking our time in the bed...and in the floor next to the bed...and on the dresser...and the bathroom sink ;) He went on home promptly at midnight (his curfew) and I spent the night in the motel too exhausted and sore to drive home.
The next highlight I want to tell you about was at least a half-year later. I had been traveling a lot for work, out of town a lot more than I had been in it, and was only going to be home (Nashville) for the weekend. While I was sitting in the airport I realized that I hadn’t had any intercourse in months…no wonder I was so horny. Oh sure, there had been some BJ’s and 6ixty9ining and a few close calls, no big enchilada in awhile…
Sex was the only thing I could think about, and I started thinking of a way to get some. There was always Dom for oral, but I was in the mood to fuck. I thought about hitting a club or bar or whatever, but you just never know what you’re going to get. And then it struck me:
I hadn’t been with him in a couple months, and he would be perfect: not a stranger, but something I hadn’t had in awhile...and I knew he could go and go and go, which was just what I was in the mood for. And besides, he had gotten pretty good in bed (I taught him well LOL)
So I shot him a quick text and he replied just as I was getting ready to turn my phone off on the plane. Sure, he could meet up later if I wanted. LOL, yeah, I wanted! I was extra fidgety during the flight, thinking about what was in store for me that evening! Now back then I did NOT bring black fellas over to my apartment, and our old parking spot was now gone as the houses in that neighborhood were finished. Luckily I had the whole flight to try and figure out a spot for us to go…
So yeah, as soon as we landed I threw my bags in my trunk and drove right over to our parking lot meet-up spot. He hopped in and I maneuvered to the interstate, heading north…
There was this old drive-in located about halfway between where we lived and where I went to college, just over the state line. I had gone there a few times when I was in college, always in car-loads of friends. We’d always make fun of the people that were there just to mess around in their cars. At the time I thought there was nothing sexy about that, but now it was exactly what I wanted to do!
Very very surreal for me to be sitting in line to get in with this young black guy nearly 10 years my junior sitting next to me. I kept telling myself it was cool because no one here knew me, but when the older white guy taking money shot me a disgusted look, it made me tingle even more…
I was surprised at the number of little k**s running and playing in the area between the first row and the screen, it was like a playground at an elementary school. I felt kinda guilty, considering what I was there to do. But as I headed towards the back row, I noticed that it was all couples back there LOL. We pulled into a spot on the back row and made small talk as we waited for the sun to finish going down.
I noticed the car to our right, the guy in the driver’s seat was checking us out. He was one of those pierced-nose, pierced-eyebrow white guys with a shaved head and a goatee. He seemed to be more interested in us than in his date and the movie!
I made the first move by easing my seat back a bit and slipping out of my shoes. I put my feet in Marquis’ lap and suggested he give me a foot-massage while we waited for it to get dark enough for the movie to start. He seemed very eager to do so, and kinda surprised me when after a couple minutes, he dipped his head down to suck my toes! Now Marquis had engaged in light foot-play before, but it was something he seemed like he could take or leave.
And these weren’t bare toes right out of the shower, but musty ones that had been trapped in pantyhose all day at work and on a plane ride. But he seemed to really like that, running his tongue all over my sweaty (and surely slightly stinky) nylon-covered soles and arches…
“Oh my!” I purred. “You like feet now?”
And he told me that he did, it was apparently something he’d always liked but had been too shy to really act on. But all our previous encounters had taught him to be more open and aggressive about what he liked. So…yay! I had indirectly encouraged this and was now reaping the benefits! I pulled my skirt up so Marquis could see I was wearing tan thigh-highs but I'd removed my panties in the airport bathroom. I began rubbing myself while he continued to rub and lick my feet…
While he did so, I let my line of vision drift over his shoulder to the car to our right. That white dude had his eyes cut towards us, even though his head wasn’t turned (all the way) I wondered what it looked like to him: to see the back of a black guy’s head, with my legs obviously spread to him, my shoeless foot resting up on Marquis’ shoulder? LOL, the guy saw me seeing him and he quickly looked away…
Soon, it was dark enough for the movie to start, and I begrudgingly pulled myself up so that Marquis and I were sitting side-by-side. He and I started making out, nice and slow at first, but definitely with some intensity. His hand was on my thigh, sliding up inside my skirt as I gripped the back of his head as we kissed. This of course led to me rubbing him through his shorts and eventually yanking them down to free his big black dick.
I found myself wondering if the white guy in the next car was watching me make out with this young negro, saw him yank his shirt off, saw my head dip down out of view as I obviously began sucking his dick? I could only hope… ;)
I gave him a pretty incredible BJ if I do say so myself, walking that line between wanting to finish him off and suck him dry, and simply prepping him to full hardness prior to intercourse. By this point, Marquis was experienced enough and had enough of my Bj’s to know how to pace himself and NOT come right away…instead reclining back a bit to enjoy my ‘performance’…
But after awhile I kissed my way back up his chest and wiggled my way into his lap as he reclined his passenger seat back all the way. My skirt was hiked up to the point it looked like a championship belt around my waist like they wear in wrestling (LOL), as I reached down to grip his dick and steady it while I sat down upon it…
And just like that I was riding him, nice and slow and grinding, while I leaned down and we continued to make out. While I was happy it was dark and our windows were fogged up, part of me really wished the white guy one car over could see me bouncing up and down on Marquis’ black dick…
Marquis was squeezing my butt cheeks and asking me if I’d missed his black dick?
I replied in the affirmative, that YES I’d totally missed his beautiful black dick…and oh by the way, did he miss my white pussy? He assured me that he had indeed missed it, and began bucking upward with a little extra intensity to prove this.
He lasted much longer in round 1 that he had back in our parking days. I was very impressed when he didn’t come right away and instead was slowing himself down whenever he was getting close to coming. He was doing his best to control the tempo from his position underneath.
I, on the other hand, showed no such discipline and began rubbing my clit while I rode him. And yes, I fingered myself to a pretty quick orgasm, well before he finished. This was definitely different from how we’d operated in the past! After I was done, he was grabbing handfuls of my butt-cheeks to guide me while he humped his hips up to meet me. It was quite a rush to feel him doing this faster and faster and harder and harder until he finally clenched up to come inside me.
Afterwards I rolled off him and finally turned my attention to the movie on the screen. It was less than half-way into a double feature! Meaning we had PLENTY of time for after-glow, re-loading, and round 2!
At some point, I managed to stagger to the concession stand, needing liquids as I was feeling dehydrated from our fuck session. I had peeled my nylons off (I love wearing them, but was over-heated and they were making me feel itchy), and yes: I walked to the concession stand BAREFOOT, given how my weak legs were in no state to handle heels at that point. I know, it sounds kinda trashy, but considering where I was, trust me when I say that I was far the most hillbilly-looking girl there ;)
But as bad as it was for me to have to walk to the concession stand barefoot, imagine my horror when I returned to see Marquis sitting bare-chested on the hood of my car watching the movie! Bare-chested and barefoot, in fact, pretty much naked except for the shorts he was wearing.
LOL! The last thing I needed was attention being brought to the fact that I was with a high-school-aged mostly-naked black buck! I berated him and herded him back inside my car so we could enjoy our orange sodas and popcorn. To our credit, we actually made it thru the opening credits for the 2nd feature before I said to him:
“We should probably get in the back seat and get naked now…”
He agreed and we began taking our clothes off. We’d stayed semi-clothed for round 1, but I have to admit it was quite a thrill to see him stripping down out of the corner of my eyes while I did the same in the driver’s seat. Once we were both gloriously nude (and checking each other out appreciatively), we wiggled our way into the backseat. He was a total gentleman and let me go first, mostly so he could check out my bare booty and feet as I climbed over the console!
Once in my backseat, we spread out as much as we could, rubbing our bare bodies together and making out some more. Running our hands all over each others’ bodies, him sucking on my nipples while I massaged his balls and stroked his dick. This led to quite a nice and long/drawn-out 6ixty-9ine, mostly on our sides hunched over each as space permitted.
And then there was more fucking…glorious, glorious fucking, our bodies completely soaked and slippery with both our own sweat and the sweat of each other. With the windows rolled up, not only were we fogged in, but the inside of the car was ripe with the scents of our sex. It was like being trapped in a fog of our interracial sex smell and IT WAS WONDERFUL!
We ran thru as many positions as we could in our limited quarters: him on top, spooning, a semi-doggy thing, me on top again, back to him on top, etc. And lots and lots of kissing and tongue-sucking. We'd been together enough times that we could be rather intimate. He certainly wasn't my boyfriend, but when we had sex like this it was very much like boyfriends and girlfriends would do it.
At one point he asked me if I was on the pill? A funny question because he’d never seemed to care before..
“Sure, sometimes…” I said with a wink.
“Sometimes…like now?” he replied.
Keep in mind: at the moment this dialogue was occurring, he was on top of me and pounding away DEEPLY, our noses touching, so close we were basically breathing each other’s air. My legs were drawn back all the way, and I could see my bare feet on his shoulders right past his head.
“Not sure…” I grunted. “Does it matter…?”
He just grunt-laughed and covered my lips with his as he began thrusting harder and faster into me. But this while we kissed, neither of us closed our eyes, instead locked fiercely into each other. Oh, this was something different happening here, and I could feel goose-bumps all over as I could feel his body building up pressure between my legs. I could feel the very core of my body aching, the part his his big black dick was pointing towards and bumping against.
Suddenly it was like I couldn't spread my legs wide enough for him, couldn't wrap them around him tightly enough. I wanted ALL of him inside me, not just that big beautiful dick that was filling me up! I was running my hands frantically all over sweat-soaked black skin and I was having trouble telling where he stopped and I began. Suddenly I felt an intense blast deeeeeep inside me, and I mean directly on my inner girly parts! It was so very intense I couldn't help but cry out and yes, I realized it was triggering an orgasm in me as well!
Our eyes were still locked, although both much wider now as we came together. For the first time in my life I viewed the sex act I was engaging in as an act of procreation! And for the first time in my life, I was finding that feeling very appealing! Yes, as Marquis was soaking my ovaries with his potent sperm, I realized I was getting off on the thought of him putting a black baby in my belly!
Now usually I can control my 'volume'...I can be vocal if the situation is right or enjoy sex in near silence. But this was not one of those times. I have no idea what was happening in the movie at that moment, but i pray it was a very very loud car chase or battlefield scene, so as to drown out my screams as I came. Yes, I took the Lord's name in vain. :(
And we lay together tightly clenched as we shuddered and shook as the orgasms left both our bodies. I still had my legs wrapped tightly around him and I'm pretty sure he found a ton of scratches on his back, shoulders, arms, butt-cheeks, back of his head, etc. Normally I like to tongue-bath a black dick after it has come inside me, but this time I was interested in using my pussy muscles to milk every drop of come out of his dick that I could. I reached down to massage his balls as I flexed my pussy walls around him, eager to drain all of him inside me.
And more kissing! Yummy sweaty post-sex kisses, the best! Our noses buried in each other's necks, inhaling each other's scents. Just laying there together, still as one, when suddenly...
Like, ,LIGHTS on every where!
Dang it, the movie was over and they'd cranked all these bright flood-lights on!
I was absolutely mortified and to make matters worse, we were trapped in the back seat TOTALLY NAKED with a stream of headlights moving over us! There was no way for us to jump over the console and into the front, so we basically hid back there, ducking at every splashing of head-lights!
FINALLY once nearly everyone of the back row had left, we were able to scamper into the front seat. I barely had time to grab my keys, much less my clothes, when I saw some workers walking thru the drive-in and approaching my car! Crap! I cranked up and began driving away very much still naked! I managed to slip my blouse on enough so that I appeared dressed to passers by and other motorists. I wheeled into a rest stop on the way home and quickly put my skirt on and made myself semi-presentable...
The topic of conversation on the way home was how absolutely amazing the sex had been and YES, that WAS a simultaneous orgasm, which I understand to be extremely rare. I dropped him off at his truck and gave him what was supposed to be a polite good night kiss...but having him in my personal space again made my head spin and that familiar hunger for the taste of black skin and lips rose to the surface. We sucked face pretty hard before I managed to yank us apart and send him on his way...
I'm sure I looked like I'd been thru the ringer when I finally made it home: my clothes wrinkled and half-on...bra and panties in my and bare-legged, my poor nylons full of runners and in my purse hair looking like it had been in a wind tunnel and my make-up either ran down my face or completely rubbed off...and oh yeah: was that Marquis' come I felt running down my leg? Why yes, it was. In fact there was quite a stain on inside of my skirt AND on my car seat where it had leaked out of me while I drove. LOL. And then I remembered I had come right from the airport and yes, I still had to unpack my bags!
Luckily my urge for him to get me pregnant had passed with my orgasm...but I could still smell him all over me as I collapsed in my bed to sleep, and even in my car the next couple days. And every time I caught a whiff of it, I'd feel my loins stir and the vivid memory of that moment would flash...and i would be momentarily crippled with lust. In fact I enjoyed our sex scent so much didn't take a shower for 2 days LOL.
Anyway, that's all for now even though I DO have a couple more to tell you about as part of the lead-up to that fateful Halloween night. More to come and soon, I promise...
Stay thirsty my friends, :)
Sorry Sorry Sorry I haven't posted more, but life...right?
In fact, I meant to tell you all about this much earlier in the year, because it led up to a series of events that culminated (climaxed? LOL) in the wildest night of sex-type stuff I'd ever done (to that point) on a Halloween night. And I wanted to tell you all about it around Halloween, if possible. Well, obviously I missed my deadline :(
Any-who, we press on...time to get you caught up!
If you’ll recall, I introduced you to Marquis, the black boy I met at the pool and went riding around in his truck for some smoochy-time…and then later went parking with at Bobby's suggestion and we had MORE than smooch-time (aka: we fucked). Oh heck just read about it yourself here:
So here's the thing: I told myself all along I wasn't going to have intercourse with a regular black dick here in the town where I lived. I definitely would (and did!) have oral but I wanted to save the big enchilada as a *very rare* special treat whenever I went out-of-town…but as it turned out I broke my own rule with Marquis (I blame it on Bobby LOL).
Because after that first time I found it really easy to go back to him over and over again to get sex.
I mean, I definitely love smooching and blow-jobs and foot-jobs and hand-jobs and all other kind of jobs…but I had forgotten how cool it could be to have actual intercourse regularly. It’s easier for me (and I think most girls) to get off during “other” stuff besides actual fucking, but it’s more than that for me: it’s the whole act of allowing someone inside you, to engage in that most intimate act, to wrap my legs around a (black) guy, to feel that wonderful wet slippery sensation, feel his heat and hardness inside me, his body gyrating against mine, etc…
Also making it easy is the fact that Marquis has a really nice dick.
I mean it was a great size and shape, really big but not freakishly so…but you know sometimes the really big monster ones are kind a hard to work with and can even hurt. I would guess Marquis was in the 9 inch range (I don't know I've never had a measuring tape handy ) Also I’ve found some of the really really big ones have a hard difficult time staying hard (I guess too much blood is required?)…but Marquis always seemed to stay rock hard all the time. Also the perfect shape, just a little bit of a band at the end for friction, as well as ideal thickness with the head having a nice ridge to it so you could feel it going in and out. And of course a nice dark chocolate color!
And while Marquis wasn't exactly handsome, he wasn't ugly either… he had just enough of that black attitude about him and I figured he probably would do OK with the girls in the future (although as I noted before I was his first real sex)
So anyway over the next couple years Marquis and I were semi-regulars, getting after it pretty hot and heavy that first year, especially the summer, and then with less regularity as he went off to college. Then it would be holidays and sometimes summer break when we would hook up for quickies and blowjobs or what not. His birthday is in July and he always got a blowjob on day from me. In fact, he got one this past JULY when he surprised me by calling me up (I told you about this in my last blog post )
The first few times (after the first time) were in his SUV in that same driveway of that same house in that same under-construction neighborhood. It's funny how that became our spot, and yes afterwards I've driven by that house and saw some old fat white guy out watering his lawn. Part of me would love to roll down my window and tell him about all the hot sweaty sex I had with a young black buck right in his drive-way!
We developed a bit of a routine there in his truck: some kissing leading to me blowing him, followed by lightning quick round one of fucking. This would be followed by some afterglow and round 2 in the back of the SUV. It was always very sweaty athletic sex that we had, and since he was a young guy (high school age), he would come pretty quickly but would be hard again right away ready for an extended round two.
One particularly nice night I grabbed the sex blanket he'd begun keeping in his truck and ran off behind the house to find a nice secluded spot to put it on the ground and get busy. Yep, we did it right there in the backyard under the moonlight that was pretty hot! So risky! And yes, of course we got into it and rolled off the blanket into the wet grass! And yes, I had grass-stained knees and butt-cheeks when I got home, as well as mud under my toe-nails!
Anyway I'm not going to bore you with all the details of every single time we hooked up…but I would like to give you a few highlights. You see this is all part of something that's going to lead up to something else later on that I like to refer to as the wildest craziest night where I did the wildest craziest thing I’d ever done ! Well, up to that up until that point, anyway… ;)
The first highlight would be the first non-vehicle sex we've ever had which happened to be on around Halloween of that first year we met. So a little backstory: the place where I work has a tradition where all the employees get together for a Halloween party and we dress as a group with a theme. You know, with the theme like Gilligan’s Island or Smurfs or whatever, and of course being the youngest hottest chick (ha ha), I always got stuck with the costume that revealed the most skin. And that was fine with me as I didn't consider it sexism or harassment…I actually kind of enjoy dressing up and have a bit of an exhibitionist the right setting.
So this particular Halloween upper management decided we should dress as Baywatch lifeguards. Now between you and me, I'm relatively certain the main reason our boss picked Baywatch so he could see me dressed up in a bikini like Pam Anderson! Funny thing about that was everybody else just wore red shorts and tank tops or the white T-shirts that said “Lifeguard” on them in red letters. But I was the only one bold enough to actually wear a red one piece swimsuit and flip flops! Luckily this was one of those years where it was still pretty warm around Halloween and I didn't freeze to death!
Anyway I had mentioned this to Marquis during our last driveway sex session, and he was like: “Aw shit, I love me Pam Anderson! You need to come see me after your party in dat red bathing suit!”
And I agreed that was a splendid idea! So I went ahead and booked us a room in a cheap little motel across town that same night. I could barely concentrate on my company party because I was so excited for what I was going to be doing afterwards! I finally up bailed on the party at the earliest possible time I could, texting Marquis to meet me at the motel before I was even all the way out the door! My hands were shaking I was so excited about our night together and he seemed excited to see me too.
In keeping with the theme of the evening, I had him bring a pair of swim trunks, and after he’d stripped down to them, I had him go get in the shower! After he was soaking wet, I ran in and pretended to rescue him! Of course I couldn't really drag him from the tub to the bed all by myself (he had to help me out) but I did finally manage to plop him down on the bed and proceed to to give him CPR and of course “mouth-to-mouth resuscitation” …!
Of course the mouth-to-mouth pretty quickly led to just straight up making out! I made a joke that I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to resuscitate him or not maybe I should try little mouth-to-dick! So I pulled his dripping wet swim trunks down and completely off, his black dick, it springing up out of them like a diving board! I quickly put it in my mouth and only wish that it tasted a little bit like salt water to make it more authentic…he really seemed to enjoy looking down and seeing "Pam" sucking his big black dick!
Anyway that led to some quick 6ixty-9inIng and our usual round of very athletic Olympic caliber sex it was neat to have the whole room to ourselves and not be confined to his truck or even like it in the backyard where we were always looking over her shoulder wondering if someone was going to walk up on us. The first round wasn't as lighting quick as usual, and I did indeed leave my red swimsuit on for him to fuck me in! Round 2 were buck-naked, taking our time in the bed...and in the floor next to the bed...and on the dresser...and the bathroom sink ;) He went on home promptly at midnight (his curfew) and I spent the night in the motel too exhausted and sore to drive home.
The next highlight I want to tell you about was at least a half-year later. I had been traveling a lot for work, out of town a lot more than I had been in it, and was only going to be home (Nashville) for the weekend. While I was sitting in the airport I realized that I hadn’t had any intercourse in months…no wonder I was so horny. Oh sure, there had been some BJ’s and 6ixty9ining and a few close calls, no big enchilada in awhile…
Sex was the only thing I could think about, and I started thinking of a way to get some. There was always Dom for oral, but I was in the mood to fuck. I thought about hitting a club or bar or whatever, but you just never know what you’re going to get. And then it struck me:
I hadn’t been with him in a couple months, and he would be perfect: not a stranger, but something I hadn’t had in awhile...and I knew he could go and go and go, which was just what I was in the mood for. And besides, he had gotten pretty good in bed (I taught him well LOL)
So I shot him a quick text and he replied just as I was getting ready to turn my phone off on the plane. Sure, he could meet up later if I wanted. LOL, yeah, I wanted! I was extra fidgety during the flight, thinking about what was in store for me that evening! Now back then I did NOT bring black fellas over to my apartment, and our old parking spot was now gone as the houses in that neighborhood were finished. Luckily I had the whole flight to try and figure out a spot for us to go…
So yeah, as soon as we landed I threw my bags in my trunk and drove right over to our parking lot meet-up spot. He hopped in and I maneuvered to the interstate, heading north…
There was this old drive-in located about halfway between where we lived and where I went to college, just over the state line. I had gone there a few times when I was in college, always in car-loads of friends. We’d always make fun of the people that were there just to mess around in their cars. At the time I thought there was nothing sexy about that, but now it was exactly what I wanted to do!
Very very surreal for me to be sitting in line to get in with this young black guy nearly 10 years my junior sitting next to me. I kept telling myself it was cool because no one here knew me, but when the older white guy taking money shot me a disgusted look, it made me tingle even more…
I was surprised at the number of little k**s running and playing in the area between the first row and the screen, it was like a playground at an elementary school. I felt kinda guilty, considering what I was there to do. But as I headed towards the back row, I noticed that it was all couples back there LOL. We pulled into a spot on the back row and made small talk as we waited for the sun to finish going down.
I noticed the car to our right, the guy in the driver’s seat was checking us out. He was one of those pierced-nose, pierced-eyebrow white guys with a shaved head and a goatee. He seemed to be more interested in us than in his date and the movie!
I made the first move by easing my seat back a bit and slipping out of my shoes. I put my feet in Marquis’ lap and suggested he give me a foot-massage while we waited for it to get dark enough for the movie to start. He seemed very eager to do so, and kinda surprised me when after a couple minutes, he dipped his head down to suck my toes! Now Marquis had engaged in light foot-play before, but it was something he seemed like he could take or leave.
And these weren’t bare toes right out of the shower, but musty ones that had been trapped in pantyhose all day at work and on a plane ride. But he seemed to really like that, running his tongue all over my sweaty (and surely slightly stinky) nylon-covered soles and arches…
“Oh my!” I purred. “You like feet now?”
And he told me that he did, it was apparently something he’d always liked but had been too shy to really act on. But all our previous encounters had taught him to be more open and aggressive about what he liked. So…yay! I had indirectly encouraged this and was now reaping the benefits! I pulled my skirt up so Marquis could see I was wearing tan thigh-highs but I'd removed my panties in the airport bathroom. I began rubbing myself while he continued to rub and lick my feet…
While he did so, I let my line of vision drift over his shoulder to the car to our right. That white dude had his eyes cut towards us, even though his head wasn’t turned (all the way) I wondered what it looked like to him: to see the back of a black guy’s head, with my legs obviously spread to him, my shoeless foot resting up on Marquis’ shoulder? LOL, the guy saw me seeing him and he quickly looked away…
Soon, it was dark enough for the movie to start, and I begrudgingly pulled myself up so that Marquis and I were sitting side-by-side. He and I started making out, nice and slow at first, but definitely with some intensity. His hand was on my thigh, sliding up inside my skirt as I gripped the back of his head as we kissed. This of course led to me rubbing him through his shorts and eventually yanking them down to free his big black dick.
I found myself wondering if the white guy in the next car was watching me make out with this young negro, saw him yank his shirt off, saw my head dip down out of view as I obviously began sucking his dick? I could only hope… ;)
I gave him a pretty incredible BJ if I do say so myself, walking that line between wanting to finish him off and suck him dry, and simply prepping him to full hardness prior to intercourse. By this point, Marquis was experienced enough and had enough of my Bj’s to know how to pace himself and NOT come right away…instead reclining back a bit to enjoy my ‘performance’…
But after awhile I kissed my way back up his chest and wiggled my way into his lap as he reclined his passenger seat back all the way. My skirt was hiked up to the point it looked like a championship belt around my waist like they wear in wrestling (LOL), as I reached down to grip his dick and steady it while I sat down upon it…
And just like that I was riding him, nice and slow and grinding, while I leaned down and we continued to make out. While I was happy it was dark and our windows were fogged up, part of me really wished the white guy one car over could see me bouncing up and down on Marquis’ black dick…
Marquis was squeezing my butt cheeks and asking me if I’d missed his black dick?
I replied in the affirmative, that YES I’d totally missed his beautiful black dick…and oh by the way, did he miss my white pussy? He assured me that he had indeed missed it, and began bucking upward with a little extra intensity to prove this.
He lasted much longer in round 1 that he had back in our parking days. I was very impressed when he didn’t come right away and instead was slowing himself down whenever he was getting close to coming. He was doing his best to control the tempo from his position underneath.
I, on the other hand, showed no such discipline and began rubbing my clit while I rode him. And yes, I fingered myself to a pretty quick orgasm, well before he finished. This was definitely different from how we’d operated in the past! After I was done, he was grabbing handfuls of my butt-cheeks to guide me while he humped his hips up to meet me. It was quite a rush to feel him doing this faster and faster and harder and harder until he finally clenched up to come inside me.
Afterwards I rolled off him and finally turned my attention to the movie on the screen. It was less than half-way into a double feature! Meaning we had PLENTY of time for after-glow, re-loading, and round 2!
At some point, I managed to stagger to the concession stand, needing liquids as I was feeling dehydrated from our fuck session. I had peeled my nylons off (I love wearing them, but was over-heated and they were making me feel itchy), and yes: I walked to the concession stand BAREFOOT, given how my weak legs were in no state to handle heels at that point. I know, it sounds kinda trashy, but considering where I was, trust me when I say that I was far the most hillbilly-looking girl there ;)
But as bad as it was for me to have to walk to the concession stand barefoot, imagine my horror when I returned to see Marquis sitting bare-chested on the hood of my car watching the movie! Bare-chested and barefoot, in fact, pretty much naked except for the shorts he was wearing.
LOL! The last thing I needed was attention being brought to the fact that I was with a high-school-aged mostly-naked black buck! I berated him and herded him back inside my car so we could enjoy our orange sodas and popcorn. To our credit, we actually made it thru the opening credits for the 2nd feature before I said to him:
“We should probably get in the back seat and get naked now…”
He agreed and we began taking our clothes off. We’d stayed semi-clothed for round 1, but I have to admit it was quite a thrill to see him stripping down out of the corner of my eyes while I did the same in the driver’s seat. Once we were both gloriously nude (and checking each other out appreciatively), we wiggled our way into the backseat. He was a total gentleman and let me go first, mostly so he could check out my bare booty and feet as I climbed over the console!
Once in my backseat, we spread out as much as we could, rubbing our bare bodies together and making out some more. Running our hands all over each others’ bodies, him sucking on my nipples while I massaged his balls and stroked his dick. This led to quite a nice and long/drawn-out 6ixty-9ine, mostly on our sides hunched over each as space permitted.
And then there was more fucking…glorious, glorious fucking, our bodies completely soaked and slippery with both our own sweat and the sweat of each other. With the windows rolled up, not only were we fogged in, but the inside of the car was ripe with the scents of our sex. It was like being trapped in a fog of our interracial sex smell and IT WAS WONDERFUL!
We ran thru as many positions as we could in our limited quarters: him on top, spooning, a semi-doggy thing, me on top again, back to him on top, etc. And lots and lots of kissing and tongue-sucking. We'd been together enough times that we could be rather intimate. He certainly wasn't my boyfriend, but when we had sex like this it was very much like boyfriends and girlfriends would do it.
At one point he asked me if I was on the pill? A funny question because he’d never seemed to care before..
“Sure, sometimes…” I said with a wink.
“Sometimes…like now?” he replied.
Keep in mind: at the moment this dialogue was occurring, he was on top of me and pounding away DEEPLY, our noses touching, so close we were basically breathing each other’s air. My legs were drawn back all the way, and I could see my bare feet on his shoulders right past his head.
“Not sure…” I grunted. “Does it matter…?”
He just grunt-laughed and covered my lips with his as he began thrusting harder and faster into me. But this while we kissed, neither of us closed our eyes, instead locked fiercely into each other. Oh, this was something different happening here, and I could feel goose-bumps all over as I could feel his body building up pressure between my legs. I could feel the very core of my body aching, the part his his big black dick was pointing towards and bumping against.
Suddenly it was like I couldn't spread my legs wide enough for him, couldn't wrap them around him tightly enough. I wanted ALL of him inside me, not just that big beautiful dick that was filling me up! I was running my hands frantically all over sweat-soaked black skin and I was having trouble telling where he stopped and I began. Suddenly I felt an intense blast deeeeeep inside me, and I mean directly on my inner girly parts! It was so very intense I couldn't help but cry out and yes, I realized it was triggering an orgasm in me as well!
Our eyes were still locked, although both much wider now as we came together. For the first time in my life I viewed the sex act I was engaging in as an act of procreation! And for the first time in my life, I was finding that feeling very appealing! Yes, as Marquis was soaking my ovaries with his potent sperm, I realized I was getting off on the thought of him putting a black baby in my belly!
Now usually I can control my 'volume'...I can be vocal if the situation is right or enjoy sex in near silence. But this was not one of those times. I have no idea what was happening in the movie at that moment, but i pray it was a very very loud car chase or battlefield scene, so as to drown out my screams as I came. Yes, I took the Lord's name in vain. :(
And we lay together tightly clenched as we shuddered and shook as the orgasms left both our bodies. I still had my legs wrapped tightly around him and I'm pretty sure he found a ton of scratches on his back, shoulders, arms, butt-cheeks, back of his head, etc. Normally I like to tongue-bath a black dick after it has come inside me, but this time I was interested in using my pussy muscles to milk every drop of come out of his dick that I could. I reached down to massage his balls as I flexed my pussy walls around him, eager to drain all of him inside me.
And more kissing! Yummy sweaty post-sex kisses, the best! Our noses buried in each other's necks, inhaling each other's scents. Just laying there together, still as one, when suddenly...
Like, ,LIGHTS on every where!
Dang it, the movie was over and they'd cranked all these bright flood-lights on!
I was absolutely mortified and to make matters worse, we were trapped in the back seat TOTALLY NAKED with a stream of headlights moving over us! There was no way for us to jump over the console and into the front, so we basically hid back there, ducking at every splashing of head-lights!
FINALLY once nearly everyone of the back row had left, we were able to scamper into the front seat. I barely had time to grab my keys, much less my clothes, when I saw some workers walking thru the drive-in and approaching my car! Crap! I cranked up and began driving away very much still naked! I managed to slip my blouse on enough so that I appeared dressed to passers by and other motorists. I wheeled into a rest stop on the way home and quickly put my skirt on and made myself semi-presentable...
The topic of conversation on the way home was how absolutely amazing the sex had been and YES, that WAS a simultaneous orgasm, which I understand to be extremely rare. I dropped him off at his truck and gave him what was supposed to be a polite good night kiss...but having him in my personal space again made my head spin and that familiar hunger for the taste of black skin and lips rose to the surface. We sucked face pretty hard before I managed to yank us apart and send him on his way...
I'm sure I looked like I'd been thru the ringer when I finally made it home: my clothes wrinkled and half-on...bra and panties in my and bare-legged, my poor nylons full of runners and in my purse hair looking like it had been in a wind tunnel and my make-up either ran down my face or completely rubbed off...and oh yeah: was that Marquis' come I felt running down my leg? Why yes, it was. In fact there was quite a stain on inside of my skirt AND on my car seat where it had leaked out of me while I drove. LOL. And then I remembered I had come right from the airport and yes, I still had to unpack my bags!
Luckily my urge for him to get me pregnant had passed with my orgasm...but I could still smell him all over me as I collapsed in my bed to sleep, and even in my car the next couple days. And every time I caught a whiff of it, I'd feel my loins stir and the vivid memory of that moment would flash...and i would be momentarily crippled with lust. In fact I enjoyed our sex scent so much didn't take a shower for 2 days LOL.
Anyway, that's all for now even though I DO have a couple more to tell you about as part of the lead-up to that fateful Halloween night. More to come and soon, I promise...
Stay thirsty my friends, :)
8 年 前
btw: I've been locked out of my email for awhile if you've tried to send me anything lately