Sweet Holiday Pussy!!!!

We had an amazingly sweet and fun holiday after opening our "special" present(s). We did the traditional thing with the family and had a wonderful time except for the fact that I ate way too much as always. At least it's not like a few years ago when I would pretty much just graze for the entire day. Dawn suggested that I try and take it kind of easy as she just might have a very "special, surprise gift" for me. I'm glad I did and most certainly that she did.
After the family left and we'd relaxed for a while she said she needed to go get something and would be back after a while. I ask if she would mind stopping by the store and grabbing a few things & she said it would not be a problem. I didn't really think anymore about it as we hugged and kissed as she was leaving and told her to be careful as she knew how crazy people drive around the holidays. She just rolled her eyes and said "thanks for warning. I didn't think much more about it until I noticed that she had been gone for a while but even so wasn't worried. After about 2 hours I started to be a bit concerned that something might have happened but since she hadn't called I dismissed that notion. Finely after another hour she called and said she had gotten distracted and was at the store and would be home in a few. Jokingly I asked .... "OK what were their names" .... she just laughed and said "wouldn't you like to know"?
When she pulled up in the drive a few minuets later she called and asked if I'd mind looking for something in the sewing room for her. I told her that I wouldn't mind but that her sewing room was like my garage .... she could go right to anything she needed but it could take me forever. She said she was sorry but would I please jut go and look for her. Not thinking much more about it I said sure and asked if she needed help bringing stuff in. She said no. Well I went to the back corner of the sewing room and started looking and had trouble finding what she'd sent me to get. It was about 20 minuets later and I was getting a little irritated when she came in and told me to never mind that she could get them later. I kind of just rolled my eyes and gave her "one of those looks" to which she just smiled and told me she's make it up to me.
I helped put the things away and we went into the living room and sat down to see if there was anything worth watching on TV .... neither of us are real sports fans and we did the usual channel surfing when Dawn asked if I'd please go get something for her from the guest room. I told her I would but that she'd owe me for it. She said it wouldn't be a problem.
Was she ever right!!!! When I opened the door to the guest room there in the middle of the bed was one of our "special friends" , Brenda, along with another super sexy girl I hadn't met before. They were both wearing the skimpiest, sexiest night gowns I'd ever seen and looked absolutely amazing! As I stood in the door with my jaw almost touching the floor Dawn walked up behind me and ask if I was planning to just stand there or what. She slid by me and grabbed my hand and lead me over to the bed and started undressing me while Brenda and Christie undressed. That's when Christie kind of gasped and said the ever popular OMFG. That's when both Dawn and Brenda both said "see we weren't lying .... were we"? Christie was obviously impressed by the 9 1'2 inches I was packing plus the fact that I'm almost as tick as a beer can. Dawn playfully pushed me onto the bed and said .... "see I told you that you still had Christmas presents to open"!!!!
By now we were all naked and Dawn wasted no time at all crawling between Christie's sexy legs and licking her pussy!!! She told me to give Brenda a try which I was happy to do and then asked me how I liked it. I said it was amazing but that it was the first time I'd ever had pussy that tasted like that. She ask if I wanted to know why she tasted so good and I told her yes. Then she reached into a bag she'd brought into the bedroom with her and pulled out a 20 inch long, thick candy cane dildo that I found out later they had used on each other over at Brenda's place. Now I knew what had taken Dawn so long when she was gone. Christie had brought it to Brenda's with her along with some pepper mint flavored jelly that had been formulated to give the flavor without any unpleasant sensations to their pussies.
Dawn asked Christie if she would mind if I/we took some pics and video and she said that she'd always wanted to try that so I went and got the camera & camcorder and tripods to set everything up on and came back and spent the next 45 minuets to hour filming and snapping pis before I just couldn't stand it any longer so I set things up on the tripods and double checked to make sure the remotes were working before diving into bed with them. The four of us spent the next 3 - 3 1/2 hours trying our best to see if we could just absolutely fuck each other senseless .... which we did a pretty good job of. We kind of just fell into a heap and rested for a while until Dawn asked me and Brenda if it would be OK with us if she took Christie to our bedroom .... if it was OK with Christie ....
Well it was OK with all involved. I'm not exactly sure what all Dawn & Christie did although I have some pretty good ideas as they made sure to take the candy cane dildo with them .... and Brenda and I had some more amazing sex with each other.
The weather had turned really nasty and as Brenda and Christie had ridden with Dawn we told them that they were more than welcome to stay with us if they wanted and if not I could take them back to Brenda's in the truck. Both said that it would be fine/great to stay with us but Brenda needed to make sure her "babies" .... to of the cutest little Black lab puppies you've ever seen were OK. She called one of her neighbors and asked if times so they had a key to her house .... they said sure ... no problem. Lisa asked Brenda if she was OK and if she was at work. Brenda said she was fine and that she was "visiting" friends. The phone was on speaker .... and Kevin asked if they were "special friends" to which Brenda blushed and said yes we were. Then she asked if they remembered Dawn and they both said that they did and with very good memories. Lisa asked if I was there and Brenda said yes. We had planned with Brenda's help to meet with her, Lisa and Kevin for some "fun" but I got called into work t the last minuet. We were all upset ... me in particular ... but I told Dawn that she should stay and enjoy the fun. Lisa and Kevin were very surprised and promised that we would arrange to all get together another time but we hadn't hat the opportunity yet. Lisa and Kevin are really nice people and wonderfully hotttt!!!! Lisa has beautiful long auburn hair and an amazing set of 36DDs and Kevin, Dawn told me after was packing almost a much as I do.
Well that's for another post ... but needless to say it was a fantastic night after Christmas and the next 2 days.

8 年 前