Spread Mgtow to the masses.
Spread Mgtow to the masses:
Tell your male friends about Mgtow, email the media, create a blog, share on other groups on Facebook, write a letter to the editor, email male celebrities & sports stars telling about Mgtow, put a Mgtow sticker on your car, write a Mgtow book, create a mgtow store selling Mgtow goods, wear Mgtow t-shirts, ask your local library to carry Mgtow books, protest with Mgtow signs, drop off mgtow rants and pamphlets in male public places, create a Mgtow documentary, call talk shows and ask them to do a show about Mgtow, create Mgtow memes and make them go viral, create Mgtow videos and post on YouTube, write newspapers & magazines and ask them to cover Mgtow, post Mgtow on anything that is trending, make Mgtow your icon on Facebook & other blogs, create a fake female dating profile with Mgtow info to reach single men, send Mgtow info to politicians & other political groups, have a Mgtow table or booth set up at large festivals, create Mgtow groups, if you have the money buy a billboard or other advertising to spread the word, create Mgtow websites & forums, hold up Mgtow signs at sports events or large gatherings, create a Mgtow magnetic sign to display on your car.
Tell your male friends about Mgtow, email the media, create a blog, share on other groups on Facebook, write a letter to the editor, email male celebrities & sports stars telling about Mgtow, put a Mgtow sticker on your car, write a Mgtow book, create a mgtow store selling Mgtow goods, wear Mgtow t-shirts, ask your local library to carry Mgtow books, protest with Mgtow signs, drop off mgtow rants and pamphlets in male public places, create a Mgtow documentary, call talk shows and ask them to do a show about Mgtow, create Mgtow memes and make them go viral, create Mgtow videos and post on YouTube, write newspapers & magazines and ask them to cover Mgtow, post Mgtow on anything that is trending, make Mgtow your icon on Facebook & other blogs, create a fake female dating profile with Mgtow info to reach single men, send Mgtow info to politicians & other political groups, have a Mgtow table or booth set up at large festivals, create Mgtow groups, if you have the money buy a billboard or other advertising to spread the word, create Mgtow websites & forums, hold up Mgtow signs at sports events or large gatherings, create a Mgtow magnetic sign to display on your car.
8 年 前