A little about us
I'm really glad we stumbled across this site, it has propelled our experimenting and sexuality in ways I never imagined I'd live. Never in my life would I have believed that we (or even just I) would be involved in a partnership that would slowly push boundaries and continue to make the flame of passion glow brighter each day rather than slowly burn out as I have grown far too accustomed to.
Whether is has or will make today's fantasies tomorrow's realities is unknown. Even if we have ever imagined or fantasized about these things before, we surely have not spoken about them with partners of our pasts out of fear of being thought crazy, "disgusting", immature or just stupid I suppose. Not only have we shopped for and used toys together (something new for us both), she has found she likes the warm feeling of my cum on her body and she has shown me the pleasures of morning sex (not that I wouldn't have enjoyed it the last few decades previous partners weren't interested), we have discussed and made plans for upcoming role-play scenarios and the list of new found pleasures goes on.
Believe me, I'm not saying porn or this site has been the best find ever... she has been the best find ever. It has, however, opened our eyes a bit to a new chapter and helping us to fulfill our commitment to each other that we would not let out love and passion become stagnant, boring and routine.
If any of this makes sense or is something you can relate to, chime in, we'd love to hear from you.
Whether is has or will make today's fantasies tomorrow's realities is unknown. Even if we have ever imagined or fantasized about these things before, we surely have not spoken about them with partners of our pasts out of fear of being thought crazy, "disgusting", immature or just stupid I suppose. Not only have we shopped for and used toys together (something new for us both), she has found she likes the warm feeling of my cum on her body and she has shown me the pleasures of morning sex (not that I wouldn't have enjoyed it the last few decades previous partners weren't interested), we have discussed and made plans for upcoming role-play scenarios and the list of new found pleasures goes on.
Believe me, I'm not saying porn or this site has been the best find ever... she has been the best find ever. It has, however, opened our eyes a bit to a new chapter and helping us to fulfill our commitment to each other that we would not let out love and passion become stagnant, boring and routine.
If any of this makes sense or is something you can relate to, chime in, we'd love to hear from you.
8 年 前