Deaf Transgender Girl needs a place to stay

as title says, i need a place to stay near my college so i could continue and finish my education. but i would need help to move my stuff if i found a place to stay for while. i also need go see a doctor due to my knees and leg injury since December 17th 2016 altercation.

i'm being kicked out of the house, she wants me gone, i mean, my mother. she's flipping out for no reason. she's bit crazy a little. she always acts like that every time i'm hurt tbh. thinks i'm faking my injury but unfortunately, i'm not faking it. i would really appreciate it if you could help me or have a room at least. i'm Twitch Streamer, a first timer. i hadn't started streaming due to loss of internet since October. but i plan to stream eventually.. assuming if i can move out and into a place, set it up be ready to go. a place away from her would also help with me focusing on my education without distraction.

i'll tell you about myself: i'm deaf transgender girl, (Male to Female) not on HRT yet but hoping to be. funny, cute and goofy yet serious, passionate. i'm studying for GED first then Music, Film, Nursing, Astrology, other degrees that i want to get. it pays to be smart and specialize in many fields that i love.

i don't have money to pay for stay but i will be able to pay through Twitch. if you have any questions, please do ask. thank you.
8 年 前