1st day on the job part 4 Night club sex
He kisses her. He kisses her like she fantasizes: slow, sensual, with just the right amount of subtlety that makes her want more. He pulls away and she feels air fill her lungs once more. His delicate hands cup her face, his strength hidden in his grip. He looks her in the eye, and Vivica feels wired, seconds from snapping and losing control. She wants to slam him against the couch, get on top of him and kiss him until her lip prints will be engraved on him forever. She wants to give in to her desires, but she has to let him take control, let him take it to wherever he's comfortable.
> "You want to do this?" He asks her, his tone lacking the humor it usually has.
> "I don't want to do anything until I know that it's not the liquor talking and you're comfortable. Do you want this?"
> "Yes." She whispers. "I want this, I want this a lot."
> "Okay." He kisses her cheek and grabs her hand.
> "Follow me." He smiles at her. She stands, taking care to not fall on the heels she's now struggling to walk in (why she even bought these ugly ass shoes, she'll never know), and follows.
> She finds herself at a door with the golden placard: "VIP" stamped on in pretentious font. Caleb puts the key into the door and opens.
> The room is a studio apartment damn near, with a view of the partygoers down below dancing their cares away, oblivious to the two watching them. Caleb locks the door and shuts the blinds, bathing the room in darkness. He claps his hands and black light comes on, giving the atmosphere a trippy vibe.
> "Before we go even further, if you don't want to do this, that's totally okay. We can just chill for a minute. I got Netflix; we could binge watch Luke Cage until that alcohol's out your system"
> "You want to do this?" He asks her, his tone lacking the humor it usually has.
> "I don't want to do anything until I know that it's not the liquor talking and you're comfortable. Do you want this?"
> "Yes." She whispers. "I want this, I want this a lot."
> "Okay." He kisses her cheek and grabs her hand.
> "Follow me." He smiles at her. She stands, taking care to not fall on the heels she's now struggling to walk in (why she even bought these ugly ass shoes, she'll never know), and follows.
> She finds herself at a door with the golden placard: "VIP" stamped on in pretentious font. Caleb puts the key into the door and opens.
> The room is a studio apartment damn near, with a view of the partygoers down below dancing their cares away, oblivious to the two watching them. Caleb locks the door and shuts the blinds, bathing the room in darkness. He claps his hands and black light comes on, giving the atmosphere a trippy vibe.
> "Before we go even further, if you don't want to do this, that's totally okay. We can just chill for a minute. I got Netflix; we could binge watch Luke Cage until that alcohol's out your system"
8 年 前