Party like a porn star.

Angel had one wild birthday sex party. Wednesday I stopped by for a bit. My Gur'ls girls were taking Angel out. I didn't get there til 9 am Thursday. By then Sir Jim had already fucked her and left. I got here at 9 am, I left at 5 pm came back at 6 pm to take her to dinner. She said your not really hungry are you? Hungry for you I replied, I stayed til 9 pm. Friday I started again at 9 am. Sir Martin showed up for brunch sex at noon. He stayed about three hours. At five I said dinner for real today, we need a break. We went out for Sushi, then to my office for good night sex. We fucked from 8 to 10pm. Saturday and Sunday she worked. When I woke up Monday, I had a text come fuck me. Off I went we were fucking by 10 am. At six we went across town to another older Daddie's house. Another Sir Mark. This was our first time there, (not the last). This guy fucked her good for about a half hour and he got tired. He apologized. I said let me take over fucking her and she will suck you hard. Smiling I said: You won't be able to resist. I was right, we took turns fucking and DPing her til 9 pm. At ten we stopped by the office and had good night sex. Tuesday 8 am I get a text come fuck me with Sir Tony, he is married to a TG but he fucks me once in a while. Sir Tony lasts like you do we will have a lot of fun. Fun yes we did. He and I pounded her til she pulled a stomach muscle. He left at 1pm. We fucked some more til she pulled a inner thigh muscle. Then we took a nap and fucked gently for a while I could tell she was hurting. We just laid in bed for a few hours just cuddling n talking. She said she had been bad. I smiled saying : You can't control your sexual desires any better than I can. She said Pappa does not like it when I'm bad. ( Pappa is her boyfriend. Even though I was invited, I made sure they were along the couple times he came over between Thursday and Tuesday.). I said I invited him to play with you and all your Daddies. He just got a bit possessive. you two had some trouble but now he understands you can not be a one Daddy gurl. When I first met you I wanted you all the time but knew you take the rose from the bush it soon withers and dies. She said I know he wanted to pay for my breasts, electrolysis, everything. I replied: Every thing but your freedom. She said: will you be my boyfriend? I replied you have always been my girl friend from the first time we met. She said: I know you treated me differently. I said I treated you the way I would want to be treated if I were you with respect. A lot of these guys fuck you like your a toy. Your loving and caring with an insatiable sexual desire. That is one in a million. Yes I'll be your boyfriend just remember I have a few more girl friends. She said: I was not serious I get crazy after I have been fucked. Your still my girl friend I replied. So I must still be your boyfriend. I looked at her she was beat up bright red breasts from being held tight like she liked to be, bruised muscles n body. I'd feel guilty but it is what she wants, to be fucked until she can't anymore (like me). I really didn't have any stamina left and I was bruised but they didn't show. I ended up at my office at three. Worked for an hour then slept. At five I invited her to come sleep with me. She said she wanted to but a girl friend wanted her to go to the movies. This is her giving more than she can, I told her stay home, I can hardly move out of the bed and I know your way worse than I am. She said I'll be careful. I slept til ten then went home to sleep some more. She slept in til noon today. I only did til 8 and went to work to catch up. No talk of sex, just of missing each other. Mis kita I said in Talagog. Miss din kita she replied. Thursday we are going to try to be platonic and watch a movie. Today is Thursday I'll let you know how it turned out.
发布者 azassmaster
8 年 前