My name is Susan. Thanks for visiting my blog.
I am male to female transgender. Still on the way to feminize body to fully comply with my female mind. Taking estrogen since many years. Took anti-androgen formerly. Had orchiectomy done few years ago. Have still a small soft penis. Plan to have SRS one day.
Before having orchiectomy, I had chemical castration by taking cyproterone acetate (Androcur). This medicine basically eliminates the effects of androgen. I take estrogen (Estrofem) as well. When starting the hormone treatment, over the course of several weeks, I clearly could feel the effects of cyproterone acetate gradually developing. Indeed, there were significant changes when testosterone levels dropped, first due to anti-androgens (this medicine blocks the effect of the male hormone testosterone in the body) and later due to orchiectomy.
I suffered temporarily from tiredness and diminished vitality and occasionally temporary depressive moods during the first weeks. I gained body-weight. Interest in sexual intercourse decreased soon. The sexual drive-reducing effect became obvious quickly. I got hardly any erection. If it occurred there was no ejaculation. I faced inability to have erections; loss in (male) sexual ability.
Spontaneous erections became less frequent and finally stopped. Ejaculation seized after a while. Size of penis and testicles became smaller. I was no longer capable to penetrate my girlfriend. I noticed swelling of the breasts. My mind and body changed. I lost any aggressiveness. Breasts started developing further. Once I was sure that I am on the right way I decided to have my testicles removed. By this I could stop taking cyproterone acetate which may have harmful side effects on the body in case of long term use. Penis size is now much smaller than it was before the hormonal changes. This adds to the now empty scrotum.
Nowadays my penis gets not hard enough for penetration. Even after strong stimulation it stays limp. Anyway, I have no urge for that any longer. I have a lovely girlfriend who enjoys lesbian love plays (e.g. using fingers and tongue).
I am sure that the reduction of Testosterone in combination with Estrogen contributed to my good breast development. A doctor in Thailand performed the surgery (orchiectomy). The orchiectomy was a minor surgery, done with local anesthesia. Recovery was rather quick. I plan to have SRS one day to completely feminize my body.The doctor will do further operations as well.
I regret nothing and I am happy that my body has adjusted so well to my female mind.
Below are some (recent) photos for your reference:
Change of body appearance under influence of mtf HRT.
8 年 前
What did the operation cost in Thailand?