Private messages and time

As much as I would like to answer every private message I get here, I cannot.

Please do not take offense.

I cannot reply to every message I receive. I do read every one of them. And there are many I'd like to respond to but just don't have the time.

(In the 90 seconds since I started this blog post, I have received 5 messages.)

I am a fairly speedy reader. I'm a decent typist. I do like to take a minute to compose my thoughts before typing them and I like to make sure I have something worthwhile to say before I spend time on it. Time is one the resources in life you cannot replenish when it is lost.

I've had a few people send me angry notes when I don't respond. That's a surefire way to get unfriended and (potentially) blocked. Seriously bad social graces there, guys.

I'm very up-front about what I want and what I expect.

For those who asked "what can I write to make you reply to me", here's a little tip sheet about things to avoid. (These are "GUIDELINES"... not hard and fast rules.)

- ask questions about how I'm doing or feeling. If I'm good, then I'm good. If I'm not well, you really don't want to hear about it.
- say things where my response will be a simple "thank you" or "me too". I don't bother with such trivialities.
- ask me to cam, call, Skype, text, or anything of the sort. I have special people in my life who might get jealous.
- send abbreviated links! If I can't see where a link will take me, I won't click it. Sorry. Internet Safety Rule #4, I think.
- ask what kind of porn I like. I'm a deviant. The kind of porn I like varies from day-to-day. Something which disgusts me one day might appeal to me after a while.
- ask me about my fantasies. This falls under the "don't ask about what kind of porn I like" section. It changes and varies. My most deeply held fantasies are not the kind of thing I want to share online.
- ask me to have sex with you, hook up, go for drinks, etc. Really. Seriously. I have people in my life. I engage in porn usage to get myself "warmed up" when I want to feel sexual but it just isn't happening. Sometimes, I just use it for quick relief, too. Scheduling conflicts, guests, work, and so many other things can interfere with getting that stress-relief we all need sometimes.

- send notes sharing your fantasies.
- share kinks and fetishes.
- share sites and video links, etc. (No abbreviated links! See above section.)
- send praise and adoration of my wit and manner. (This is sarcasm, mostly.)
- be respectful toward me and those who leave notes on my pages.

I'm not a total bitch, really... though this blog post might make me sound like a demanding, selfish, high-maintenance, asshole. I could never be a famous celebrity. I value my privacy. I value my time. I value ME.

I love people. Spending time getting to know someone is one of my favorite things. I just don't have the time to be fair to myself and my loved ones, while studying and working full-time, too.

If being an internet personality was my full-time job, then I might be more inclined to relax... but as I said, I couldn't handle being a celebrity.

Thanks for reading.

- Katie
发布者 katiesadie
8 年 前
MelR1985 3 年 前
That is a shame. You seem like a very interesting woman
ZiZico 4 年 前
u nag too much 
Nice informative read Katie. Thank you
hey.. its your page, which means you get to set the rule and decide what makes you comfortable .. if someone doesnt like it then can move to another page or get blocked... cheers
From re-reading this, I had to share something recently. I was having a good time chatting to a girl on here (she was from "Earth" too, stated as so for a reason I fully understand about) and she ended up being put off messaging. Not by me, but she shared pics of the really unpleasant and unnecessary abusive PMs she was receiving by some guys on here. Why!? All because these dumb clowns were impatient!! As Katie correctly points out in this post about getting 5 messages straight away, this girl was having to keep going back to guys bombing her with PMs, doing her best and what does she recieve? "You B**Ch, wh**e, a**hole, sl**" just because they have to wait for a reply! It's like spinning plates at the circus! Result of this, she regretfully has to stop sending messages because of trolls, despite me asking her to reconsider! So my polite advice fellas, is PLEASE, think about who you're speaking to, think of what you say and don't always assume the person you're talking to has all the time in the day to exclusively chat with you. Let's stop putting off & dissuading the few nice female users who are still willing to frequent the site......
Hi Katie. The fact that you have taken the time to offer advice to your audience in order to prevent disappointment and frustration on both sides says a great deal about your character, meant in the most favourable sense. A lot comes down to common sense but sadly this often takes a back seat when it comes to trying to capture a woman's attention. Some of this of course could be down to being fended off by so many women before and so go onto the next object of their affections like a bull in a China shop that has highly collapsible shelves lol. 
Snowman59 6 年 前
i understand and support all words you have written ..
katiesadie : Thank you Katie, I appreciate the feedback. I had a timewaster block me yesterday and she'd wanted me to do her a favour by reposting some pictures!!(?) I swear, hand on heart I hadn't said anything unpleasant or offensive in any way!! If you read my profile introduction, anyone will realise I have no ill intentions or have no cause to upset anyone. Just some users on here are just that, users!! Appreciate you taking the time to read my comment, thanks again
回答 原始评论
katiesadie 出版商 6 年 前
TheBigStickman : Thank you.  Yours was a very well thought through comment.  I'd like to think of it as common sense but it's not so common these days.  It helps to remember there's real people behind the usernames.
回答 原始评论
Well put Katie and most of what you said there would and should be interpreted as common sense. I can always accept a simple "Thanks, but no thanks" or similar. The lack of response by some on here, especially if I know the message has been read, I usually accept as a polite "Piss off, eh chap?" and I try not to message that person again. I can accept some may never notice a message from me for months and seems there's a  massive imbalance between hetero men and females, plus there is a proportion of females who may not want the attention of hetero guys. I've been blocked twice, only because the person I messaged has completely misunderstood nor misinterpreted what I was saying!!! Hamster is a funny place, but having two years nearly, the experience on here has been largely fun and positive on the whole!! I would say your post here should be pinned on the site's introduction for new users to use as a guideline to help get adjusted to being a member/user. The advice I got from one woman on here who was leaving as I registered, was to stay calm, patient and ALWAYS be vigilant about those you encounter! Thanks for sharing Katie
Jenniferxcd 6 年 前
Thank you for adding me!!
st_john_green 7 年 前
Straight to the point and honest. Very impressive and realistic.
gregr2911 7 年 前
I like the straight up attitude, one knows where they stand right away! lol
You seem to be a fine, modern lady! :smile: thanks for the detailed guide.
SeattlePornFan 8 年 前
Fair enough, thanks for the heads up! I can do fantasies!!!