L'Été les petites culottes s'envolent
83:27 m
Blondes Like it Hot (1983)
Also Known As
- L'Initiation de Rosalie
- Marilyn - Heisse Körper in höchster Lust (German release by Herzog)
- Rosalie se découvre (original French title)
Scene 1. Olinka, Andre Kay
Scene 2. Patricia Bouvier, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Agnes Ardant
Scene 4. Agnes Ardant, Sylvain Mander
Scene 5. Michelle Villers, Olinka
Scene 6. Dominique Saint Claire, Andre Kay
Scene 7. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. Agnes Ardant, Dominique Saint Claire, Michelle Villers, Patricia Bouvier, Sophie Pressle, Andre Kay, Gabriel Pontello, guy, Sylvain Mander
Scene 9. Olinka, Andre Kay
Marilyn auf Achse
1:47:24 m
Mobilehome Girls (1985)
Also Known As
* Jouissances à domicile
* Marilyn - Scharfe Girls auf Achse (German release by Herzog)
* Take Me!
Scene 1. Elinia Martinelli, Maria Granada, Olinka Hardiman, Marianne Aubert, Gerard Gregory, Patrick Marin, Piotr Stanislas
Scene 2. Francoise, Maria Granada
Scene 3. Francoise, Andre Kay
Scene 4. Francoise, Olinka Hardiman, Eric Dray
Scene 5. Laura Clair, John Oury
Scene 6. Francoise, Maria Granada, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Marianne Aubert, Pierre Buisson
Scene 8. Francoise, Maria Granada, Olinka Hardiman, Andre Kay, Eric Dray, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 9. Marianne Aubert, Pierre Buisson
The Story of Marilyn 1 (1986)
1:35:56 m
The Story of Marilyn Part 1
* Releaed: 1986
* Director: José Bénazéraf
* Notes: VTO, a re-edit of several one-hour Bénazéraf videos featuring Olinka into a 90-minute video with a fairly coherent story
* Carole Pierac
* Elena Muñoz
* Eva Kleber
* Jennifer Haussmann
* Nathalie Idoux
* Olinka Hardiman
Vault Classics 219
1:24:59 m
L'Été les petites culottes s'envolent
- Released: 1984
- Director: Michel Lemoine as Michel Leblanc
Alternate Titles
* Blondes Like It Hot may be a mis-attribution, the European English title, or the title of the soft version
* Flying Skirts
* Marilyn - Ein Sommer voller Leidenschaft DVD available Herzog 1 hr 24 mins
* Prenez moi! video title
* Ein Sommer voller Leidenschaft West Germany
* Ungezähmte Marilyn
- Dominique Saint Claire uncredited, plays Hugo's wife
- Nathalie Idoux possibly as Esther Allen (German release), possibly as Fabienne Ernst in some versions, plays Bridget
- Olinka Hardiman plays Laura
- Sophie Pressle probably as Sophie Zillers, plays Chloe
Males -
- John Oury plays Hugo
- Christophe Clark plays the lover of Hugo's wife
- Gabriel Pontello plays a drifter helped by Bridget
- the farmer
1:06:14 m
Desiderio bestiale (1987)
Also Known As
* Lo stallone di Marina e Karin
* Ninfomania anale
* Un desiderio bestiale
* Una chiavata bestiale
Scene 1. Marina Hedman, Rocco Siffredi
Scene 2. Cathy Menard, Olinka Hardiman, Christoph Clark, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 3. Cathy Menard, Christoph Clark, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 4. Rosa Indelicato, Roberto Malone
Scene 5. Olinka Hardiman, Christoph Clark, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 6. Danny Herbelin, Valerie St. Cloud, Christoph Clark
Scene 7. Danny Herbelin, Marina Hedman, Rosa Indelicato, Christoph Clark, Roberto Malone, Rocco Siffredi
Rocco Siffredi https://xhamster.com/posts/386641
Christoph Clark https://de.xhamster.com/pornstars/christoph-clark
Roberto Malone https://xhamster.com/posts/349224
Cathy Menard https://xhamster.com/posts/462662
OLINKA HARDIMAN aka MARILYN https://xhamster.com/posts/652253
Marina Hedman or Marina Lotar https://xhamster.com/posts/698573
Marina Lotar Olinka Hardiman Cathy Menard
6:40 m
blog Cathy Menard https://de.xhamster.com/posts/462662
House Of 1001 Pleasures - 1984 (Restored)
64:39 m
House of 1001 Pleasures (1984)
Also Known As
- La Maison des milles et un plaisirs (original French title)
Scene 1. Diane Suresne, Laura Clair, Alban Ceray
Scene 2. Dominique Saint Claire, Olinka
Scene 3. Olinka, Alban Ceray
Scene 4. Dominique Saint Claire, Gerard Gregory, guy
Scene 5. 2 girls, Diane Suresne, Marianne Aubert, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. Olinka, Andre Kay
Scene 7. 4 girls, Diane Suresne, Dominique Saint Claire, 4 guys, Alban Ceray, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. 2 girls, guy
Scene 9. Olinka, Andre Kay
blog Dominique Saint Claire https://de.xhamster.com/posts/667631
Marilyn Dazzles in Outrageous 80's Anal and DP Orgy! Part 2.
9:36 m
OLINKA Classiker
19:47 m
Olinka + Catherine
37:49 m
Olinka Classic (1984) Full Movie
79:03 m
Catherine Ringer in 'World Sex Festival' - full movie
79:42 m
Porno Race (1985)
Also Known As
- Marilyn - European Sex Games
Scene 1. Catherine Ringer, Marie-Christine Chireix, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai, Alain L'Yle, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust, Unknown Male 229688-B
Scene 2. Unknown Female 229688-B, Unknown Male 229688-C, Unknown Male 229688-D
Scene 3. Diana Scott
Scene 4. Unknown Female 229688-C, Claude Vole
Scene 5. Catherine Ringer, Marie-Christine Chireix, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai, Alain L'Yle, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust
Scene 6. Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Terry Lai, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust
Scene 7. Dominique Saint Claire, Nathalie Ivozevitch, Unknown Male 229688-A
Scene 8. Diane Suresne, Eric Dray
Scene 9. Dominique Saint Claire, Nathalie Ivozevitch, Diane Suresne, Jennifer Haussmann
Scene 10. Catherine Ringer, Marie-Christine Chireix, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai
Scene 11. Marie-Christine Chireix, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 12. Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai, Alain L'Yle, John King, Jérôme Proust
Scene 13. Dominique Saint Claire, Nathalie Ivozevitch, Unknown Female 229688-A, Dick Rambone, Rolf Fornstam, Unknown Male 229688-A
Scene 14. Unknown Female 229688-D
Scene 15. Cathy Stewart, Dominique Irissou
Scene 16. Catherine Ringer, Marie-Christine Chireix, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Alain L'Yle, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust, Unknown Male 229688-E, Unknown Male 229688-F
Scene 17. Nathalie Ivozevitch, Diane Suresne, Jennifer Haussmann, Unknown Female 229688-A, Eric Dray, Patrick Marin, Rolf Fornstam, Unknown Male 229688-A
Scene 18. Olinka, Dominique Aveline, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 19. Catherine Ringer, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust, Unknown Male 229688-F
Scene 20. Dominique Saint Claire, Nathalie Ivozevitch, Diane Suresne, Jennifer Haussmann, Unknown Female 229688-A, Eric Dray, Patrick Marin, Rolf Fornstam, Unknown Male 229688-A
blog Caherine Ringer https://de.xhamster.com/posts/455068
Emmanuelle goes to Cannes
74:19 m
Emmanuelle à Cannes
- Released: 1980
- Director: Jean-Marie Pallardy as Boris Pradlay
Alternate Titles
- The Elementary Stud
- Emanuelle Goes to Cannes
- Marilyn geht nach Cannes
- Olinka Hardiman plays Emanuelle/Marylin (body doubled in three scenes)
- Sabrina Mastrolorenzi plays Jenny
- XNK3584 plays Linda, the film director (non-sex, body doubled by Sabrina Mastrolorenzi for the lez scene)
* Gabriel Pontello plays Frank, Emanuelle's pimp
* Giuseppe Curia plays Emanuelle's first client
* Bruno Romagnoli plays Emanuelle's second client
* Carmine Zarrillo plays the second client's friend
* Yiorgos Delernos plays George the porn producer (body doubled for hardcore)
* Ernest Menzer, non-sex, plays Alfred, Emanuelle's admirer
* Mike Monty plays the porn actor (non-sex cameo, body doubled by Giuseppe Curia in hardcore footage)
Spanish Fly
51:50 m
Spanish Fly (1985)
Also Known As
- La Corrida charnelle
- Malisa, Elisa, et le taureau
Scene 1. Jennifer Haussmann, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 2. brun, guy
Scene 3. brun, Unknown Male 213338
Scene 4. Jennifer Haussmann, guy
Scene 5. brun, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. Laura May, Sophie Pressle, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Elena Munoz
Scene 8. Laura May, Sophie Pressle, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 9. brun, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 10. Cathy Menard, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 11. brun, faceless girl, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 12. brun, Gabriel Pontello
Supergirls for Love (1983)
84:51 m
Supergirls For Love (1983)
- Released: 1983
- Director: Walter Molitor (Moli)
Alternate Titles
- Supergirls for Love
- Supergirls in 3D
Angie Marston plays the shop assistant
Carmen Chevalier
Margit Ojetz non h/c
Marianne Wäckerle
Olinka Hardiman
Simone Graf
XNK4575 non-sex
XNK4576 non-sex
Peter Bond
Siggi Buchner
Gerard Luig
Werner Singh
Burning Snow ...(Vintage Movie) F70
22:21 m
Marilyn-Burning Snow (1983)
1:28:21 m
Burning Snow (1983)
Also Known As
- Marilyn Burning Snow (German release by Herzog)
- Neiges brûlantes (original French release by Alpha France)
- Christian Filip (Credited: Anthony Debray)
- Evelyne Lang
- Gabriel Pontello
- Gerard Gregory
- Michelle Villers
- Olinka
- Olivia Flores
L'Amour Aux Sports D'Hiver
84:52 m
Wild und Unersattlich... (Vintage Movie) F70
101:18 m
White Heat (1981)
Also Known As
* L'Amour aux sports d'hiver (original French release)
* Marilyn - Wild Und Unersattlich
* Sex on the Ski Slopes
Scene 1. Olinka Hardiman, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 2. Claudie, Olinka Hardiman
Scene 3. Claudie, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 4. Olinka Hardiman, Dany Berger
Scene 5. Claudie, Martina Alberti, Mika Barthel, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. Claudie, Martina Alberti, Mika Barthel, Dany Berger, Gabriel Pontelloi
Scene 9. Martina Alberti, Olinka Hardiman, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 10. Claudie, Mika Barthel, Dany Berger
Dans Le Chaleur De St Tropez (1981)
73:42 m
Dans la chaleur de St-Tropez DVD available
- Released: 1981
- Director: Gérard Kikoïne
- Notes: DVD Blue One with Adorable Lola
Alternate Titles
- Attention fillettes! original title
- Die Mädchen von St. Tropez West Germany
- Le Ragazze di St. Tropez Italy
- Saint Tropez
- Les Vacances amoureuses de Karine
- Cathy Ménard uncredited, plays a porn actress, girl in sand scene
- Elodie Delage as Vera Delaisse in some versions, Veronica Celes in others
- Marilyn Jess
- Mika Barthel as Mica or as Myka (Jobert), Marilyn Jess's friend
- Olinka Hardiman as Olinka Massloff in German release, plays a porn actress
Jean-Pierre Armand plays a porn actor
Alban Ceray plays a porn director
Olivier Mathot plays Marilyn Jess's father
unidentified female plays Marilyn Jess's mother
unidentified brunette?
Gil Lagardère
Piotr Stanislas
blog Cathy Menard https://de.xhamster.com/posts/462662
blog Marilyn Jess https://de.xhamster.com/posts/510419
blog Piotr Stanislas https://de.xhamster.com/posts/572104
Je T Offre Mon Corps
84:36 m
Take My Body
93:52 m
Take My Body (1984)
Also Known As
- Je t'offre mon corps (original French title)
Scene 1. Olinka, Eric Dray
Scene 2. Cathy Menard, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 4. Cathy Menard, Olinka
Scene 5. Cathy Menard, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. Olinka, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 7. Olinka
Scene 8. Laura Clair, Gabriel Pontello, Patrick Marin
Scene 9. Diane Suresne, Cathy Menard, Laura Clair, Mascha Mouton, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello, guy, John Oury, Patrick Marin
Scene 10. Olinka, Eric Dray
blog Cathy Menard https://de.xhamster.com/posts/462662
Nurses Of Pleasure (1985) FULL VINTAGE MOVIE
88:49 m
Le cauchemar de Manuela (1981) Full Movie
118:43 m
Melodie pour Manuella (1981)
Also Known As
Marilyn - Bizarre Begierden (German version released by Mike Hunter)
Scene 1. 2 brun, Cathy Stewart, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello, John Oury, Marc Winandy, Piotr Stanislas
Scene 2. Olinka, John Oury
Scene 3. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 4. brun, Cathy Stewart, Marilyn Jess, Mika Barthel, Olinka, Andre Kay, Jacques Marbeuf, John Oury
Scene 5. Olinka
Scene 6. Catherine Ringer, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Olinka, Guilehm Causse
Scene 8. Catherine Ringer, Guy Berardant
Scene 9. Catherine Ringer, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello, Guy Berardant
blog Marilyn Jess https://de.xhamster.com/posts/510419
Orgies Revolutionnaires (1983) with Olinka Hardiman
52:48 m
Revolution (1983)
Also Known As
- Bourgeoises à soldats, soumises et défoncées (original French title)
- Orgies revolutionnaires
Scene 1. l****a Praho, Unknown Male 213338
Scene 2. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Jennifer Haussmann, l****a Praho, Unknown Male 213338
Scene 4. Jennifer Haussmann, 2 guys
Scene 5. l****a Praho, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. brun, Jennifer Haussmann
Scene 7. brun, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. Jennifer Haussmann, Gabriel Pontello
Infirmieres du plaisir (1985)
88:57 m
Infirmières du plaisir
Alternate Titles
- Bizarre Marilyn Mike Hunter on-screen title
- Il Fiore sulla carne Italy, video title
- Marilyn bizarre Herrin 1985? Mike Hunter cover title
- Scandalosa Olinka
- Arlene Cardin archive footage
- Cathy Ménard uncredited, sex only in archive footage
- Dominique Saint Claire uncredited, non-sex
- Evelyne Lang archive footage?
- Laura Clair uncredited, non-sex
- Maggy Follet probably as Victoria k**d
- Marianne Aubert uncredited, sex only in archive footage
- Marilyn Jess archive footage
- Olinka Hardiman
- XNK0563
Males -
- Christophe Clark
- Jean-Pierre Armand, archive footage
- Antony Ray, archive footage
- Gabriel Pontello, archive footage
blog Jean-Pierre Armand https://de.xhamster.com/posts/457124
French Classic
79:58 m
Call Girl (1982)
Also Known As
- Hetaste Liggen (Swedish original title, SEVP)
Scene 1. Obaya Roberts, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 2. Obaya Roberts, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Patricia Santos, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 4. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 5. Obaya Roberts
Scene 6. Olinka, Obaya Roberts, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. Helene Shirley, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 9. Olinka, Dany Berger
Scene 10. Cathy Menard, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 11. Cathy Menard, girl, Olinka, Dany Berger, Dominique St. Clair, guy
Scene 12. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 13. Helene Shirley, guy
Scene 14. Helene Shirley, Patricia Santos, Piotr Stanislas
Scene 15. Olinka, Alban Ceray, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 16. Olinka, Dominique Aveline
Scene 17. Helene Shirley, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 18. girl, Marianne Aubert, Olinka, Dominique Aveline, guy, Richard Lemieuvre
blog Richard Lemieuvre https://de.xhamster.com/posts/460545
blog Helene Shirley https://de.xhamster.com/posts/460557
Inside Olinka (1985)
88:41 m
FklLegendary Blonde
74:27 m
Inside Olinka (1984)
Also Known As
- Inside Marilyn (original German release by Atelier Film)
Scene 1. Olinka, Peter Schuster
Scene 2. Unknown Female 212602-A, Gerard Luig
Scene 3. Olinka, Peter Schuster
Scene 4. Olinka, Sandra Nova
Scene 5. Olinka, Peter Schuster
Scene 6. Unknown Female 212602-C, Peter Schuster
Scene 7. Olinka, Hans Kurt Preuss
Scene 8. Olinka, Veronica Moser, Hans Kurt Preuss
Scene 9. Britta Stine, Olinka
Scene 10. Unknown Female 212602-D, Olinka, Siggi Buchner
Scene 11. Unknown Female 212602-D, Unknown Female 212602-E, Karine Hornel, Patricia Pasquale, Sandra Nova, others
Scene 12. Unknown Female 212602-D, Unknown Female 212602-E, Karine Hornel, Olinka, Patricia Pasquale, Sandra Nova, Hans Kurt Preuss, others, Siggi Buchner
Patricia Pasquale https://xhamster.com/my/favorites/videos/5fc7bf6a6e7415223f76c70c-patricia-pasquale-french
Olinka, Goddess of Love (1985)
77:44 m
Olinka Goddess of Love (1985)
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 2. Olinka, Eric Dray
Scene 3. Olinka, Piotr Stanislas
Scene 4. Olinka, Unknown Female 213318, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 5. Claudie, Olinka
Scene 6. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Nathalie Ivozevitch, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. Nathalie Ivozevitch, Olinka, Eric Dray
Scene 9. Nathalie Ivozevitch, Olinka
Scene 10. Isabelle, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 11. Martina Alberti, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 12. Claudie, Mika Barthel, Dany Berger
Scene 13. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 14. Olinka, Dany Berger
Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femmes - 1982
70:56 m
Jailhouse Sex (1982)
Also Known As
- prison tres speciales pour femmes
- Prison très spéciales pour femmes (original French title)
Scene 1. Olinka, Peter Kwapinski
Scene 2. Christine Black, girl
Scene 3. Lise Pinson, guy
Scene 4. France Raygil, Andre Kay, guy
Scene 5. Olinka, guy
Scene 6. Monique Carrère, Olinka
Scene 7. girl, Lise Pinson, Hubert Geral, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 8. Monique Carrère, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 9. Mika Barthel, Hubert Geral, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 10. France Raygil, Monique Carrère
Scene 11. Christine Black, France Raygil, girl
Scene 12. girl, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 13. girl, Olinka, 2 guys
Scene 14. Christine Black, France Raygil, Gabriel Pontello, Jean-Pierre Armand
blog Women in Prison https://de.xhamster.com/posts/550991
L inconnue 1982 Olinka Hardiman Catherine Ringer Cathy Menard Eli
1:18:53 m
Inconnue (1982)
Also Known As
- Tiefe Öffnungen (German release by Videorama)
Scene 1. Catherine Ringer, Faceless Guy
Scene 2. Marie-Christine Veroda, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Elisabeth Buré, France Raygil
Scene 4. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 5. Catherine Ringer, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 6. Cathy Menard, Gabriel Pontello
blog Elisabeth Bure https://de.xhamster.com/posts/536539
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L'Été les petites culottes s'envolent
83:27 m
Blondes Like it Hot (1983)
Also Known As
- L'Initiation de Rosalie
- Marilyn - Heisse Körper in höchster Lust (German release by Herzog)
- Rosalie se découvre (original French title)
Scene 1. Olinka, Andre Kay
Scene 2. Patricia Bouvier, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Agnes Ardant
Scene 4. Agnes Ardant, Sylvain Mander
Scene 5. Michelle Villers, Olinka
Scene 6. Dominique Saint Claire, Andre Kay
Scene 7. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. Agnes Ardant, Dominique Saint Claire, Michelle Villers, Patricia Bouvier, Sophie Pressle, Andre Kay, Gabriel Pontello, guy, Sylvain Mander
Scene 9. Olinka, Andre Kay
Marilyn auf Achse
1:47:24 m
Mobilehome Girls (1985)
Also Known As
* Jouissances à domicile
* Marilyn - Scharfe Girls auf Achse (German release by Herzog)
* Take Me!
Scene 1. Elinia Martinelli, Maria Granada, Olinka Hardiman, Marianne Aubert, Gerard Gregory, Patrick Marin, Piotr Stanislas
Scene 2. Francoise, Maria Granada
Scene 3. Francoise, Andre Kay
Scene 4. Francoise, Olinka Hardiman, Eric Dray
Scene 5. Laura Clair, John Oury
Scene 6. Francoise, Maria Granada, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Marianne Aubert, Pierre Buisson
Scene 8. Francoise, Maria Granada, Olinka Hardiman, Andre Kay, Eric Dray, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 9. Marianne Aubert, Pierre Buisson
The Story of Marilyn 1 (1986)
1:35:56 m
The Story of Marilyn Part 1
* Releaed: 1986
* Director: José Bénazéraf
* Notes: VTO, a re-edit of several one-hour Bénazéraf videos featuring Olinka into a 90-minute video with a fairly coherent story
* Carole Pierac
* Elena Muñoz
* Eva Kleber
* Jennifer Haussmann
* Nathalie Idoux
* Olinka Hardiman
Vault Classics 219
1:24:59 m
L'Été les petites culottes s'envolent
- Released: 1984
- Director: Michel Lemoine as Michel Leblanc
Alternate Titles
* Blondes Like It Hot may be a mis-attribution, the European English title, or the title of the soft version
* Flying Skirts
* Marilyn - Ein Sommer voller Leidenschaft DVD available Herzog 1 hr 24 mins
* Prenez moi! video title
* Ein Sommer voller Leidenschaft West Germany
* Ungezähmte Marilyn
- Dominique Saint Claire uncredited, plays Hugo's wife
- Nathalie Idoux possibly as Esther Allen (German release), possibly as Fabienne Ernst in some versions, plays Bridget
- Olinka Hardiman plays Laura
- Sophie Pressle probably as Sophie Zillers, plays Chloe
Males -
- John Oury plays Hugo
- Christophe Clark plays the lover of Hugo's wife
- Gabriel Pontello plays a drifter helped by Bridget
- the farmer
1:06:14 m
Desiderio bestiale (1987)
Also Known As
* Lo stallone di Marina e Karin
* Ninfomania anale
* Un desiderio bestiale
* Una chiavata bestiale
Scene 1. Marina Hedman, Rocco Siffredi
Scene 2. Cathy Menard, Olinka Hardiman, Christoph Clark, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 3. Cathy Menard, Christoph Clark, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 4. Rosa Indelicato, Roberto Malone
Scene 5. Olinka Hardiman, Christoph Clark, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 6. Danny Herbelin, Valerie St. Cloud, Christoph Clark
Scene 7. Danny Herbelin, Marina Hedman, Rosa Indelicato, Christoph Clark, Roberto Malone, Rocco Siffredi
Rocco Siffredi https://xhamster.com/posts/386641
Christoph Clark https://de.xhamster.com/pornstars/christoph-clark
Roberto Malone https://xhamster.com/posts/349224
Cathy Menard https://xhamster.com/posts/462662
OLINKA HARDIMAN aka MARILYN https://xhamster.com/posts/652253
Marina Hedman or Marina Lotar https://xhamster.com/posts/698573
Marina Lotar Olinka Hardiman Cathy Menard
6:40 m
blog Cathy Menard https://de.xhamster.com/posts/462662
House Of 1001 Pleasures - 1984 (Restored)
64:39 m
House of 1001 Pleasures (1984)
Also Known As
- La Maison des milles et un plaisirs (original French title)
Scene 1. Diane Suresne, Laura Clair, Alban Ceray
Scene 2. Dominique Saint Claire, Olinka
Scene 3. Olinka, Alban Ceray
Scene 4. Dominique Saint Claire, Gerard Gregory, guy
Scene 5. 2 girls, Diane Suresne, Marianne Aubert, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. Olinka, Andre Kay
Scene 7. 4 girls, Diane Suresne, Dominique Saint Claire, 4 guys, Alban Ceray, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. 2 girls, guy
Scene 9. Olinka, Andre Kay
blog Dominique Saint Claire https://de.xhamster.com/posts/667631
Marilyn Dazzles in Outrageous 80's Anal and DP Orgy! Part 2.
9:36 m
OLINKA Classiker
19:47 m
Olinka + Catherine
37:49 m
Olinka Classic (1984) Full Movie
79:03 m
Catherine Ringer in 'World Sex Festival' - full movie
79:42 m
Porno Race (1985)
Also Known As
- Marilyn - European Sex Games
Scene 1. Catherine Ringer, Marie-Christine Chireix, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai, Alain L'Yle, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust, Unknown Male 229688-B
Scene 2. Unknown Female 229688-B, Unknown Male 229688-C, Unknown Male 229688-D
Scene 3. Diana Scott
Scene 4. Unknown Female 229688-C, Claude Vole
Scene 5. Catherine Ringer, Marie-Christine Chireix, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai, Alain L'Yle, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust
Scene 6. Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Terry Lai, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust
Scene 7. Dominique Saint Claire, Nathalie Ivozevitch, Unknown Male 229688-A
Scene 8. Diane Suresne, Eric Dray
Scene 9. Dominique Saint Claire, Nathalie Ivozevitch, Diane Suresne, Jennifer Haussmann
Scene 10. Catherine Ringer, Marie-Christine Chireix, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai
Scene 11. Marie-Christine Chireix, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 12. Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai, Alain L'Yle, John King, Jérôme Proust
Scene 13. Dominique Saint Claire, Nathalie Ivozevitch, Unknown Female 229688-A, Dick Rambone, Rolf Fornstam, Unknown Male 229688-A
Scene 14. Unknown Female 229688-D
Scene 15. Cathy Stewart, Dominique Irissou
Scene 16. Catherine Ringer, Marie-Christine Chireix, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Alain L'Yle, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust, Unknown Male 229688-E, Unknown Male 229688-F
Scene 17. Nathalie Ivozevitch, Diane Suresne, Jennifer Haussmann, Unknown Female 229688-A, Eric Dray, Patrick Marin, Rolf Fornstam, Unknown Male 229688-A
Scene 18. Olinka, Dominique Aveline, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 19. Catherine Ringer, Olinka, Nelly Bergman, Patricia Bouvier, Terry Lai, Claude Vole, John King, Jérôme Proust, Unknown Male 229688-F
Scene 20. Dominique Saint Claire, Nathalie Ivozevitch, Diane Suresne, Jennifer Haussmann, Unknown Female 229688-A, Eric Dray, Patrick Marin, Rolf Fornstam, Unknown Male 229688-A
blog Caherine Ringer https://de.xhamster.com/posts/455068
Emmanuelle goes to Cannes
74:19 m
Emmanuelle à Cannes
- Released: 1980
- Director: Jean-Marie Pallardy as Boris Pradlay
Alternate Titles
- The Elementary Stud
- Emanuelle Goes to Cannes
- Marilyn geht nach Cannes
- Olinka Hardiman plays Emanuelle/Marylin (body doubled in three scenes)
- Sabrina Mastrolorenzi plays Jenny
- XNK3584 plays Linda, the film director (non-sex, body doubled by Sabrina Mastrolorenzi for the lez scene)
* Gabriel Pontello plays Frank, Emanuelle's pimp
* Giuseppe Curia plays Emanuelle's first client
* Bruno Romagnoli plays Emanuelle's second client
* Carmine Zarrillo plays the second client's friend
* Yiorgos Delernos plays George the porn producer (body doubled for hardcore)
* Ernest Menzer, non-sex, plays Alfred, Emanuelle's admirer
* Mike Monty plays the porn actor (non-sex cameo, body doubled by Giuseppe Curia in hardcore footage)
Spanish Fly
51:50 m
Spanish Fly (1985)
Also Known As
- La Corrida charnelle
- Malisa, Elisa, et le taureau
Scene 1. Jennifer Haussmann, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 2. brun, guy
Scene 3. brun, Unknown Male 213338
Scene 4. Jennifer Haussmann, guy
Scene 5. brun, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. Laura May, Sophie Pressle, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Elena Munoz
Scene 8. Laura May, Sophie Pressle, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 9. brun, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 10. Cathy Menard, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 11. brun, faceless girl, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 12. brun, Gabriel Pontello
Supergirls for Love (1983)
84:51 m
Supergirls For Love (1983)
- Released: 1983
- Director: Walter Molitor (Moli)
Alternate Titles
- Supergirls for Love
- Supergirls in 3D
Angie Marston plays the shop assistant
Carmen Chevalier
Margit Ojetz non h/c
Marianne Wäckerle
Olinka Hardiman
Simone Graf
XNK4575 non-sex
XNK4576 non-sex
Peter Bond
Siggi Buchner
Gerard Luig
Werner Singh
Burning Snow ...(Vintage Movie) F70
22:21 m
Marilyn-Burning Snow (1983)
1:28:21 m
Burning Snow (1983)
Also Known As
- Marilyn Burning Snow (German release by Herzog)
- Neiges brûlantes (original French release by Alpha France)
- Christian Filip (Credited: Anthony Debray)
- Evelyne Lang
- Gabriel Pontello
- Gerard Gregory
- Michelle Villers
- Olinka
- Olivia Flores
L'Amour Aux Sports D'Hiver
84:52 m
Wild und Unersattlich... (Vintage Movie) F70
101:18 m
White Heat (1981)
Also Known As
* L'Amour aux sports d'hiver (original French release)
* Marilyn - Wild Und Unersattlich
* Sex on the Ski Slopes
Scene 1. Olinka Hardiman, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 2. Claudie, Olinka Hardiman
Scene 3. Claudie, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 4. Olinka Hardiman, Dany Berger
Scene 5. Claudie, Martina Alberti, Mika Barthel, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. Claudie, Martina Alberti, Mika Barthel, Dany Berger, Gabriel Pontelloi
Scene 9. Martina Alberti, Olinka Hardiman, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 10. Claudie, Mika Barthel, Dany Berger
Dans Le Chaleur De St Tropez (1981)
73:42 m
Dans la chaleur de St-Tropez DVD available
- Released: 1981
- Director: Gérard Kikoïne
- Notes: DVD Blue One with Adorable Lola
Alternate Titles
- Attention fillettes! original title
- Die Mädchen von St. Tropez West Germany
- Le Ragazze di St. Tropez Italy
- Saint Tropez
- Les Vacances amoureuses de Karine
- Cathy Ménard uncredited, plays a porn actress, girl in sand scene
- Elodie Delage as Vera Delaisse in some versions, Veronica Celes in others
- Marilyn Jess
- Mika Barthel as Mica or as Myka (Jobert), Marilyn Jess's friend
- Olinka Hardiman as Olinka Massloff in German release, plays a porn actress
Jean-Pierre Armand plays a porn actor
Alban Ceray plays a porn director
Olivier Mathot plays Marilyn Jess's father
unidentified female plays Marilyn Jess's mother
unidentified brunette?
Gil Lagardère
Piotr Stanislas
blog Cathy Menard https://de.xhamster.com/posts/462662
blog Marilyn Jess https://de.xhamster.com/posts/510419
blog Piotr Stanislas https://de.xhamster.com/posts/572104
Je T Offre Mon Corps
84:36 m
Take My Body
93:52 m
Take My Body (1984)
Also Known As
- Je t'offre mon corps (original French title)
Scene 1. Olinka, Eric Dray
Scene 2. Cathy Menard, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 4. Cathy Menard, Olinka
Scene 5. Cathy Menard, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. Olinka, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 7. Olinka
Scene 8. Laura Clair, Gabriel Pontello, Patrick Marin
Scene 9. Diane Suresne, Cathy Menard, Laura Clair, Mascha Mouton, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello, guy, John Oury, Patrick Marin
Scene 10. Olinka, Eric Dray
blog Cathy Menard https://de.xhamster.com/posts/462662
Nurses Of Pleasure (1985) FULL VINTAGE MOVIE
88:49 m
Le cauchemar de Manuela (1981) Full Movie
118:43 m
Melodie pour Manuella (1981)
Also Known As
Marilyn - Bizarre Begierden (German version released by Mike Hunter)
Scene 1. 2 brun, Cathy Stewart, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello, John Oury, Marc Winandy, Piotr Stanislas
Scene 2. Olinka, John Oury
Scene 3. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 4. brun, Cathy Stewart, Marilyn Jess, Mika Barthel, Olinka, Andre Kay, Jacques Marbeuf, John Oury
Scene 5. Olinka
Scene 6. Catherine Ringer, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Olinka, Guilehm Causse
Scene 8. Catherine Ringer, Guy Berardant
Scene 9. Catherine Ringer, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello, Guy Berardant
blog Marilyn Jess https://de.xhamster.com/posts/510419
Orgies Revolutionnaires (1983) with Olinka Hardiman
52:48 m
Revolution (1983)
Also Known As
- Bourgeoises à soldats, soumises et défoncées (original French title)
- Orgies revolutionnaires
Scene 1. l****a Praho, Unknown Male 213338
Scene 2. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Jennifer Haussmann, l****a Praho, Unknown Male 213338
Scene 4. Jennifer Haussmann, 2 guys
Scene 5. l****a Praho, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 6. brun, Jennifer Haussmann
Scene 7. brun, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. Jennifer Haussmann, Gabriel Pontello
Infirmieres du plaisir (1985)
88:57 m
Infirmières du plaisir
Alternate Titles
- Bizarre Marilyn Mike Hunter on-screen title
- Il Fiore sulla carne Italy, video title
- Marilyn bizarre Herrin 1985? Mike Hunter cover title
- Scandalosa Olinka
- Arlene Cardin archive footage
- Cathy Ménard uncredited, sex only in archive footage
- Dominique Saint Claire uncredited, non-sex
- Evelyne Lang archive footage?
- Laura Clair uncredited, non-sex
- Maggy Follet probably as Victoria k**d
- Marianne Aubert uncredited, sex only in archive footage
- Marilyn Jess archive footage
- Olinka Hardiman
- XNK0563
Males -
- Christophe Clark
- Jean-Pierre Armand, archive footage
- Antony Ray, archive footage
- Gabriel Pontello, archive footage
blog Jean-Pierre Armand https://de.xhamster.com/posts/457124
French Classic
79:58 m
Call Girl (1982)
Also Known As
- Hetaste Liggen (Swedish original title, SEVP)
Scene 1. Obaya Roberts, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 2. Obaya Roberts, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Patricia Santos, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 4. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 5. Obaya Roberts
Scene 6. Olinka, Obaya Roberts, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. Helene Shirley, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 9. Olinka, Dany Berger
Scene 10. Cathy Menard, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 11. Cathy Menard, girl, Olinka, Dany Berger, Dominique St. Clair, guy
Scene 12. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 13. Helene Shirley, guy
Scene 14. Helene Shirley, Patricia Santos, Piotr Stanislas
Scene 15. Olinka, Alban Ceray, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 16. Olinka, Dominique Aveline
Scene 17. Helene Shirley, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 18. girl, Marianne Aubert, Olinka, Dominique Aveline, guy, Richard Lemieuvre
blog Richard Lemieuvre https://de.xhamster.com/posts/460545
blog Helene Shirley https://de.xhamster.com/posts/460557
Inside Olinka (1985)
88:41 m
FklLegendary Blonde
74:27 m
Inside Olinka (1984)
Also Known As
- Inside Marilyn (original German release by Atelier Film)
Scene 1. Olinka, Peter Schuster
Scene 2. Unknown Female 212602-A, Gerard Luig
Scene 3. Olinka, Peter Schuster
Scene 4. Olinka, Sandra Nova
Scene 5. Olinka, Peter Schuster
Scene 6. Unknown Female 212602-C, Peter Schuster
Scene 7. Olinka, Hans Kurt Preuss
Scene 8. Olinka, Veronica Moser, Hans Kurt Preuss
Scene 9. Britta Stine, Olinka
Scene 10. Unknown Female 212602-D, Olinka, Siggi Buchner
Scene 11. Unknown Female 212602-D, Unknown Female 212602-E, Karine Hornel, Patricia Pasquale, Sandra Nova, others
Scene 12. Unknown Female 212602-D, Unknown Female 212602-E, Karine Hornel, Olinka, Patricia Pasquale, Sandra Nova, Hans Kurt Preuss, others, Siggi Buchner
Patricia Pasquale https://xhamster.com/my/favorites/videos/5fc7bf6a6e7415223f76c70c-patricia-pasquale-french
Olinka, Goddess of Love (1985)
77:44 m
Olinka Goddess of Love (1985)
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 2. Olinka, Eric Dray
Scene 3. Olinka, Piotr Stanislas
Scene 4. Olinka, Unknown Female 213318, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 5. Claudie, Olinka
Scene 6. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 7. Nathalie Ivozevitch, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 8. Nathalie Ivozevitch, Olinka, Eric Dray
Scene 9. Nathalie Ivozevitch, Olinka
Scene 10. Isabelle, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 11. Martina Alberti, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 12. Claudie, Mika Barthel, Dany Berger
Scene 13. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 14. Olinka, Dany Berger
Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femmes - 1982
70:56 m
Jailhouse Sex (1982)
Also Known As
- prison tres speciales pour femmes
- Prison très spéciales pour femmes (original French title)
Scene 1. Olinka, Peter Kwapinski
Scene 2. Christine Black, girl
Scene 3. Lise Pinson, guy
Scene 4. France Raygil, Andre Kay, guy
Scene 5. Olinka, guy
Scene 6. Monique Carrère, Olinka
Scene 7. girl, Lise Pinson, Hubert Geral, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 8. Monique Carrère, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 9. Mika Barthel, Hubert Geral, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 10. France Raygil, Monique Carrère
Scene 11. Christine Black, France Raygil, girl
Scene 12. girl, Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 13. girl, Olinka, 2 guys
Scene 14. Christine Black, France Raygil, Gabriel Pontello, Jean-Pierre Armand
blog Women in Prison https://de.xhamster.com/posts/550991
L inconnue 1982 Olinka Hardiman Catherine Ringer Cathy Menard Eli
1:18:53 m
Inconnue (1982)
Also Known As
- Tiefe Öffnungen (German release by Videorama)
Scene 1. Catherine Ringer, Faceless Guy
Scene 2. Marie-Christine Veroda, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Elisabeth Buré, France Raygil
Scene 4. Olinka, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 5. Catherine Ringer, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 6. Cathy Menard, Gabriel Pontello
blog Elisabeth Bure https://de.xhamster.com/posts/536539
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Legendary Blonde
74:27 m
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Marina Lotar Olinka Hardiman Cathy Menard
6:40 m
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OLINKA Classiker
19:47 m