Please help, friends; need 2 contact XRMXX ASAP

First of all, thank you for reading this, thank you for being our friend here, and thank you for all of your great comments and support here regarding our self-made video clips and self-shot photos. This is not a life emergency, for sure, but it IS of tremendous importance to us here if we want to continue sharing our original content with you here on XRMXX.

We've had lots of folks steal our homemade videos and repost them, and that's not at all what I'm talking about here. In those cases, we were at least able to share our stuff with you, and you knew you could find it here. We always appreciate the folks who enjoy what we have to offer, so we had enough motivation to continue providing fresh product. Unless the new problem we encountered today is fixed, that won't be possible.

A shady XRMXX member with the handle t1000rowner (here's a link to this character's home page: ) literally stole the brand new video we were uploading today at some point DURING the upload. Immediately after the upload hit the 100% mark, we received the following message: "Error, nothing loaded." I figured there was some technical problem, so I went through the process again. This time, I received a "Duplicate" message, and the video wasn't accepted by XRMXX. Let me add that you won't be able to see our video on this clown's (t1000rowner) profile unless you're his "friend."

When I clicked on the little "additional information" marker, I was shown that t1000rowner had just posted the brand new clip that I had finished assembling earlier today, and that he had given it the title "Fun at home." We can't try again, because that will result in us receiving another "Duplicate" message. I can't seem to get in touch with XRMXX, because each time I try and send a message, I receive an e-mail to the effect that my message wasn't received.

Does anyone know of a more direct way to contact XRMXX, either via an e-mail address, phone number, or some sort of instant message? This t1000rowner character has figured out a way to steal videos WHILE they're being uploaded, which not only prevents people from sharing their new content at that point, but at ANY point. We're at a loss now as to what to do. We would very, very much appreciate any help you can offer us, as we'd like nothing more than to continue sharing our new video clips and photos with you. If we can't fix this new problem, that will be impossible. Thank you so much for reading this, and thank you for any assistance you can provide us. Take care. :-)

发布者 mrwelles
7 年 前
carlostompson 7 年 前
mrwelles : You're welcome. And of coure I'll enjoy your next videos! You may be sure of that!
回答 原始评论
mrwelles 出版商 7 年 前
carlostompson : Thank you for your help, Carlos. So someone stole one of your clips in a similar manner? I wonder what's going on. At least I was able to eventually reach XRMXX, and they told me they took care of the problem. They said they deleted the stolen clip, and they let me know that I should try to upload the video again. It's uploading right now, as I type this. I really appreciate the information you shared, and I also appreciate all your great comments. I hope the new ones is accepted properly this time. If it is, my next hope is that you'll enjoy it! :smile:
回答 原始评论
mrwelles 出版商 7 年 前
Thank you, my friend. :smile: The fashion in which our most recent personal creation was stolen was shocking, frankly. I was eventually able to reach XRMXX, and they told me that I should try and upload the video again. I'm doing that right now. Here's hoping! :smile:
mrwelles 出版商 7 年 前
Thank you, csx! We finally got in touch with XRMXX, and they told us to try and upload the video again. We'll see what happens.
mrwelles 出版商 7 年 前
alli69 : Thank you very much, alli. XRMXX told me they're helping me, and I'm uploading the video again now. We'll see if that works. I'm looking forward to satisfying your curiosity. The sex session in the clip was a hot one, indeed. :smile:
回答 原始评论
carlostompson 7 年 前
That is a problem that I had had some days ago when I tryed to upload a new video too. You can modify your video cutting some seconds from it and changed the title, so you're not going to have any problems when you upolad the video again. However you must report that thief user. In another web pages like xvideos, the steal of videos is even more common. The only difference is that thounsands of user may have the same videos with different names and the page doesn't reject new uploads.
alli69 7 年 前
Clearly an "inside" job, or a very sophisticated hack.
And here I'm curious about the new video...