XHamster User Personality Test (1)

Inbox me your answers,
Or post them here but remember there is a text maximum in these comment boxes

1. Do you have the sex life you truly desire?
2. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
3. What is your biggest regret in life so far?
4. If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be and why?
5. If money and career were no object, where in the world would you choose to live?
6. Do you fit into any stereotypes?
7. Have you ever been arrested?
8. Have you ever contracted any diseases?
9. If you could have any career possible, what would it be?
10. How would you describe yourself in three words?
11. If you inherited or won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
12. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
13. Which fictional character do you believe is the most like yourself?
14. Have you ever ejaculated inside a woman when she expected you to pull out?
15. What are you three weaknesses?
16. What is the youngest age you would be willing to have sexual relations with?
17. What are your life and career goals in 5, 10 and 15 years?
18. Did you vote for Brexit or to remain?
19. Would you ever be comfortable being faithful in a relationship?
20. Would you be open to your wife/girlfriend to have sex with other men in front of you ?
发布者 -Milf-
7 年 前
ghytgt 7 年 前
ive inboxed you
DarrenWay 7 年 前
haha check your inbox
abemuna 7 年 前
fun idea