My name is Cumdump and Im a slut
I'm a Slut
Hello, My name is Cumdump and I'm a slut. To most people those names would be an insult but to me they are empowering. Society deems girls who have a lot of sex to be sluts and cast shame on those girls but there is no shame in doing what you like. I take the power to shame me away from others by self labeling myself a slut and being proud of it. I own it and it is me.
By taking the name Cumdump I also empower myself. I earned my name and it makes me proud to take it as my name and title. Again society doesn't deem such names acceptable but by taking it and owning it,I'm empowering myself.
I was raised not to care what others think of me and I learned it well,I will not let society determine who I am and where I fit in. I want to have sex with lots of people and I want to be called by the name I earned and I don't give a damn what people think.
I will not call myself these things around famly simply out of respect for their comfort but that's solely because they are famly and much more important than the rest of society.
I am a slut and my name is Cumdump, I have other names and i'm happy to use them when needed but i still take my name with prideam.
I am me and I like me if you don't that's your problem not mine.
Hello, My name is Cumdump and I'm a slut. To most people those names would be an insult but to me they are empowering. Society deems girls who have a lot of sex to be sluts and cast shame on those girls but there is no shame in doing what you like. I take the power to shame me away from others by self labeling myself a slut and being proud of it. I own it and it is me.
By taking the name Cumdump I also empower myself. I earned my name and it makes me proud to take it as my name and title. Again society doesn't deem such names acceptable but by taking it and owning it,I'm empowering myself.
I was raised not to care what others think of me and I learned it well,I will not let society determine who I am and where I fit in. I want to have sex with lots of people and I want to be called by the name I earned and I don't give a damn what people think.
I will not call myself these things around famly simply out of respect for their comfort but that's solely because they are famly and much more important than the rest of society.
I am a slut and my name is Cumdump, I have other names and i'm happy to use them when needed but i still take my name with prideam.
I am me and I like me if you don't that's your problem not mine.
7 年 前