For Horny Andrea

1. Your Name: Richard
2. Age: 63
3. Favorite position (s)? Wrists and ankles tied widely spread. Ankles on your shoulders
4. Do you think I'm hot? Are you k**ing? Is the volcano hot?
5. Would you have sex with me? In an instant
6. Would you have to be drunk? Nope, Straight and horny works for me. You can be if you want.
7. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? The first time I saw you
8. Do you like cuddling afterwards? Sometimes, others no
9. Condom or skin? Skin Bareback is always best unless you like to drain condoms afteerward to savor the cum they contain
10. Do you give Oral pleasures? I think it is my best skill and women have told me so
11. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? Absolutely I love deep throat girls and throat fucks
12. Have sex on the first date? But of course!
13. Would you kiss me during sex? Yes All over and I mean ALL over.
14. Do you think I would be good in bed? Absolutely. Completely uninhibited I suspect
15. Three sum or maybe foursome? Yes the more the the eh merrier.
16. How many times would you like to cum? As many as I can. Probably at my age three is a very good session. The real goal is to have you cum as many times as posible
17. Spit or swallow? Spit my cum on my cock and balls then you can clean me up.
18. Do you like fore play? Yes foreplay to get the woman in a state of ecstasy and to keep her there as long as I can
19. Do you have any hot friends you want to fuck with? Yes several
20. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Yes
发布者 orcyclist948
7 年 前